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Everything posted by Sheridan

  1. Yet it only took ONE screening OF PEDIGREE DOGS EXPOSED to finnaly at last, achieve that change for the better? A fellow member, a fellow breeder is "a cracked record" it took that one AR Doco to get it finally done What does that really say about todays dog fraternity? It says more about you that a comment about you became about PED in your response. As for your following post, Joe Public doesn't tend to respect hysteria no matter who it comes from.
  2. Perhaps, asal, no one is listening because there's only so much broken record one can take.
  3. No thats not what I think and if anyone has an interest in a breed and wants to get involved in my opinion that would be nothing but a good thing.i know Im more likely to get truthful knowledge on health from a pet owner than I am from many breeders but because of the focus on showing and breeding it takes a lot to pull that together and give average pet owners enough reason to be members or at least to be members who are working at the show /breeding side of it . Having 100 pet owners and 2 showies wouldnt really do what the club was originally intended for . It would be a nice club with everyone owning a dog of a particular breed but for it to be about shows and registrations etc that takes those involved in those things to function. Isn't it up to club members to say what a club is for?
  4. Do you honestly think this is a one off? Only the other day I was talking to an rspca specil constable, and guess what? most of the complaints about breeders come from??????????????? fellow breeders. its been the way to get rid of what others who consider themselves the "guardians of their breed" and its been going on for decades. yes its nice the say I brought it on myself. Yes I did. I didnt follow the party line. why should I? Who are these people who know everything? or more correctly THINK they know everything. what about the pair who bred the parents of a pup they then told the new owner is a crossbred??????????? so how much do they really know after all? how can I or the owner of that pup be expected to respect and look up to people who prove they dont know as much as they thought that did that day? Everything about breeding you view through the lens of what happened to you. Your bitterness seeps through every post. In fact, I don't think you've posted about anything else since I began to read your posts. But there's only so much repeating you can do before you come across as a broken record. I don't doubt your sincerity but not everything is an AR conspiracy.
  5. If you think that the average pet owners don't know or don't care about things like health then you're sadly mistaken. Indeed, there are far more pet owners than there are breeders and by sheer numbers alone pets are far more likely to have problems if there are health issues in a breed than show dogs. Health doesn't belong to breeders, it belongs to anyone who has a one of that breed.
  6. Me either. I want my breed clubs to focus on the breed and nothing else. Not on all pure breeds, not on all dogs, just their own responsibilities, the breed community, the breed as a whole and any individual of the breed that needs help, breed health, history and expertise, a voice for the breed, a public face for the breed and an organiser of breed events. Done well, that is a great deal. Yep. So why does intolerance to anything else have to be made a condition of membership? Its been made a condition of membership that they don't tolerate diversity.Then you ask for that within the breed clubs. I don't recall 'must be intolerant of diversity' as a condition of my breed's club but again, perhaps you mean something else?
  7. asal, you are extrapolating what happened to you out to the entire pedigree dog world. Your troubles seem to have been caused, by your own account, by people in your own breed not by AR activists. Didn't people in your breed club make the complaint? And Steve, not all breeds have a breed club. Are you suggesting breeds can only survive if there is one? I'll point out that not all breeds have the numbers to have a club. Even if they did, there's little to attract the average pet owner, particularly for those outside capital cities. I can't imagine someone in Broken Hill travelling to a breed day that's held in Sydney.
  8. Me either. I want my breed clubs to focus on the breed and nothing else. Not on all pure breeds, not on all dogs, just their own responsibilities, the breed community, the breed as a whole and any individual of the breed that needs help, breed health, history and expertise, a voice for the breed, a public face for the breed and an organiser of breed events. Done well, that is a great deal. If a breed club focuses on all breeds then what is the point of it being a breed club? Or are we not to have breeds? Is that what moosmum is saying?
  9. :laugh: Oh well,questions were asked and I stuck my neck out to try and give my answer. I'll leave it there. Which tells me nothing ... You seem to be saying registered breeders should shoulder responsibility for every dog and I find that confusing.
  10. Honestly, moosmum, I have no idea what point you're trying to make.
  11. My view after reading the OP again is that the RSPCA are holding the dogs illegally, particularly as they now know who the legal owner is and will not hand them over. However, the only person who can give a legal opinion is a lawyer.
  12. Thank you, everyone. People have been very kind. Mini and I miss him very much. It's the little things. Not being harassed for a treat after dinner. Sleeping in (Grumpy was very prompt at getting up no later than 6 am). Mini is now taking her role as head of the house very seriously. She's been guarding me closely since Friday. She's not been clingy, just very close.
  13. I figured most of them were mixes or BYB. The photos looked like they were taken at a pound.
  14. Hope the blood panel finds the cause of his illness and that he's back with you soon.
  15. Judges sign the CC that in their opinion the exhibit is worthy of the title "Australian Champion" All the exhibitor can do is enter & turn up. The rest is out of their hands. Thank you for that sterling elocution, steamboat.
  16. If you go to enough shows with little competition in your own breed you'll probably eventually get a championship. Aren't these people derisively called 'petrol champions'?
  17. And to be honest, if this is likely to turn into a legal matter I would get this thread removed.
  18. Yes, I can't recall your dog's breed, I'm sorry.
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