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Everything posted by Sheridan

  1. That's great to hear, though it's not no kill but low kill. Interestingly, there is an historical reason for the amount of feral cats around the Geelong area. In the 19th century, hundreds of domestic cats were released on the Chirnside's property at Lara. It was believed they would kill the rabbits.
  2. If any child, disability or not, walked into my path and tripped me, let alone the dog, and the parent was letting the child get so far ahead with nary a concern then yes, I'd be angry.
  3. Good article. Fella should get a dog from a pedigree dog breeder. From the description of his wants - independent, no bullshit - I commend the kerry blue terrier to his attention.
  4. How is the greyhound 'industry' regulated in relation to the dogs?
  5. Can DAS testers this weekend check if the staffy in Yard 3 is called Sam? There was a desexed brindle staffy FTGH on Freecycle Canberra this week. I wrote to the owner and said if the dog was a purebred, the breeder should be contacted. I also thought the dog would actually have a better chance in DAS/rescue than FTGH given weirdos out there but if it is the same dog, the owner (who cared a whole lot about who her dog went to!!!) doesn't seem to have had the concern to give the dog her name. Please let me know as she looks like a sweetheart.
  6. BOB kerry blue was Merijigs Around the House.
  7. Sorry to hear this news, westiemum. Hope thing improve. I bought a new travel crate for the Grumpy man today. It's a large sky kennel from Jetpets. I got it brand new for $229, which I was very pleased about because a smaller crate at Petstock, which isn't airline safe, was over $100 more. Trouble is it's an ill fit for my car. I wouldn't be able to lift it in and have Grumpy in the crate at the same time. Indeed, it's currently stuck in the back seat and I can't get it out. I'll just have to buy a new car.
  8. Question: if greyhounds are not bred for racing, will there be any greyhounds? Few seem to be shown and I query if a rare breed is what greyhound people want? Can't there be a middle ground?
  9. Wouldn't you find it difficult to run in?
  10. I bought a $1500 queen-sized bed and then had the legs cut down so Grumpy could get up on it more easily. He also has a step up so he only has to jump a couple of inches. Funnily enough, speaking of catching doggy diseases, oft have I woken up to find a Grumpy bum close to my face. Eeew, but them's the charms of living with Grumpy. Of course, then there was the time I woke to find his head facing mine on my pillow. Needless to say, I inched backwards a little.
  11. Mr Grump is doing well. He's still very vague and only occasionally grumpy. He is now off the B/D but I've not noticed any difference in his mental health. My main concern is his back. I have noticed a great improvement on the Rimadyl in his movement. We went for a walk today after a couple of no Rimadyl days and he was very stiff. Mentally, he's his usual ratbag self. :D
  12. What always comes out in these threads is that according to APBT owners absolutely no one can ID a APBT. This apparently includes their owners.
  13. Interestingly, I rang TAMS one day and the fellow I spoke to (who said he was from the animal welfare area) was very keen to hear about breaches of the current laws. I was calling about a BYB who hadn't microchipped. He said that one of those on the advisory committee (or whatever it is) was a guy who owned several pet shops in Canberra. Welfare fail right there.
  14. For those interested, here's an interview with Cindy Vogels, the BIS judge. http://kwgn.com/2012/02/17/best-in-show-judge-at-the-westminster-dog-show/ ETA Give it up, sandgrubber. I'm pretty sure that your criticisms of the peke would just transfer to one of the other dogs had one of them won, so come on, critique the other dogs. I'm a kerry blue aficionado so why don't you start with her.
  15. I think the peke has come in for so much criticism because people can't actually tell the shape of the body under the hair.
  16. What does the handler have to do with anything? I am interested in getting Sandgrubber's opinion of the other dogs in the BIS line up.
  17. If you want to see bagging out, take a look at the Westminster KC FB page where people got very nasty about the peke winning. It's obvious the majority of these are show people who thought another dog ought to have won.
  18. That was all a bit, 'Wow, look at the weird pet owners!' Grumpy decided he was going to sleep on my side of the bed last night. I didn't get a choice ...
  19. This bitch is NOT afraid of storms, she actually revels in them, the woman left her on her own in the front yard, went inside and left her to her own devices. If that's not a silly thing to do when you have just taken home a teenage puppy and only have low front fencing, I don't know what is. As I said, some people don't deserve to own dogs! Then surely this is an issue for the person who adopted the dog to the new owner?
  20. My favourite photo is of Chelsey after she won the Terrier Group.
  21. It would be nice to know what Dogs ACT has said to them.
  22. The problem with the ACT is that there is a puppyfarm on its doorstep but located in NSW. Can't do a thing about it. In the meantime, ANKC breeders will be penalised as usual and the BYB will fly under the radar.
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