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Everything posted by Sheridan

  1. How about you not get another dog? http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/244544-cinder/
  2. I had skye puppy cuddles this morning. Utterly gorgeous.
  3. I've been thinking about this a bit and wondering why people find it necessary to find fault because someone thinks differently from them. It reminds me of the question that has been asked many time over the years on this forum and that is: why do some rescuers rescue old dogs. Surely the young are more worthy. And also reminds me of the question that I am sure every rescuer has been asked at some stage in their life as a rescuer: why do you help animals, surely children are more worthy. We are all different, we all focus on the things that we think we can do and the areas in which we feel we can help or have some sort of expertise. Thoughts at random . . . . . . Random but good thoughts, I think.
  4. That's something I don't understand, can the RSPCA pts an animal even if there is a pending court case?
  5. Oh, PR rather than PR. But, my error self-corrected, aside, so what if someone looks at a dog on their FB page and posts about it? It seems some people have become quite irrational regarding this group to the extent that even looking at their FB is considered criminal.
  6. I think most places are cheaper than Pet Barn.
  7. Oh, but Steve, only the ones purchased at Christmas! Presumably, every other pet they sell throughout the year never gets dumped.
  8. You can't go wrong with Hamish at West Queanbeyan. It's a little out of your way, though. Some people recommend the vet at Hall, which is closer to you.
  9. I just had a look at the ingredients of the Hills Longevity. I can't pronounce half the stuff in it!
  10. Stellnme, Grumpy is on Holistic Select Anchovy and Salmon. He gets Woolies Home Brand Tuna or Sardines. He was on Royal Canin Blue Whiting veterinary diet but they discontinued it. The vet and I went through all the foods and look at their fat content and the Wellness fish one and the Holistic Select had the lowest fat at 12%. Tried him on Wellness but his poo was horrible. No problems on the Holistic Select. The only time Grumpy gets chicken is for his tablets, so he gets 1and a half slices of shaved fat free chicken a day. It's too fatty for him, even just poached. The fish is best for him but I add a little crushed chicken liver treats on top of his breakfast and the low fat diet allows him to have a few treats.
  11. Hi tobie, sorry to hear about your dog's kidney problems. I had a dog die of a kidney related disease. It depends on the cause of the kidney failure, sometimes. My dog's was a protein wasting disease. There are some kidney related forums that you may wish to join, such as the Yahoo K9kidney email group, who can help with diet and supplements (though, be warned, the Americans are very into supplements). The trouble with kidney failure is that a dog loses around 85% of its kidney function before symptoms show, so by the time you notice, things are already bad. The thing is that your dog must keep eating and drinking. It is vital your dog keeps weight on and his fluids up. Some dogs don't like the prescription kidney diets, which makes it a bit harder. There are some places online that will make up a diet depending on the blood test and UPC ratio but if your dog's results change, this means the diet may also need to change. Has the vet recommended the Hills K/D? And what medications have been recommended, if any? Your dog may show signs of shivering and extreme tiredness at times, and they don't like being bothered. Quiet and comfortable, warm and happy, because stress makes it worse.
  12. I'd ring around for prices. Does it include pre-op bloods and fluids? Can't speak to the T/D.
  13. And I think 'banking' is the right word there.
  14. From the photo, I'd say Grumpy Man has a somewhat silkier coat and a typical irish terrier head. Plus Grumpy wouldn't ever look ashamed.
  15. Oh yes, definitely a wheaten. Even the shaming sign says 'I'm a wheaten' in invisible ink. Grumpy once stole my chicken off the counter. He likes chickens. And ducks. Anything that moves really.
  16. Grumpy does this as sometimes he just can't make it out the door. Bless him, he does try.
  17. I hadn't expected those sort of results. I think it is worth a try. Will PM you.
  18. The trouble is where to draw the line because that's going to be different for each rescue. It's entirely possible if the rescue had done their homework properly in the first place, Ellen De Generes wouldn't have got a dog from them. What I find most interesting about the article is that the people who were looking at adopting from mostly seem to have ended up with the 'perfect dog' that's completely different to the rescue dog they were looking at in the first place.
  19. A vote for tiles here but make sure they're non-slip. The tap tap tap of doggy nails on floorboards drove me crazy. Tiles are a good doggy compromise and you can put down funky rugs.
  20. There's something wrong with this argument.
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