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Everything posted by malleerr
I am soo sorry JLJR Fly free Casper - may your wings, feathers and heart be strong again and carry you gently to the bridge........-x-.............
How Often Does Your Dog Go - Number 2?
malleerr replied to peigirl's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Opps sorry Peigirl. Mallee gets kibble and wet food (advance) with rice and chicken on alternate days, only chicken breast as anything flares up her stomach. Double opps - she also gets a monring and night meal -
How Often Does Your Dog Go - Number 2?
malleerr replied to peigirl's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Bowel and stomach issues dont you love them....................Mallee now that her bowel and stomach seem to back to normal (touch wood it stays this way) goes between 1 -2 times a day depending on what she has eaten and exercise. -
Hi Adz, I have an 18 month old Rhodesian Ridgeback and she is feed Advance "wet food" and Iams Large Breed Dry Food for pups 12 months - 24 months, with add extras like veggies and chicken tossed in by us. She has a beautiful coat, looks fantastic heaps of energy and does really well on it. I purchase it from Pet Stock which is local to me, and find it reasonably priced, can't remember exavct figures but i think i pay $33.00 for a slab of the tin food iam pretty sure there is around about 20 tins and the Iams dry food for 9kilos is around the same price......i think....don't have the best memory. I think it all comes down to personal preference and what your dog likes and does well on. I would love to have Mallee on a BARF diet but it does not agree with her tummy and makes her sick.... slightly off topic - but would love to see some pics of your boy
Cruciate Ligament Ruptures
malleerr replied to Kelly_Louise's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Ooww Chloe and Jordon sitting in a tree (well maybe lying on the lawn) k...i..s.....s..i.....n.....g.....i :D If i was Chloe i would be slightly worried about that purple harness and Jordy Boy, either he is a bit of a swinger, has bad taste or Chloe is definatley barking up the wrong tree.......lol....but i suppose she would have more of a chance with Jordon than Duncan i've also heard that he is a bit of a player and a real toff considering he hangs out with one of those show dog types....hmmmmm.......*running to hide from Corine* -
Cruciate Ligament Ruptures
malleerr replied to Kelly_Louise's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Oppss how could i forget my Kel Bel. Kelly you are very more than welcome to jump in my bag and come camping with us. Another girl around the place would be good, there is always room, Mallee will need a Nanny while we are there as i am sure getting her into the boat and having her stay in it will bring a few issues........i can only imagine the fun that will be. I am sure Chloe and Mallee would get along considering they have heard each others life stories....hehe. I would have loved to see the pics of you as a little whippersnipper. Oh and by the way i wish i had your warning about poor Bilby's sheepies earlier - that was way too sad, even got all upset telling Brock about it last night - what a sooky lala -
Cruciate Ligament Ruptures
malleerr replied to Kelly_Louise's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thanks for the update Kim, glad to hear that Jordon is going well. Hope you haven't been walking him in that PURPLE harness.....lol......poor guy will develop a complex. Wow only 2 more months of Uni and you are a free woman, very good, must feel great knowing that all your hard work is coming good. Catch ya Antoinette -
Cruciate Ligament Ruptures
malleerr replied to Kelly_Louise's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Gees Bilby it never rains it pours hey. Hope that your FIL is Ok and that everything is alright there. Still have not had a chance to catch up on your sheep thread but sure i will find it sooner or later, hope all is ok there too. Mallee sends :D hugs to Bouf and hopes that he is well and not too and all over the place. Thanks for popping in Corine to let us know all is ok with Duncan, Mallee seems to have developed a disliking for other dogs at the moment. Trying to work our way through that, not sure where it has come from as she was always so good with other dogs, i am beginning to think it may be more of an excitment thing rather than agresssion. I have tried telling her that other dogs don't see it us iam happy to see you, but she just does not get it.......... Kelly - drat you - i was hoping for photos and you rush of the watch Greys Anatomy... sheesh...... priorities girl.....lol...... ;) On a serious side hugs to you and Chlo hope she is well and keeping out of trouble and enjoy her walkies over at the park, and that no ankles have been on the menu... Catch you all Antoinette and Mallee Moozle Bum. Still no news from Burly hope Jordon is doing well -
