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Everything posted by Sheridan

  1. Hasn't it been said that the RSPCA is running the pound in the 'interim'. If AWL think the situation is serious enough to haul dogs out of there, then I'd say the situation is serious.
  2. Why would they do that? That would be sensible.
  3. That's good but still, something of a concern if the competitor for providing pound services is also the organisation investigating the complaint.
  4. Awesome. So the proposal is to penalise anyone who buys from a registered breeder? My dogs came from registered breeders, and are all desexed. Where in gods name does this make sense? More sabre rattling. Just encourages people not to register their pets at all with this kind of ridiculous, clearly irrational proposition. How about working with what they have already rather than shove this crap down peoples throats. It WONT stop back yard breeding or dog attacks. Bloody idiots. Yep, that's the takeaway I got from that, too. Anyone who gets a dog from a breeder gets penalised. And you know what, I'm still getting a purebred if that little silly bit makes out of the moneygrubbers in NSW.
  5. I looked at the title and thought, 'This is sure to be an interesting thread!' but I see it's actually about dogs ...
  6. Has anyone said "Nekhbet needs to set timelines for Jelly and Roo."? There's a difference between that and "Timelines and objective measures can play an important role in judging progress." Or even "Jelly, I encourage you to adopt a timeline for your own and your dog's continued health and well being." These things are also considered best practice. If you want to fight about that feel free to start a topic on it, but I don't see a need. Either you're guiding Jelly in that or you're not. That part is no one else's business. But on a public forum, I figure it's anyone's business to say relevant things on the topic. There may be others facing similar issues for whom these comments are very useful. If we're suddenly not allowed to say stuff that could possibly (but possibly not, seeing as no one knows) contradict Nekhbet's instructions, then it becomes a highly censored thread and no one actually knows what they are allowed to say and what they are not. If it's that much of a big deal, then there should be a separate "Support Jelly-Roo" thread so everybody can stop getting so needlessly prickly. Corvus, I have no idea if you've set up a lecture everyone on separation anxiety thread but on this thread I suggest that people are getting prickly because you and someone else keep drivelling on about deadlines. Objective or not, I am certainly finding it annoying, particularly given the end result of failure by your insistent deadline is a dog being pts.
  7. No one is making demands. Some are strongly encouraging the adoption of timeframes and objective records by which to measure progress. I explained why a few pages back. If you don't understand, feel free to PM me and I'll try to explain it in terms that make more sense to you. The best trainers and behaviourists in the world do this kind of thing for a reason. It can be a huge help to both dog and human and I have no doubt those suggesting it have Jelly and Roo's best interests at heart. Brooke isn't the only one who saw certain posts as demanding a fix by date. As Nekh has said it's really not anyone's business. Though a few Roo pics wouldn't go astray ...
  8. I thought it was a dixer at first given it was clareohyeah's first post.
  9. I emailed one of the Vic breeders yesterday. She has contacted the person concerned.
  10. I believe Cr Antonelli came on DOL a while back to discuss a particular Ipswich issue. Perhaps he could be invited back?
  11. HW makes a good point, as usual. I would like to add that given the lack of understanding of particular breeds by those in animal welfare (broad stroke generalisation), I would be hesitant to dismiss a dog being temperament tested because of a particular reaction to certain stimuli. I would prefer someone expert in that breed take a look at the dog. I have no opinion on temp testing crossbreeds and would imagine that they could only have a general test.
  12. How's their kill rate? I understand that they do cooperate with rescue on occasion?
  13. Could you explain how you can rehabilitate a dog without any involvement from the owner? I don't see how this is possible because isn't half the battle teaching the owner? Or do you take the owner away for five days, too?
  14. I have no opinion on whether your training methods work but I would never hand over my dog to a total stranger for 5 seconds let alone 5 days.
  15. So, you aren't actually claiming that no dogs were pts? Well, that is something. So, my question again: how do you know more dogs will be killed? Your response, if you are honest, should be, 'I don't know.' And if your answer is an honest 'I don't know' then you should also admit you're speculating without any evidence. It's been a week. Come back this time next year and then complain if there is anything to complain about.
  16. How do you know that many dogs will be killed? You don't know, no one does. Are you claiming that no dogs were euthanaised prior to this? And please, punctuation is your friend.
  17. There's so much you need to know about the way things work but I'm sure others will fill you in. Particularly the "kill dogs for money", not sure who told you that one. My question to you is why aren't you equally appalled that PR have walked away, staff are getting abused and 5 lives and the future of more are being used as emotional blackmail? I don't know where oscamia is from but I am told LDH gets more money from pts than they they do from adoptions.
  18. Have been asked for puppy school recommendations in the ACT but haven't had any experience with them. I am told that the training school at Symonston is the best for older dogs but was hoping for suggestions to pass on for puppies, whether school or vet surgery.
  19. The test will be if it continues post puppy banning.
  20. Dear Canberra Times, a good editor is your best friend.
  21. Why wouldn't damage to property already be covered in civil courts?
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