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crazy beagle lady

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Everything posted by crazy beagle lady

  1. congrats to all of you! Now my couch is still vacant waiting for her
  2. :p ;) :D im sure she would look great on a bed by my coonara, infact all 3 would! Hilary my dear, now i know that technically monkey has very strong ties to you but im happy to remove that pressure and once i bump andrew and erin off i shall keep the girls together God dammit woman, you'll try anything won't you! First the floods, now a speil on DOL! If my husband and I suddenly end up dead, you know who to send the police to. Tam gets my beagles in our will! haha. Except monkey, I think you'll have to fight Hilary for her. ;)
  3. it’s really simple...your either a beagle person or you’re not! There’s nothing in between :D They are AMAZING, There will never be another breed for me (other than the rest of the scent hound group!), they LOVE love, They love their humans, they are independent yet loving, life is generally on their terms but if you have a sense of humour and are able to look outside the square you will spend every day laughing with a beagle in it; they like to be paid to work (don’t we all) their payment can be offered in food, love or attention and if you pay in all 3 you have the right currency! They are NOT stupid, the only thing stupid about 90% of beagles that end up in rescue are their former owners who only purchased them because don burke said they were good with kids or because they looked good in a pet shop window/had to save them from the pet shop. Beagles are exceptionally clever, they love problems/puzzle solving, they can be taught to do just about anything if you put the time and effort in to them. My guys make me work as hard for them as they do for me. They are great to crate train, adaptable to take just about anywhere and open to experiencing most new environments! Exercising a beagle mentally as well as physically is easy as each new environment for them is a mind exercise as they engulf all the scents around them whole! They require mental stimulation as much as they do physical and it’s so much fun as they love working for their dinner and that means a tired beagle is a well behaved beagle! Our beagles love doing nothing more than hitting the yard, doing scent work and retiring to the couch to snore the evening away! Like any breed of puppy that you bring home if you are willing to put the time, effort and training into the beagle pup you will have a great dog. Yes they can be destructive BUT most cases of major destruction are because people leave them as a solo dog in their yards for 12+ hours a day. This breed like so many others is not designed to be solo, they are a pack dog and they thrive with their dog and human pack. They have opinions on the world which they sometimes like to share; they can suffer from selective deafness and have a love affair with food that can make most labs look tame! They can be prone to head down, bum up wandering behaviours but if you work with them they can be taught a reliable recall in the right circumstances (except for my evil beagle Charlie!), they love affection, attention but are also happy to take themselves off and do their own thing. They love to be involved with their humans and are generally fantastic with all other dogs etc Yes they hold the world championship titles for bench surfing, nicker/sock thieving and many will even convince you they haven’t been fed for weeks, they can manoeuvre through fencing at the speed of light and a open front door can be an invitation that most hound owners don’t want taken up BUT some of the best dogs I have ever met are beagles! Many of our families have gone above and beyond in their training and the results we see are amazing, they are as adaptable and eager as you encourage them to be. There are several beagle owners here on DOL who have done amazing work with their beagles too and it’s been great watching their progression. We have beagles who work at AQIS, Termite detection, origin energy, assistance/therapy dogs etc so don’t ever let anyone tell you they can’t be trained (that’s my pet hate). IMO hounds are best to be raised with cats/rabbits etc, keep in mind these are scent hounds and like any dog they do what they are bred to do I have NEVER had a dull, boring or uneventful day since I came home with my first beagles. They make me laugh every day and I for one won’t complain about the amount of times we roar with laughter at their daily antics! Younger beagles can have very high energy levels but if they are given the right amount of stimulation and have a like minded doggie friend of the same energy level they are easy to deal with. If you decide to get a beagle puppy I can only encourage you to train him/her from day 1, crate training, socialisation and general obedience will make a huge difference to surviving beagle puppyhood and teenage years! Older beagles are a gift from the heavens, until you have had the joy of one of the oldies you haven’t really lived! I find the girls are generally more independent than the boys and the boys more clown like and goofy. I have never met a tan and white that I haven’t wanted to steal (yes monkey, one day you will be mine!) and I really can’t tell you how amazing this breed is. My suggestion would be to spend time with some beagle people and their beagles; you will see we generally have a wicked sense of humour! If you are looking for a fun loving, independent, curious, occasionally wilful, clever, cloth eared couch loving comic then a beagle might just be for you! Ps the only thing better than 1 beagle is several beagles!
  4. Help required for 50 dogs in the kerang region and would need to be collected from Tongala We've just had a call for request for support for foster care for 50 dogs. The dogs were on a property this side of Kerang that has been flooded. It is feared 21 horses have been lost however 50 dogs hve been evacuated & are now needing foster care until the owner re establishes. The dogs range from beagles to st bernards. We are going to start a Register for those that can offer assistance and go from there. If you have a SECURE environment to offer fostercare for an undetermined period of time, please EMAIL US with your details [email protected] Pls note the dogs are not vaccinated but will be. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/no...172772826099713
  5. Noisy (i know your safe for now but if it changes) /Erin/Varicool/Hilaryo/Sara/greymate/mrs d and dag boy/huski or anyone else needing help we are on the other side of the country but are willing to help you get your guys down here (and take you too of course!) should you need us Just send a text for anything you need 0409 535 930
  6. Run free dear muzzy boy, it was a pleasure to have known you and a pleasure to witness your expert bench surfing skills on several occasions Thinking of you Anne
  7. This event is run by Oscars Law with many facets of Animal Welfare showing their support
  8. :D 2 evil beagles inside!!! If it makes you feel better my 13 year old beagle was on the kitchen table last night when i got in from work helping himself to several items
  9. Beagle Rescue Vic just wants to say a Huge Thanks to Shel, Vix, JB, Tash, Pedigree and everyone else that put together such a fantastic morning! We have just had our trainer and foster carers call in to say they had a fantastic morning and the reactions and attitudes of the general public was very positive. A special thanks to Jb for helping keep a very special baby puppy warm
  10. Thinking of you Run free Leo
  11. Beagles! At least 4 at anyone time Fox Hound (Both English and American) Harrier Irish Wolfhound Bloodhound Otterhound Coonhounds (Black & Tan, Bluetick, Redbone, Plott and Treeing Walkers)
  12. what a beautiful relationship you had with such a special boy, thinking of you through this time. Thanks for sharing him with us over the years
  13. I can see why you are keeping the 4 girls at the momment!!! Can i put in a order for the tri colour girl (her ears are just beautiful!) and the big Lemon girl!!! Congrats, they are just beautiful
  14. Hi Hilary, Yes thanks; a great Xmas and New Year, kept nice and busy with our own beagle babies I hope you all enjoyed Xmas/New Year too? So when shall I expect puppy #1 in my letterbox??!!! Sorry Tam, only just read the replies. Thanks for that! Hope you had a great Xmas and New Year.
  15. Thinking of you all, you know where we are if we can help with anything :)
  16. Im in love yet again! They are just beautiful and puppy #1 would look great at my place; actually just send them all! Merry Christmas Hilary
  17. Highly recommend puppy school with Underdog, we took our 3 rescue puppies earlier this year and i have to say we all learnt alot!!! The classes are above and beyond what the average vet classes include, well the many that i have been to anyway!
  18. Best Friends Holiday Retreat, Tarra Valley Victoria http://www.bestfriend.net.au/
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