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Everything posted by Sheridan

  1. I would have thought temperament would have fallen under the 'standard' category? Just out of curiosiyt- which breeds do you think could use 'a little tweaking'? Some of the brachy breeds spring to mind... Then again, I'm a pet owning person, and not interested in showing... or breeding for that matter. I'm not trying to start an argument - just voicing an opinion about MY OWN preferences is all. T. I'll point out that as a rescuer, it's possible you don't see a lot of well bred dogs.
  2. I am sorry to hear about Sally but thank you for your care, love and attention for her. I am really pleased that her last days were with someone who loved her and understood skyes. Bobby looks great in the photos and I think DeeDee is in lurv ... :)
  3. I have a series of sensor lights around the house.
  4. Kavik, get the vet to do a geriatric assessment and certainly trial Vivitonin. There's some other suggestions in the dementia thread that SchnauzerMax has linked to.
  5. In oil or in springwater? I have found an increasing amount of Woolies Homebrand sardines mislabelled as springwater when they're actually in oil. Mini doesn't mind but Grumpy is on a restricted diet. Makes me so cross that their quality control is lax.
  6. I always recommend people go to police if people are being threatened. What tends to happen Sheridan (once pound rounds become aware that formal complaints are being made and the knowledge is public) they will back off and then decide they will pay costs (for dog attack vet bills, adoption fee's etc etc). The sad part is, public pressure and formal complaints are the only thing that is assisting people burnt by pound rounds. Pound rounds are being held accountable and (somewhat) being kept in line through public pressure and formal complaints. It is most certainly not coming from the group itself. If formal complaints are not followed through then pound rounds are not the only people backing off.
  7. Grumpy gets canned tuna or sardines in springwater and Holistic Select sardine and anchovy. He's allowed to have a small bit of fat free chicken roll to take his tablets. Mini is Princess Fussy and has decided months after loving her sardines, she doesn't want them anymore.
  8. I looked at Mini's feet last night and she's okay. Looked at Grumpy's this morning and he also seems grass seed free (though from Mini's reaction, you'd think I was torturing him).
  9. Obviously I am, but why should that make me a target for sarcasm & vilification? My opinion is a puppy hugging room at a major university for stressed out students is ridiculous. I could see the topic had turned into septic so I just let it go & stopped replying to the questions. But some just enjoy a good lynching & playing to the crowd & so it was reignited , not with any genuine opinions, but with more childish sarcasm. It only takes one & the mob floods back to the cause with their flaming torches. Pretty sad. & to Mantis. If I ever do find myself in such a situation I hope I have the good grace to accept the help offered me without making demands to the providers of apparently desperately needed help. & you don't know anything regarding my situation so don't make uninformed assumptions. Cos it's not like you did that.
  10. How many people who are threatened go to the police?
  11. I think they're pretty damned fortunate at that price.
  12. I would love to lay turf but that doesn't resolve the current problem. I've been picking them off the floor since I've been home. The dogs haven't been outside much but they're such sticky dogs!
  13. A day of rain and then dry weather has turned my yard in a week into a mass of grass seeds. I was planning on mowing, of course, but that will just allow them to seed, and worse, get into the doggy paws, etc. Plus an awful wind the other day, spread the dry ones everywhere? Has anyone found any solutions to getting rid of the bastard things?
  14. My Doctor & therapist both wrote letters to the Office of Housing, when I was needing a home, saying that it was imperative, that they gave me a place where I could have a dog, to help with both my physical & mental health recovery. I can't believe anyone on this site, is disputing dogs are fantastic for aiding in peoples therapy. Nobody is. But don't let the facts get in the way of cluster brain freeze. Now I'm having trouble getting my head around someone needing a charity home would have the hide to demand it was imperative a dog was included in the deal?...good grief. There's untold amounts of people waiting untold amounts of years for "social" housing. Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth. More ridiculousness. I'm curious to know if you're always so joyless. Actually, no I'm not.
  15. I would get an exam done specific to his age. Geriatric blood panel, urine tests, thorough physical exam. There are various calming medications you could discuss with his vet, too, if a cataract operation is out of the question. Around the house, make sure he has a clear path. My sister's dog had cataracts and she had matting around the house that her dog used as a guide to get around.
  16. I would expect that they will say they will take a dog back and that if they can't immediately take the dog, that they have a plan in place. You can come up with as many scenarios as you like, Steve, but there's nothing like a bit of planning. And ETA: why is it just an 'I don't want the dog anymore' scenario? There are plenty of legitimate reasons for needing to rehome.
  17. Breeders and breeders that rescue should have without a doubt a quarantine area. So should be able to take back or take in a dog at anytime. Yes? But that pre-supposes that breeders will have kennels so they can provide a quarantine area, does it not? A quarantine area doesnt pre-suppose anything....I dont have kennels but I do have a quarantine area....albeit a cubby within a fenced run. :) But that is a kennel, is it not? Quarantine.... A state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals are placed.....isolation. I give up :) You miss the point - sometimes things change, sometimes things happen sometimes the cubby house is all full sometimes the breed is a bigger management issue ,sometimes you have run out of money to be able to feed it and vet it ,sometimes its either the rescue dog or your spouse,sometimes you are not well and you have enough on your plate . The point is ideally we would all take the dog back ,ideally we would all take responsibility but sometimes we shouldn't and we should respect each other enough to accept that each of us will make the best decisions we can at the time rather than beating the hell out of someone because they cant . And that is one of my add-ons. If you can't take a dog back, then see you later.
  18. Grumpy's recently been upped to 90 mg, but the vet wants to re-test him to make sure it's having an effect.
  19. Given Steve's litany of complaints, I think each person needs to make up their mind about what makes an ethical breeder for them. See if they follow the code of ethics, then decide if the individual breeders work for you. There are breeders I would never get a dog from and some I would. My 'add-ons' as I said in a previous post.
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