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Everything posted by Sheridan

  1. There was that one last year where a kid took off with a staffy. Somewhere in Sydney, I think.
  2. Nekhbet is not the bogan she promised (false advertising!). She is actually very pretty. Disappointed! :laugh: I know! I feel quite gipped! Nope....want to build up to that very, very slowly. Have this week all planned out so she won't be left at all, but will be crated whenever I'm home, might try a few open/shut the front door scenarios but won't go anywhere. Then next weekend I thought I'd try some very brief absences. I Sounds great. How is she if you go out the front door just to get something from the mailbox?
  3. How long does it take someone to kick a dog? How long does it take someone to take a lead off and for a dog to run into traffic? How long does it take for someone to steal a dog? A lot less than a couple of minutes. This is not a feral shopping center ,it is small town local shops , losts poeple round , I don't tie them in heavy traffic area , god help the person that touches my dogs ! I am nasty in defense of my dogs . constantly pop my head out to check on them . i would not leave them outside a big shopping center , too many udesirablesd some people are paranoid that there is always something bad going to happen you need to make a decisoon based on the locality , my area is not feralville :laugh: I don't make decisions based on locality, I make decisions based on people.
  4. Well, it didn't take long for Dougie aka steamboat aka jerry lee aka cruzzi to turn back up. And with a nod to irony in his new sock puppet's name!
  5. How long does it take someone to kick a dog? How long does it take someone to take a lead off and for a dog to run into traffic? How long does it take for someone to steal a dog? A lot less than a couple of minutes.
  6. Are the Canterbury dogs on Pet Reacue? Some great photos of Oscar and Lulu!
  7. Have you left her at all since you got home, Jelly?
  8. That's great but honestly, I was waiting for the promised 'Nekhbet is a bogan' photos ...
  9. Sounds fantastic. Looking forward to hearing some more.
  10. I think you were seeing Nehkbet today, Jelly? If so, best of luck to you and Roo.
  11. I think it's up to the owner of the shopping centre.
  12. Did the woman in the supermarket know if the woman with the newfy was inside the supermarket? Maybe if you see the dog again, ask the person on the desk to put a call out over the comms system for her to see to her dog.
  13. Speaking of "anonymous blowin" you joined only a few days ago so you fall into this category yourself. Unless of course you were previously banned and came back under another name, in which case you should probably be re-banned. Oh, cruzzi is jerry lee is steamboat under yet another sock puppet account. He's Dougie folks. No doubt about it. I think Dougie was a bit before my time. Came in at the tail end, I think. I can't remember the previous sock puppets but cruzzi, jerry lee and steamboat were all very quickly on the heels of one another.
  14. Speaking of "anonymous blowin" you joined only a few days ago so you fall into this category yourself. Unless of course you were previously banned and came back under another name, in which case you should probably be re-banned. Oh, cruzzi is jerry lee is steamboat under yet another sock puppet account.
  15. Since Grumpy passed away I have had trouble sleeping. Not only do I have space on the bed, Mini doesn't snore. I keep waking up because there's no noise and I'm not squashed. Mini's only a little girl and she's very quiet. Asserting my authority be buggered; I'd settle for a good night's sleep.
  16. It's Mini's 10th birthday in a few weeks. I would like a birthday photo of her.
  17. No, it won't. When the new laws fail because no one polices them then new new laws will be passed. Then when those fail, there'll be new new new laws. And so on.
  18. Well, isn't the easiest thing to do is contact the guy who brought forth the motion and ask him?
  19. But it's so much easier passing new laws, Steve.
  20. He probably panicked. The reference to a hit and run driver is apt.
  21. We've had a chat about a few things and we're going to start with a proper crate but I'll do it under supervision. I want to see how supposedly unfixable this dog is before throwing more things at her :) :clap: :clap: to you and Jelly!
  22. I took a look at the pound's page. They could really benefit from some good photos and a blurb about each dog. Some nice woofers there.
  23. Well, she could ask her vet to board him but they might ask for money, too.
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