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Everything posted by girl05
Yes and according to them its always anything but a vaccination reaction :rolleyes:
Im Almost Ready To Let Go..
girl05 replied to Joey Rocks My World's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I'm so sorry MSJ, I can understand what your going through. I had to put my little best friend to sleep in December when he suddenly got ill, it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do and go through, and the days, weeks, months following havn't got any easier for me,it hurts so much. I think about him all the time, he was such a big part of my life, it's just not fair when we lose our beloved fur babies. Rest in peace beautiful Jenna :rolleyes: -
Maybe it could be from a mild vaccination reaction?
So sorry to hear of your loss of your beloved friend. :rolleyes: It's not fair when we suddenly lose our special little friends that we love so much. Maggi Moo is probably playing with my little boy at Rainbows bridge now. Rip Maggie :rolleyes: My thoughts are with you.
Thanks Tassie,It's terrible and dosn't get any easier. Yes I've heard of some of those cases too, It's ridiculous. Would it have been okay for him to have been given rimadyl tablets(1/2 tab per day) in addition to: Norocarp Inj 50mg 20ml(injection) Baytril Injection 5% 50m Baytril 50mg tablets (for me to give 1/2 a tablet a day) Also does anyone know how long vets keep your pets records on their computer? Thanks
That's good that your dog pulled through. My dog was a little fighter, but unfortunately he couldn't fight what happened to him. His heart couldn't be fixed.He too was full of life then suddenly went downhill.
Broad Spectrum Anti-biotics and pain relief are generally the first step when dealing with vague symptoms. Proheart (whilst we hear all the bad stuff) has a very wide safety margin...one of my thoughts was that your dog may have had a heartworm infestation if you hadn't kept up his treatment continuously, any heartworm treatment can be dangerous given to a dog with an infestation of adult worms. They tend to die all at once and clog the main arteries restricting blood flow. In essence you will probably never know, it could be because of the injections, but it could be totally unrelated. As someone said to you in a previous thread, heart murmurs are difficult to hear and sometimes sound worse than other times. How long had it been since his last Vaccination? This is why 6mthly checks are good for older dogs in between their routine Vaccinations as alot can happen to an old dog in 12mths. Most dog owners don't realise there is any problem until the dog is coughing alot or has fluid in the lungs thus needing a cocktail of medications including dieuretics to get rid of the fluid. Mel. Hi Mel, He wasn't on any heartworm prevention. The vet did do a heartworm test before hand. She took my dog away and was gone for a while, we were wondering what was taking her so long and she said she clipped my dogs nails(even though they didn't need doing because I already done them myself)he wouldn't have liked that at all. The second vet wanted to put my dog on a drip the next day if he wasn't showing any signs of improvement. He had chest rads,blood test, and a ultra sound at the hospital His last vaccination was 11 months before the first vet visit. The rads showed mild heart enlargement & caudodorsal pulmonary odema bilation and some pleural effusion. He was put on dieuretics which helped get rid of the fluid. Re proheart- I also thought maybe the test could have been wrong, as I've read that cadiopulmonary signs eg- dysnea and coughing can occur in a hw positive dog treated with proheart. Also I would have liked to have been warned of possible adverse reactions/side effects, if I was told of these I would have changed my mind and definately not have agreed to the ph injection.I was assured it was "safe". I'm just not convinced that it was going to happen when it happened, your right unfortunately I'll probably never know.
Thanks Rex. Its heartbreaking :p , he was my little baby, and he didn't deserve to suffer. What happen to your girl is terrible, is she okay now? I have asked the hospital vet questions but whatever I seem to say I just get the same old reply "it couldn't have possibly happened from that" or "It was bound to happen" if it was bound to happen I'm not convinced it would have happened right after the vet visit. Even from the hospital vets I was told different things about what was wrong with my dog. I think after I started saying I was going to look into things I wasn't told everything and my phonecalls were not returned. We were not even given a proper report or shown any xrays/test results until I chased them up several times and requested copies of them.
Hi, We had to put my dog to sleep just over 2 months ago and I'm trying to get to the bottom of what happened, I'm just not convinced that what happened what going to happen. Heres a short version of what happened. My dog was fine until a vet vaccination visit where he received 2 vaccinations and a ph heartworm injection(for the 1st time)after that vet visit he wouldn't eat/drink, got very weak, depressed, etc We were very concerned,we took him back to vet and vet nurse looked at him said he would be fine and that it was normal for him not to eat/drink after vaccinations :p (vet wasn't available too see him-how convienient)We were not satisfied so we went to another vet practise to seek a second opinion- 2nd vet was very concerned and "thought "my dog had picked up a virus from the 1st vets. He gave my dog 2 injections and tablets-( baytril and rimadyl tablets) and told us if my dog wasn't showing any signs of improvment he would need to have blood work done and be put on a drip. The next day after the 1/2 rimadyl tab I woke up early to check on him as I was very worried about him- he was very ill -having trouble breathing, coughing, coughing up frothy fluid, very chesty, it was shocking.We took him to the animal hospital immediately.Diagnosis-heart problems. I think what initially happened to my dog was a result of the 1st vet visit and the vaccinations and injections (in particular proheart) and the 2nd vet visit didn't help him- After 1/2 rimadyl he got even worse. At the time I was very relieved that the 2nd vet was concerned about my dog, but now when I think about it,and after I have done some research I don't think he was very good at all. I don't think Rimadyl would have helped him. My dog was very sick and vet "thought" he had picked up a virus. He wasn't 100% sure what was wrong with him and yet he still gave him Rimadyl, he should have been cautious. My dog was very dehydrated and the vet knew this because he even told us himself.I have read that Rimadyl should not be given to a dehydrated dog so I can understand why he gave rimadyl tablets to my dog? Another thing-the second vet who gave rimadyl to my dog didn't even listen to my dogs heart. I've been told I should have received a information leaflet on rimadyl and I didn't, nor was I warned of any potential side effects for rimadyl or ph heartworm injection. What happened just dosn't seem right to me.