Cruciate Ligament Ruptures
malleerr replied to Kelly_Louise's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
OMG i have not seen the post regarding Bilby's sheep - is it in General... Its funny how you mentioned Chloe and her dislike for brushing. Our old cat Skunkus Punkas hated being brushed until one day out of my prue frustration for all the hair everywhere, for some unknown reason i grabbed Brocks fish scaler (i know it sounds bad but i have since seen similar at pet stores) and started brushing him with that and lordy lord did he love it, he could not get enough of it, and the amount of hair it would get out was unebelievable you would have thought it was snowing in my back yard. I was telling my parents about it and when they brought Sport down (dearly departed RCD just like Chlo Bo) we tried it on him and he was in bliss.... Funny huh the things they like and dislike. We are off to Gunbower in a couple of weeks, its on the Murray a bit past Echuca. I love it so much there, we will be camping no facilities but just what i need, to get back to basics and nature. It will be a test though to see how Princess Mallee goes - little does she know what she is in for........ha ha ha he he he *evil laugh* Anyway glad you dropped by - dont' have to stalk you in threads now seeing what you are up to and checking if there is any news on Chlo Bo. -
Cruciate Ligament Ruptures
malleerr replied to Kelly_Louise's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Its been a tad quite - wondering how everyone was.....Kelly....Bilby....Burly......Corine......anyone out there....... -
Where about in the Western Subs are you?
Gald to hear that things are going well for you both, you must be so happy with her progress its excellent
Not sure how to desensitize as such to loud noices... i have heard of CDs people play during the day to try and get puppy used to noices. The best bit of advice i got regarding puppies, loud noices and unwanted behavouir is to ignore. If he reacts badly to a loud noice and you rush up and comfort him, he will eventually realise that hey running away and shaking in the corner gets me attention and continue on doing it. Sorry but that is the only bit of advice i can give you -ignore otherwise hopefully he will outgrow it. I am sure someone will come along with better advice than mine though
Bullyluva - i really feel for you in this hard time..... hugs going your way. Run free and in peace Cassie
Hey TB - the name of the clippers i got are "Bamboo" they are really good like i said, they have a file and powder to stop any bleeds. If you don't want to take him to the vets, just keep doing what you did last night and file away at them, it might take awhile but you will get there When Mal had hers done at the vets they cut them back really short and a few bleed but she was not in any pain whatsoever. BTW - the skate board sounds the easiest.......... :wink:
Not sure then TB - sorry. Maybe a little trip to the vets might be the go......
Don't be a sook TB and cut them yourself.....Atlas will surely get over it.........wont he...... :p only teasing....i know how hard they can be with their little tootsies. When Mallee was crated after her surgeries and no walkies for six months her nails got soo long it was ridiculos and she hated us going near them, but i sat down with her every night (well basically lay on her) and just nicked a bit of the top of each one. I also found that if i let her eat the actual nail that i had cut off she was heaps more happy about it happening for some strange unknown reason. I think you just have to keep at it. I got the best pair of clippers - i can't remember the brand, but i got them from PetStock and the are red and white- they are sought of like big scissors, and also have a nice file on them and come with this powder soultion that you dip their nail into if it starts bleeding. I have found them to be really good as you can snip the nail really quickly with them, not like those other ones that you struggle to get the nail into the round circle hole to cut it. I will find out the brand tonight and post it up.
