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Everything posted by Sheridan

  1. Comedy gold tralee :laugh: Thus, why I blocked.
  2. I gave up reading entirely and blocked ages ago. The only reason I picked this up was because quoted. I also hope it was a compliment.
  3. I THINK that was a compliment. :) How can you tell?
  4. I wouldn't take my dog to a chiro at all.
  5. As far as I am aware Troy has said there is no intention of getting rid of the forums so the hysterics can stop right there. As to the content, my concern is, as stated all along, is that some threads get ignored. When it's so strongly insisted that it's all about support then those who don't get responded to or supported would feel that rather keenly. Thankfully, when my dog was so very unwell I already had support in a thread elsewhere.
  6. In my opinion there are way too many non dog related threads on DOL. Often when using the 'view new content' option there are so many threads about non dog related issues that one could be forgiven for thinking it's a general chat forum instead of a pure bred dog forum. If people need the palliative care sub forum they'll find it or someone will point them in the right direction. The palliative care sub forum is a place where we can receive support and advice from others who have experience in caring for a terminally ill dog. The palliative care sub forum should not be a place for general chit chat or for diagnosis of an unknown or suspected health issue (as has happened in the past). It is a sub forum for those who are caring for a dying dog. Is there actually any general chit chat at all in the palliative care forum? I doubt there's general chit chat and trust it will remain so. What happened is that there was a request for opinions on the possible health issue with a sick dog that had not been diagnosed by a vet. This request was followed by comments explaining the exact nature of palliative care. I think this thread should probably be in the Forum Suggestions forum. If you read my original post you'd know that I did post in there and didn't get much of a response. If there is no general chit chat in the palliative care forum, why did you complain about it? Or is your actual complaint that this thread has shone a torch on that forum in a negative light? Having a bad day Sheridan or too much time and nothing constructive to do? I did not complain about general chit chat. I said it should not be a place for general chit chat OR a suspected health issue with a dog. Had I been complaing about chit chat I would have use the word AND instead of OR. Perhaps take time to read and understand the reply instead of being so eager to jump on the attack. I don't think this thread has shown the palliative care forum in a negative light at all. That may have been the intention but if so, it failed to meet the objective. Dear me, I think you've just proved my point.
  7. A holiday?? For three weeks?? Will you get the kennel to post Roo updates for us?
  8. I don't know much about cruciates but I have had surgery done on a dog older than 11 and he coped very well. I imagine the difficulty with cruciates is keeping them quiet afterwards.
  9. In my opinion there are way too many non dog related threads on DOL. Often when using the 'view new content' option there are so many threads about non dog related issues that one could be forgiven for thinking it's a general chat forum instead of a pure bred dog forum. If people need the palliative care sub forum they'll find it or someone will point them in the right direction. The palliative care sub forum is a place where we can receive support and advice from others who have experience in caring for a terminally ill dog. The palliative care sub forum should not be a place for general chit chat or for diagnosis of an unknown or suspected health issue (as has happened in the past). It is a sub forum for those who are caring for a dying dog. Is there actually any general chit chat at all in the palliative care forum? I doubt there's general chit chat and trust it will remain so. What happened is that there was a request for opinions on the possible health issue with a sick dog that had not been diagnosed by a vet. This request was followed by comments explaining the exact nature of palliative care. I think this thread should probably be in the Forum Suggestions forum. If you read my original post you'd know that I did post in there and didn't get much of a response. If there is no general chit chat in the palliative care forum, why did you complain about it? Or is your actual complaint that this thread has shone a torch on that forum in a negative light?
  10. In my opinion there are way too many non dog related threads on DOL. Often when using the 'view new content' option there are so many threads about non dog related issues that one could be forgiven for thinking it's a general chat forum instead of a pure bred dog forum. If people need the palliative care sub forum they'll find it or someone will point them in the right direction. The palliative care sub forum is a place where we can receive support and advice from others who have experience in caring for a terminally ill dog. The palliative care sub forum should not be a place for general chit chat or for diagnosis of an unknown or suspected health issue (as has happened in the past). It is a sub forum for those who are caring for a dying dog. Is there actually any general chit chat at all in the palliative care forum?
  11. It's kind of weird cos I was there generally once a week during Grumpy's last year and now I haven't been there since Christmas.
  12. I just put my mattress on the floor.
  13. Hamish did send an email to the physio people when I talked to him about taking Grumpy there, advising them of his health issues. Hamish also said in the email Grumpy was grumpy, which gave me a good giggle when the physio read it out to me. :laugh:
  14. I certainly wouldn't want a puppy who has eaten from a chemically disinfected bowl. Who knows what sort of health issues that dog is going to have down the track.
  15. Hope you're feeling better this morning, Alyosha. I'm with the others. It needs to be reported.
  16. Policing? Hey, Im not the person who used the word "trolling" about anothers' post, now am I? You know I reckon if people focussed more on the damage some dogs do and less on the reasons for the attacks that happen, we'd have safer communities. A bite is a bite, An attack is an attack (as happened to Aloysha last night). For the most part, from where I sit, analysing the "whys" of such incidents doesn't make the dogs safer. And I'm as guilty of that analysing as anyone. Some folk may not have a problem with a dog that will deglove the face of an elderly little dog. I'm not among their number. If you want to own the kind of dog that will do this then you need to house it responsibly. To be quite frank why anyone gives their dog access to the front fence of their property beats the hell out of me. People come through gates, dogs are easy targets for theft., unwelcome behaviours such as barking and fence rushing passers by abound. And as for the bull breed issue? I've said time and time again that the biggest threat to the ownership of bull breeds comes from the irresponsible within their own ranks. I feel sorry for those who love these dog and have to deal with the fall out from people who don't manage them so that they don't become involved in incidents like this. I don't particularly want to get into the bull breed dumb owner issue because it's a hiding to nothing. Too many hysterics involved. However, I did want to touch on the front yard issue. Dogs should not be in front yards. Nevermind the child or dog who could stick a finger or nose through a fence, it simply is unsafe for the dog in the yard.
  17. And really, what the hell business is it of a government department what breeders feed their dogs?
  18. Dog face ripped off by other dog and has to be pts. What else is there? My sympathy is with the Jacques and his owner. I have some sympathy for the dog that attacked Jacques because he is a victim, too.
  19. There's also the animal physios working out of the emergency clinic in Fyshwick. They don't work at the clinic, they just work from there. I'd see them before I'd take a dog to a chiro.
  20. It won't turn away the large scale breeders because they won't care and it won't turn away BYB because they won't be policed. This is a policy designed to rid Victoria of pedigree dogs.
  21. Given there are a number of vets closer than Werribee, including one actually in Deer Park, I wonder if they took the dog to the specialists at Werribee to see if what was ripped off could be reattached. Hopefully, poor little Jacques was sedated long before he was pts.
  22. I do that too, it forces them to breathe properly through their mouth and stops it. I'm surprised at the amount of people who panic over reverse sneezing and don't know this simple method, especially pug owners. Grumpy did it on rare occasions but generally, a simple 'What are you doing you silly dog?' would be enough to make him stop.
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