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Everything posted by Purpley

  1. Thanks everyone - I will definitely take it all on board and look into the things that you have said. Mita - I would be happy to contribute to the survey, if it helps others then I am happy. Send me the details if you like. I will keep you all posted on how he is going. Keep the suggestions coming, so I can help poor Billy.
  2. I haven't been over compensating, but will give him cuddles when needed. We are off to Adelaide in the morning for a dog show, so I am hoping that the distraction might help. We have been staying active, walking, swimming etc. I just wish I could fix him Another dog isn't what I want at the moment, but if this continues it might be the only option.
  3. Hi there, We lost our girl Jorja a week ago today, and Billy is really struggling. He just lays around moaning. He is getting RR and a trauma homeopathic spray also. He is still eating, but just won't stop screaming and crying. I had to get some valium from the vet just so that I could get sleep at night. I don't know what to do - anyone have any suggestions at all?? He is 2.
  4. Thanks so much Julie, was lovely to finally talk to you. Am very proud and can't get the smile off my face at the moment.
  5. Did they give him pain killers?? Cause if it's that then you need to find out exactly what it was to avoid it in the future.
  6. Awww poor Bundy. If it was neck and head area it could have been a reaction to the premed, which is usually given in the same place as vaccinations are. I would ask the vet for a list of the drugs they used including the type of anesthetic and premeds, so that you know what to avoid if he does need one in the future.
  7. It is a shame, I have never seen it this bad either, it just isn't drying. Flyball was interesting on top of the hill though :rolleyes:
  8. I totally agree. Then I won't be scared of the dogs that BBJ owns!
  9. There has been numerous threads on this - maybe try a search. But Ashley Reid is the best I reckon. He has a website, I will try and find it for you (unless someone finds it first ) Here you go http://www.showclasses.com.au/ All the info you need is on there. He is out Clyde way from memory.
  10. Yep it sure does annoy me, but not as much as people that give my kids food without asking if it is ok first.
  11. Do you happen to know which Stafford was the Minor?
  12. I am very close to Billy's breeder. Speak to her often and socialise outside of dog stuff. She is awesome and I know she will always be there for me, regardless.
  13. Oh hunny I also used Pets Cremation Service with Bronson and they were wonderful, even sent a little poem with his ashes. He now sits next to the TV keeping an eye on us all.
  14. Well done chicky, you deserve to be happy
  15. I wouldn't use a harness on a SBT unless you want it to pull you down the street.
  16. I am sorry but everytime I see your username I think moaning monah. I hope you washed your hands, would hate to see you pass anything on.
  17. Cool thanks, so I can safely go there then without getting an attack of the guilts.
  18. Mine usually get a chicken carcass in the morning and barf at night.
  19. Have they done well in the show ring? I would be curious to see some results - maybe a prefix will help. Is there 'blue' in the prefix?? I am very skeptical of most breeders of blues. To me, you breed to improve your lines - it is very, very rare that you see a blue in the show ring and most don't even place as they have very poor conformation. I would seriously be doing alot more research on the how 'ethical' this breeder really is. I realise you just want a pet - but the above still stands as far as I am concerned regardless of whether you want a pet or show puppy.
  20. I noticed yesterday that Pets At Home is now Pet Barn at Fountain Gate, Narre Warren. Does anyone know if they are going to be still continuing with the rescue dogs through Lort Smith, or is it going to become one of 'those' pet shops??
  21. I agree with fbc, having seen this bitch in person she is stunning. And surprise, surprise she had a litter and wasn't bred to a blue, so had 'normal' coloured pups. This just goes to show she wasn't purchased as a blue to make $$$$ cashing in on all the gullible people that think blues are rare.
  22. They can be shown but there isn't many of 'show' quality out there. Most blues don't seem to place due to this reason. Colours that can't be shown or are undesirable are liver and black and tan.
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