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Everything posted by Sheridan

  1. You know what all that probably looks like to the RSPCA - evidence.
  2. Instead of saying 'I hope' a lot, have you actually asked Dogs NSW if they've made submissions to these?
  3. Actually, I'd suggest that they're just reading this thread.
  4. If they're a referral service, why are they on Pet Rescue?
  5. Do you really think so? Isn't it at the stage of conspiracy theory where nothing said in court will be true?
  6. Every time I see an American show with their primped and preened wheatens I post this on FB:
  7. Which I suppose they won't be compensated for.
  8. I don't take my dog to my vets because they're cheap, I go because they're excellent vets who care about my dogs and know what they're talking about and treat my views with respect.
  9. Funny how both the NSW and Vic online consultations don't work very well.
  10. Given Chrysler has just recalled nearly 500,000 Jeeps because they auto shift from park into neutral, they may pull ads for a while.
  11. Grumpy's sire was around 13. All that litter lived until they were past 15.
  12. Did anyone work out what shelters were closed down in Vic?
  13. For those outside NSW there's no point in talking to local members but anyone in NSW should do it.
  14. It wouldn't allow me to even complete the form itself properly.
  15. Has this dog had adoption or rescue? Noticed he's not there anymore.
  16. Well, I tried to provide comments and got a 'incorrect validation key' response. Will see if I can provide a response by email.
  17. Notably, the RSPCA has to prove guilt in court rather than Lola prove her innocence, something she would know if she had a solicitor advising her instead of a community advocate.
  18. Excellent news. Keep us posted.
  19. That's good. How did she go last night with the food? The trick is that you have to keep them eating, which for mine was quite difficult as he was such a fussy eater.
  20. Congratulations! Nice to see you and your pup!
  21. From what you've said about them, I doubt whether there was even a fleeting shudder.
  22. That's good to know. Did you introduce the dry over a little while or change over immediately?
  23. The RSPCA closed one of their own shelters in Victoria last year. Does that count?
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