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Everything posted by Dimity

  1. For the first week we tried persistence, he was fed the dry food and nothing else, it was taken away after 20mins and returned at the next meal. After a vet check to make sure nothing was wrong medical wise and 7 days of eating nothing but grass we came to the conclusion persistence wasn't going to work. Since then we have tried mixing different thing like mince, sardines, eggs, into the dry and he eats but he eats everything but the dry to the point of when just egg is mixed in he will literally suck the egg off the dry food and then spit the dry food out into a pile next to his bowl (its really something to watch). He is loosing more weight and as he was 10kg underweight when we rescued him he cannot afford to lose any more. So the vet has suggested the dog roll. I have looked into feeding raw just today for him and I am very interested in it, but I am finding it awfully confusing as to what exactly to feed him I have spent the last 9 hours reading and I am more confused about raw feeding than when I started researching. I came across this website http://www.rawmeatybones.com/ so far it has been the least confusing of everything I have read but can a dog really survive on just raw meaty bones and just occasional table scraps? Based on the diet guide he would need 10-12kg of raw meaty bones a week (he should weigh between 50-55kg) he currently weighs 35kg. I know my butcher sells really cheap bulk chicken frames and lamb necks I've seen them on the shelves. Is there anything else I would need to add to his diet? After reading stuff about raw feeding and how complicated it all seems this diet just really seems to good to be true. Is it really that simple?
  2. Hey, Has anyone used Scotty's or Tucker Time dog rolls before? My vet has recommended them for Ralph to help him put on weight while I get him used to dry food. So far we have had no luck with getting him to eat dry food and my vet said to try one of those brands of rolls for 6-8 weeks to get some weight on him then to slowly reintroduce dry food, and if he still won't eat dry food to keep him on the dog roll (he said its a complete food) and make sure he gets extra bones to help with his teeth. I have always been very wary of dog roll because I know most of them out there are crap. The Scotty's one reads quite well but I don't know where to get info on Tucker time (its the one my vet really wants me to get) it reads good on the website but their website doesn't have a list of ingredients so that makes me wonder if it is actually good or just a bunch of good words but crap food. Has anyone used either of these brands and know if they are good? Does anyone know where I can get an ingredients list for Tucker Time and if it is any good? If I cannot get him to eat dry food after this, are these rolls alright to use full time? Thanks in advance Dimity
  3. Hi all, I have a new rescue dog who is 4 and a half (Mastiff x Dane) and while he does have a little obedience it isn't that great, and he's terrible on the lead. I have heard some terrible reports from people I know about different training clubs on the coast (misuse of halti's, forced use of halti's and yelling and screaming at dogs etc) so I am looking for a good one, does anyone know of any? The closer to Gosford the better as I have to rely on my Mum to drive me as I don't drive. Thanks in advance Dimity
  4. My boy absolutely hated the Hydrobath to start off with he would try to jump out and cry and whinge and was a huge sook for hours afterwards. After the first wash I was never going to do it to him again but in the end I persisted and now after 7 months of monthly or fortnightly baths he loves it. He also hated the dryer to start off with actually hyperventilated the first time but now the whole neighborhood can hear him howling his head off with a HUGE grin on his face in ecstasy as he gets his dry/massage. I would say to persist for a couple of times and if it doesn't get any better than find an alternative. if after 4-5 baths shes not getting any calmer then find something else that might work. Also one thing that has helped my boy was just before Sharon turns the water on she says 'water' then turns it on to bath him after a couple of times of doing that he then knew what was happening and it didn't freak him out as much because he was expecting it (i think it was more the noise than the actually water that freaked him out but once he knew it was about it happen because the 'water' was said he stopped freaking out). So if they don't do it already maybe ask them if they can use a word to prepare her so she knows whats coming. hope this helps Dimity
  5. I am wondering if anyone knows of a dog Chiropractor on the Central Coast in NSW? And how much they normally cost? I am looking for one to see about getting some help with my boys hips. Thanks in advance Dimity
  6. No they can't do that to me ;) Jasper has only been on Nutro Large Breed L & R for 4 weeks now and hes the healthiest hes ever been and finally put on the 3 kilos he needed to gain. Is the Adult L & R the same as the large breed? would I need to feed more? I have so much trouble keeping weight on him and with all his digestive issue's(can't have chicken, beef, or corn or he'll clear the room let not to mention what my backyard looks like :rolleyes: ) its very hard to find a food that will agree with him.
  7. I'd am interested in it. On top of the fact it has really good ingredients i like the fact that apart from a couple of them they aren't all a uniform shape it would be alot better on the dogs teeth to have a variety of shape with their dry food, ive never seen a dry food with a variety of shape in them before. But the same as what daccies said I wouldnt want to be paying much more than i am now, Jasper is on a combination Nutro Lamb and Rice and lamb BARF patties. If it works out to be a good price i would be interested in the Lamb, Millet and Rice and the Fish and Chip Nuggets, due to Jaspers allergy to chicken those are the only ones he could have. I would get a 40 pound bag once a month. Or a 20 pound bag a fortnight if i had a few weeks where i had a few large bills and didnt have the extra to buy a huge bag.
  8. I went and had a look and they look great. Unfortunately even though i am interested i cant get the Jr Store and feed, the bowls are to small for him he would need much larger bowls to hold his food and water. this is the one i found last night(he would need the 4L bowls) http://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/product.ph...t=380&page=1 but i think i will hunt around the the larger Store n Feed and see if i can find them in Australia they seem much more stable than the one i found last night. Thanks Dimity
  9. Thanks heaps it helps alot. Jasper is always getting food caught in his jowls he has only choked once but the mess he leaves trying to get it all out is enough to make you want to scream some days, especially when you find deposits of mushy dog food in the most unusual places around the house I really didn't understand how they could cause bloat or torsion but i figured it was best to ask people who have alot more knowledge than me. I know about the running around alot after eating can cause it I dont really have much trouble with that because unless i kick his butt outside and make him play he would quite happily never run, walk or in general move hes so lazy. I didn't think the vet would suggest it unless it was a good idea Thanks again Dimity
  10. I am wondering if anyone knows much about raised feeders? Jasper has a really hard time getting down to his bowl because of his hip dysplasia its really hard watching him eat because you can see how uncomfortable he is. I asked the vet and they suggested getting a raised feeder for him. I have done a little bit of research and there is so many conflicting ideas on if they are good or not for large dogs. One said its a bad idea because they can suck in too much air which can cause bloat or stomach torsion. another said it was a good idea because it cuts down on air and helps prevent bloat and torsion. very confusing. He is a perfect candidate for bloat or torsion because he gets alot of gas all the time from both ends. I often have to give him de-gas to help his stomach calm down and to release the gas. We know its not his food because we have been to the vet about it and he stayed in for observation to have it checked out and we have tried all kinds of food none of which make any difference hes just a gassy dog. (fits right into the family really ). So if a raised feeder is going to make it worse I would like to know. So whats your take on them? Are they any good? Do they increase the risk of bloat or stomach torsion Thanks in advance Dimity
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