Cruciate Ligament Ruptures
malleerr replied to Kelly_Louise's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi Kel, Glad to hear all is well with you and Chlo Bo. The dreaded brush - why oh why do they find it so nasty, you would think once they realised that it got all that itchy old hair out they would love it..... Mallee does not have abrush phobia but definatly detests the bath....big time.....its always a battle No more Mallee Moo stories, she has surprisingly been well behaved lately..... .......hmm not sure whats going on there might have something to with the fact Brock told her she has to be good if she wants to go away on holidays with us.....yipee...only 2.5 weeks to go and i am on annual leave....i cannot wait.....its been sooo long between breaks although i had time off last year with Mallee it was not really a break at all, you know how that feels Kel, i think it would have been less stressful to actually be at work rather than looking after a recovering dog. Anyways cleaning up my puter at work i came across some pics of Mallee as a little baby only 7.5 weeks old so here they are just for you Kel, so you can see how small and innocent she once was......not...... our first day as a new family and these ones just for fun - no Kel she is not onthe couch - - - it just looks that way...lol not happy jan - when i took this photo i didn't realise how funny her back leg looked - check it out looks like its growing from her side, thats what have no femoral head will do to you -
Cruciate Ligament Ruptures
malleerr replied to Kelly_Louise's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
We will be here waiting for an update Bilby How is everyone else going -
Cruciate Ligament Ruptures
malleerr replied to Kelly_Louise's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi All Hope everyone and everydog is doing well??!!! I have finally found my camera cords and have been able to load Mallee's modelling pics............. So here goes....... firstly the dreaded window....(don't look at the unmowed grass ) Mallee with her bandage - notice the nice blood stained carpet....thank god i managed to get it all out.... And now of the long awaited sock modelling pics - this is Mallee's second job after search and rescue.....lol....... We really should insure those legs they could make us a mint......lol... :p - check out the look on her face Hey Berly still waiting to see those pics of Jordon in his spunky purple harness -
Good luck for tomorrow........ Try not to stress too much until you get the results......harder than said i know.
Cruciate Ligament Ruptures
malleerr replied to Kelly_Louise's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi Kel, Yes we will definately be getting Mallee desexed and sooner rather than later. I cannot put up with her strange moods and beahaviour when she is on heat and its just plain and simple a pain in the butt. The only reason she has not been done yet was due to all the ops on her pelvis and the surgeons recommended we leave it for a while to let teh pelvis have the best chance it can in healing and also let her get over all the anesthetics (spl) she has had. Its seems that everytime we have been going to book her in somethings else happens to her and gets in the way. But definatley yes she will be going in the next few months to have it done.......its best for her health and wellbeing to have it done. Must fly Antoinette -
Cruciate Ligament Ruptures
malleerr replied to Kelly_Louise's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hey Guys, Naughty Naughty Chloe, did you know the guy that she nipped Kel? I hope that he does not make an issue out of it, if no skin was broken and it was just a nip you would think that he would understand, but i suppose the stupid BSL crap does not help anyone out in these circumstances anymore.......... Its just so typical of the heeler types isn't to go for a quick nip every now and again, and i believe that most of the time there is nothing at all in it in the way of aggression, i think it goes to the old saying you can take the cattle dog out of the country but you can't take the country out of the dog. She probably was just having a loving time with this guy and didn't want him to leave. Mallee too has been a tad naughty of late, besides trying to fly through a window in a single bound. I tend to agree with both you and Corine that it is a result of all the ops, people prodding and poking them for soo long, mixed with confinement and a lack of socalisation for awhile, all things that we have no control over in the circumstance, but i suppose add to a dog becoming a tad depressed, bored and eventually naughty and pushing the boundaries. Mallee actually had a go at another dog at the vets last night, it was the first time we have ever seen her show any signs of dog aggression, and really want to nip it in the butt as quickly as possible. I think she get a fright, as the dog just popped up from behind the counter with a bucket of his head and his head all bandaged up, bit that is not the point. I suppose she was also worked up over having her foot pulled and poked while the stitches came out. The vet is really happy with her toe, no need to worry about it. It only sticks up occassionally ususally when she is chewing on something and using her foot to grip, but as the vet said a sticky up toe is the last of her worries and troubles. So off for walkies tonight, which she willl just love. Its been a long time in between walks, as she was on heat before she went through the window so its been nearly 2 months, poor little dear. I will try to remember to bring my camera into work after lunch to put those pics up they are a hoot. Take care all Catch yas later Antoinette and Mallee Moozle Bum....... -
Cruciate Ligament Ruptures
malleerr replied to Kelly_Louise's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi all, A quick update on Mallee - she is fine hanging out to have her stitches out which happens tomorrow night. Her toe is still looking pretty good, only does the occassional sticky up thing - which looks a tad strange when it happens.......but that is the last of her worries. Will try and post some pics tomorrow of her modelling her nice litttle sock that she has to wear for her foot....its a total laugh. Hope all is A OK with everyone else. Hugs to all the hounds Antoinette BTW - congrats Corine on a 2nd place -
Eukanuba, Proplan & Eaglepack
malleerr replied to angelbundy's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Have sent you a PM