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Everything posted by malleerr

  1. Hang in there Kelly-Louise .....I know its hard - we have had many difficulties with out pup too, she has been through 4 surgeries in the last 4 months, so i can understand how much worry is invovled and STRESS!!!!! Do you have her on any type of glucosime for her arthritis???? Who suggested the TPO to you, was it the surgeon??
  2. Hi Kelly, TPO are done on dogs under the age of a year old, and that show no signs of athritis in their hip joints, i have not heard of it being done for ligaments before....but i could be wrong.
  3. Hang in there - Jenna knows you love and cherish her, and would do anything for her .....thinking of you. Take care and what ever the outcome feel at peace with your decision and know in your heart you are doing the right thing. hugs to you and your family.
  4. Heidi - Hope everything goes well for you and Busta .....sending you lots of get well hugs ;) I know what it is like to have a sick baby....our pup to has been too hell and back with health issues, it so hard and you feel so helpless for them - hopefully Busta is on the road to recovery!! Hope all goes well for you!!!!
  5. Hi Goldielover - the pen injection is actually a human thing i think they are around $80 and you can get them from the chemist according to what our vets says....i suppose they take the worry out of giving an injection with a needle - you just stick it in somewhere! Good luck with getting rid of all your capeweed, hopefully the bees will be dewindling in numbers soon and we will not have to worry as much, but it definatley is a worry when you are working or not at home as to what could happen!!!
  6. We had the same thing happen to our pup only about a month ago - and it is sooooo scary!!!!!!! Lucky for us she didn't go into shock but within 5 mins of the sting (which was on her bottom lip) her face had swollen so much her eyes were shut, she was vomiting everywhere, and had lumps and bumps all over her....our specialist said she is allergic and too get somesort of injection pen similar to what diabetics have and carry that with you with adrenalin, you will need to get a script though from your vet!!! As for your capeweed problem not to sure about that one, we have been trying to do the same thing in our backyard, gettting rid of all the flowering things that attract bees. I actually think that capeweed (if thats the clover type weed) has to be dug out, as sprays will not kill it ......GOOD LUCK
  7. We have our Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy who has just had surgery 2 months ago for elbow dysplasia on both her front legs on COSEQUIN which is Glucosamine but the horse powder version as our specialist says it works out alot cheaper than the dog tablets. The dosage you should give is 44mg per kilo of weight, but only measure from the Glucosamine. In 3.3 gram scoop there is 1500ml of Glucosamine so you work from that. Our pup is around 25 kilos and we give her just under 1/2 a scoop. We have just been told though our poor little girl has hip dysplasia also, so back for more surgery!
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