We were not warned of ANY possible side effects or reactions. The vet gave us 3 tablets (1/2) a tablet to be given per day in a small plastic seel bag and we were not given a information leaflet.
I understand how you are feeling. It's been just over 2 months since we had to put our little baby to sleep. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do and go through. It hasn't got any easier for me, I'm very heartbroken and upset. I miss him so much, I think about him all the time.;) (hugs)
Thanks, we were not warned of any side effects/reactions:mad Would you give rimadyl to a very sick dog?
Hi, Is this correct- Rimadyl should not be used in dogs that are dehydrated? Also is the vet suppose to warn you of any possible adverse reactions/side effects etc? Thank you.
I am very sorry to hear of your loss. Rip :rolleyes: :D
RIP :rolleyes:
Thank you everyone for your well wishes, though unfortunately we had to put my little boy to sleep a week ago. He was very very ill. It was the hardest most heartbreaking thing that I've ever had to do and go through. I miss him so much. I'm very upset and I'm having a hard time coming to terms with what suddenly happened to my little friend. It hurts so much. He was part of our family and very special to all of us. Rest in peace my precious friend. :D xxoo
Sorry to hear about your poor dog, its so sad what happens.How did you know it was time what signs was he showing? Thanks everyone for your thoughts and wishes, its so hard to deal with,his part of our family, his out little best friend.
Today we took him to the vet and he said my dog could only have weeks -months left. Initially before we went ahead with everything they told us he has a good chance and now this. Today we got told he has a ruptured chordae tendinae which makes things worse. My poor dog,theres nothing else we can do except keep giving him his medicine and hope he will last. we are so upset.
Today we took him to the vet and he said my dog could only have weeks -months left. Initially before we went ahead with everything they told us he has a good chance and now this. Today we got told he has a ruptured chordae tendinae which makes things worse. My poor dog we are so upset.
Hi, Has anyone had a dog that has been diagnosed with heart failure? If so how was your dog after you started giving it medication?What medication were they prescribed? My dog has to take 1 fortekor tablet in the morning and 1 quarter of a fluid tablet 3 times a day. My dog has been home since last thursday and he was eating at first,then each day he seems to have lost interest in his food, he was eating though only very little. He still is drinking water.Also this morning he vomitted out a little bit of yellowish frothy stuff. I have a vet appointment this afternoon.
The orginal vet listened to my dogs chest.Nothing was wrong with him before we took him there, if something was wrong with his heart how come she couldn't hear anything wrong? My dog is 11 and half yrs old, as said before he was fine before the original vet visit.He was healthy and happy. He had chest xrays, blood tests, heart ultrasound. He had lots of fluid on his lungs and they gave him an injection to help clear the fluid which helped.
Thanks for your response. Yes I am aware that any drugs can cause a reaction,though as you said it was more than 3 days and my dog still wasn't well and I was brushed off and told "he will be fine" I knew he wouldn't be thats why we went to seek a second opinion.The new vet was good except thinking back now he didn't listen to my dogs heart. I have no idea why he didn't. Finally at the animal hospital(the third place where we took him) they found out what was wrong with several tests. So much for the RSPCA telling me he will be"fine" he could have passed away if we didn't take him to the animal hospital!
Yes thats what I believe. I know its a serious accusation and unfortunately I can't prove it.
Update- My dog was very sick on sunday morning we took him to the animal hospital. My dog has has heart failure which is due to degeneration of the mitral valve in his heart. The signs came on suddenly as he ruptured a small band of muscle within the heart itself, thats why he was deterioating so quickly and not eating/drinking.This all happened after he had his vacinations on Monday(last wk)The doctor(vet) said it happened on the day of the vet visit when i got him vaccinated,something sparked it off for it to happen suddenly. Also the funny thing was the vet asked if he was tugged around the neck(we never pull my dog by his throat we are always very careful with him) maybe something happened when the vet took him away to test him for heartworm she could have grabbed him around the neck or something(ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOU NEVER LEAVE YOUR ANIMAL ALONE WITH THE VET I always watch him but she took him away to a back room and took ages taking his blood) Anyway now he has to take heart medication for the rest of his life. He came out of hospital on Tuesday,though we had to take him back on Wednesday morning as he was breathing heavy and having a bit of trouble breathing, he stayed overnight his back home today(his fluid medication was increased to an extra dose a day) I have to give him his heart medication once in the morning then give him 1 quarter of his fluid tablets 3 times a day at 8am,4pm,and12am. I can't believe whats happened, he was healthy and as happy as a puppy now this happens. Its so heartbreaking. His eating and drinking, his medication makes him really thirsty.