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Everything posted by Purpley

  1. Injectable aneasthetic always has more side effects than gas. I always ask for gas, I just don't like the way that they come out of the injectables. Hopefully the side effects will wear off soon for poor At.
  2. There is Berwick Obedience Dog Club, they train on saturdays. Westernport Obedience - they train on a sunday I think and they train at KCC. No website as yet, but you can contact Western Port Obedience Dog Club Inc BH Phone: 9782 2593 Club Southern Obedience in Bangholme - they train on wednesday nights, and sunday mornings.
  3. I would be interested to know aswell. I think my SBT would also enjoy it.
  4. I give my dogs chicken frames, and occaisonally necks.
  5. My dogs have garlic in there food aswell, but I still use heart worm prevention.
  6. The person you are referring to is well aware that there dog has a weight problem. Unfortunately they don't seem to want to do anything about it. You could mention it, but I wouldn't hold my breath that things would change.
  7. I would prefer group training, as I find it beneficial to listen to advise offered to others, as there is generally something in it, that you can take on board and utilise aswell.
  8. I feed chook carcasses daily as part of a Barf diet.
  9. Don't laugh - but I use fresh green beans, chopped up. My stafford thinks they are the best thing ever.
  10. Purpley

    Zac Attack

    Thinking of you on this day.
  11. Have you bathed your dog lately?? They can get skurfy (sp?) which is just flakey dry skin.
  12. I wouldnt feed either everyday. My would also stick to raw meaty bone, necks, frames, wings etc.
  13. Yep still there. Its called Scrub a dub dog. And they do have Saint suitable bathing facilities.
  14. Purpley


    Oh Kristie, I have only just seen this. I am SO sorry hun. RIP Barker
  15. Mine are fed bigger meal in the morning and chicken carcass in the arvo, not later than 3.30pm. I found mine where sleeping on there larger meals and became big fatty boombahs. Since changing them they dropped the weight off straight away.
  16. Now iv'e been told they all failed, so how can you win? I have to admit - that part confused me aswell. Not taking away from your moment of glory, just curious. Does seem you missed the above posts!!!!
  17. No one said it wasn't an achievement, we were just trying to figure out how it all worked.
  18. This is for the agility trainer dude!!
  19. I will vouch for the agility thing though. I think its crap that other people get treated differently and yet you weren't even told 'well done'
  20. Can I ask something. If it was not a members comp, what would of happened??
  21. Ok just ran scenario by OH, whom is a dog nufty and he says. "So all dogs did bad, yours just did the least bad'
  22. Now iv'e been told they all failed, so how can you win? I have to admit - that part confused me aswell. Not taking away from your moment of glory, just curious.
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