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Keep in mind how big this tray is, the only other space with enough room (it's a small house) would be the dining area - somewhere I don't want a littler tray. Also the cat tends to throw the stuff around himself (little bugger). But thanks for the though.
That would do the trick - thx.
I can't put the tray anywhere else as this house is all carpet. But given me post just before this I think you might be on the money with cosy space.
Not really, as my single toilet is also off the laundry - don't want to have to step over a baby gate every time I go to the loo Get one with a gate that opens so you don't have to step over it. Yes, I have one of these across the laundry door - easy to use, a small cat door to allow them easy access and keeps the dogs from...well....snacking. As to why...no idea. What sort of bed options does he have now? Has he had a recent vet check? Sudden changes in behaviour can often indicate something physical going on. I have never seen a baby gate with a cat window. In my last house I used the side of a cot with one rail removed so the cat could get thru without jumping (did I mention he's a big cat? LOL). He usually sleeps on his bed in my room - or when I am at work on my bed or flat mates bed. I wonder if it is a nervous behaviour as this started on Greek Easter (I live down the road from a huge Greek Othrodox church) - and I know also sometimes fireworks is used though we didn't ear it (and it is discouraged by the Church). But that being said he did do this behaviour once before on a particularly hot day in summer back in Jan - despite ambient temp in other rooms being cooler because of aircon, at the time I though maybe he found lying on the litter cooler. But that does not match up with him doing it now when weather is much colder.
Not really, as my single toilet is also off the laundry - don't want to have to step over a baby gate every time I go to the loo
Well it's been a long time since I last visited this forum - had things to do, dogs to walk etc. However am now back as if anyone can offer me an idea on what the heck is going on with my Rough Collie it's the DOL forumites. My collie is 10 years old and has, just lately, decided the kitter litter tray is the perfect place for him. It's a large tray (actually an underbed storage container - the cat is a Maine Coon). Why he goes in there I have no idea, but it's driving me nuts as when he gets up he tracks litter all through the house. Any idea why suddenly a 10 year old dog would decided the litter tray is the place to be? Also, any tips on how to stop him?
It was throwing me for six too Natsu. Some further digging in the Act and we can now get him on this ridiculous "animal business" stuff - the Act has a number of definitions including this one and guess who has been giving us all this grief? Not the ranger at all, it's Council's "Bylaws Officer". The bloke needs to be sacked for incompetence!
Jules - clubs have a permit from council for use of park - but it was never up to council to grant exemptions about leash laws as it was covered by the State Act (which takes precedence). Jeesh - if clubs have to individually negotiate... and it is just not clubs affected. Think! A farmer cannot herd his flock across a public road without putting working dogs on leash.
Am reposting this in this forum as it is perhaps the more appropriate place to get the attention the matter deserves. The Domestic Animals Act in Victoria was amended in September 2010 - and while many of you will be aware of the more obvious worriesome changes to the legislation, there seems to be an even MORE worrying change that has gone unnoticed. That is, dogs undergoing obedience/agility training or trials, dogs retrieving, dogs herding livestock etc. are NO LONGER exempt from leash laws on public land. Yep - unless the public land is designated as off-leash, your dog must be leashed. There used to be a section (which I can no longer find) that pointed to section 20 as a list of circumstances in which dogs were exempt from local leash laws. That section I can no longer find. Section 20 now reads as merely an exemption from needing to wear council registration tags. This has come to light as our recently formed dog obedience/agility club (which basically is just a newly named club that has taken over from a club that has used the same park for years) has been told off my the local ranger for working dogs off lead in an on lead park. We pointed him to section 20 for the exemption, but he has now come back to us and not only said "that just means rego tags" but has also decided that, under the Act, we also must be registered as an "animal business". Perhaps I have gone blind and just can't find the relevant section that extended the list of circumstances in section 20 to leash laws - if so please point me in the right direction. But if this ranger is right this has SERIOUS consequences for any and all dog sport/training in Victoria that is conducted on public land.
are we the only ones who 'geddit' nat? will take your advice and start a new thread in sport section.