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Everything posted by Sheridan

  1. Where are all these laid back labs? All the ones I know (bar one guide dog, that is) are pretty full on. I know a few laid back ones and a few full on ones, either way they are one of the most popular breeds so they must be pretty suitable for the vast majority of homes. Maybe the reason the poodle isn't as popular is more about perception than anything else but that is a challenge for poodle breeders and clubs to change if they so desire. Sure, but that's for another thread. You were saying, I got the impression so correct me if I'm wrong, that the reason that people want labradoodles is because of the lab temp but wanted them not to shed. But, as you've said above, not all labs are laid back. They may be a perfect family dog but they're certainly not all laid back. Perhaps they're only considered a perfect family dog because people see perfectly behaved guide dogs and expect to get one of those out of the box.
  2. Where are all these laid back labs? All the ones I know (bar one guide dog, that is) are pretty full on.
  3. I've never seen a poodle with a herding title, at least not in this country as they are not an eligable breed. Why? Under ANKC regulations the eligable breeds are Group 5, plus Bernese Mountain Dog, Canaan Dog, Keeshond, Kerry Blue Terrier, Norwegian Elkhound, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Tibetan Terrier, Standard Schnauzer, Giant Schnauzer and Rottweiller. All breeds who have a history of herding. It is much like gundog trials are restricted to gundogs. Still doesn't explain why. History of herding, so what? Doesn't mean another breed can't herd.
  4. I've never seen a poodle with a herding title, at least not in this country as they are not an eligable breed. Why?
  5. Yeah, I wouldn't put one on Grumpy but Mini would be okay, I think, with her curls. Mind you, given they're just a bog standard collar underneath, they'd be easy enough to make.
  6. Group 2 Sunday? Saturday was Merijig's little boy Joxer (Merijigs Around the House).
  7. This would look better on Princess Mini: http://www.etsy.com/listing/51324384/citad...gner-dog-collar. And this one: http://www.etsy.com/listing/51324036/light...?ref=v1_other_2
  8. And what if they want a lab temperament and not the lab coat so get a labradoodle but they get the poodle temperament and the lab coat? Just a thought ...
  9. Given that the post I responded to was in part this: I'd say you're the one who doesn't get it and probably never will, so I'll leave you to it.
  10. Logic: if you'd hadn't allowed your dog to bounce up to the other dog, the incident wouldn't have happened.
  11. To be fair, there are differences in some recognised breeds, too, including size and coat type. It's what keeps breed afficionados entertained.
  12. The website states And my sister's dog ingested Round Up and was a very sick little boy for a while.
  13. Use peppermint oil around the areas they come in. I put peppermint soaked cotton balls in the pantry and cupboards. They won't cross a peppermint trail. A book I have also suggests filling an old can with honey and putting it away from the house. Follow the ant trail back to the nest and pour boiling water in.
  14. I don't know about perfect, but lots of people do have non-reactive, well socialised dogs. Muzzling the dog or not taking it to dog parks is the responsible thing to do if it is known to be aggressive. Howeve rthe OP also stated she didn't know whether it was the first time the dog had done this. It is not helpful to the OP to tell her it was her fault for letting her dog run up to another, she said in the first post she knew it wasn't good for her dog to run up to a strange dog and was primarily asking whether her dog would be permanently affected by this incident and how to help the dog overcome any possible fear from this event. It was her fault. Perhaps reiterating this will ensure it doesn't happen again. I repeat, how many times have DOLers complained about off lead dogs running up to theirs? This is no different except the shoe is on the other foot.
  15. If all you wanted was sympathy then you should have stated this at the beginning.
  16. megan The on lead dog was as under control as it could be! The off lead dog obviously wasn't under control as it was bounding over to the other dog. The on lead dog was minding its own business and would not have done anything if the off lead dog hadn't come over. I don't dispute this. I was replying to Sheridan's post to dogmad. I think that, if you hava a reactive, aggresive dog, you should avoid taking it to the park when there are lots of people about. As per my previous post, I agree that the OP should never have let her dog approach the other one. I also don't think that the onlead dog was as under control as it could be. If the dog had displayed this behaviour previously, the owner should have put a muzzle on it? Someone clearly has perfect, non-reactive dogs.
  17. No, it doesn't but the fact remains that the off lead dog should not have been allowed to bounce up to the other dog. Bounce up is the OP's words, mind. I've read enough times here the opposite complaint where an off lead dog is allowed to rush up to an on lead dog and the off lead dog owner is thoroughly condemned for allowing it to happen. How is this any different?
  18. Hang on, wasn't poochiemama's dog off lead and the man's dog on lead? Did poochiemama allow her dog to 'bound up' to the other dog and get in its face? This is poochiemama's fault for not having her dog under control not the other owner.
  19. I just think it's amazing that they'd all be in the same room and not wanting what the other had.
  20. Sorry to take this off-topic as the thread is appalling enough but the RSPCA gases dogs? Seriously? They actually do this?
  21. To poodlefan's list as a subcategory under good genes, I'd put good immune system.
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