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crazy beagle lady

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Everything posted by crazy beagle lady

  1. Girls... you will love the instructor in Begg 5 :rolleyes: sooo very friendly, lots of help etc. If it stays as hot as it is i wont be there- i wont put my boys in the car for a 40 min drive in this heat- air con in car is not the best and they will be a mess when we get there :rolleyes: its not fair to do that to them. If i was around the corner that would be a diffrent story :rolleyes:
  2. :rolleyes: always there usually... we will prob be in the back puppy area!!! :rolleyes:
  3. :rolleyes: shoemonster...dont worry bout your darling not behaving :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: you will see me a mile away! we go down an hr early to let them get the evil beagles out of their system, run around and have a great sniff- otherwise they wont sit still during class!!!!
  4. :D congrats shoemonster... see you in level 5 on wednesday
  5. I know exatcly where you are comming from... im the one @ my local park screaming NO and diving in front of my boy and another dogs poo while everyoneone @ the park just abouts :p and turn their head in disgust ok here is what i have done (as apparenlty its common in beagles and pet shop/puppy mill dogs as they havent had enough nutrients?)... alfafa sprouts, fresh pinneapple- only fresh: cut it up into small pieces and add to all your dogs food- the acidicity on the other side apparently dosent taste too good. you can also see your vet, they may recommend charchol tablets, i havent tried this yet but ive only heard good things about the results. personally i believe alfafa sprouts and constant poo pick ups work better than anything and perhaps ensuring they have enough nurtients in their daily diet before it becomes habit forming
  6. :rolleyes: shoemonster: love the name we are wednesday, class 5- and there are 2 handlers and 2 beagles!!!! both boys even though the little one looks like and gets called a girl we will be there next week- maybe this week if we can get out of work earlier enough?
  7. shoemonster: will look out for you we are wednesday night folk- finally made it the obediance level 5 (i know its only Beginners- but the beagle boys did it!!!) we actually went to 6 diffrent obediance clubs in melbourne looking for advice and the best training methods for beagles- we were laughged @ by 4 and told beagles will never pass obediance and another 2 told us the use of treats/motivation/rewards were not acceptable in their clubs :rolleyes: Went down to southern and wow- what a diffrence, we can use treats, the boys can go for a huge run before class in a fully enclosed area and the level of experience amongst the trainers in fantastic! Our favoirte trainer has raised hounds and every time she sees the boys go up a class she is almost as excited as we are big fan
  8. The beagles and i love southern, the trainers that i have worked with have been 100% to date, the grounds are open to members all year/week, day round, the aglity equipment is owned by the club (as are the grounds and club room), the puppy area and one agility are seprated from the rest of the grounds.we searched for months for the perfect place to take the beagles (one being the supreme escape artist) and travel 40 minutes each way to class every week. Since the beagles have started there 2 girls @ work have joined us each week and are as impressed as we are with their methods, the grounds and the facilities avaliable, have a look around, go to open days as everyone suggests- i cant give it a big enough wrap
  9. sorry... busy @ work... more details we use spray bottles filled with water, make sure the spray is not a fine mist... it just wont work spray the puppy everytime they jump up or to correct whatever behaviour it is that you dont want, make sure you are very firm with the no's and spraying them consistently until they understand- and they do quite quickly. she is still a young pup and testing her boundaries- make sure she knows that you are the boss
  10. so sorry to hear that she has gone and that you have all been through so much . You looked after her with all your heart and soul for the short time she was here: she is now no longer in pain, Hopefully one day soon when your ready you will be posting a new post full of happy tales.
  11. Fingers crossed for the little one- Glad to hear that she is going back for further tests. Hopefully you will have all the answers soon
  12. How is the littel one this morning? I hope you are getting the help that you all need and that most of all you are getting the answers to her problems and that she is on her to recovery
  13. Sorry to hear how sick the little one is, Have you contacted the breeder? How about a second opinion (maybe the hospital).
  14. Hi Anne, Hopefully Jakes ears will be fine- glad you got an app for tonight though, ear infections can be quite nasty if left untreated. Anyways Let us know how it goes Do jake and Murray groom each other? my boys groom each other like they are cats- and ever since the first bouts on ear infections and strating to use epiotic they havent had any reoccouring problems.
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