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Everything posted by Sheridan

  1. My previous kerry was like that. It's generally adrenaline, I think. Mini did this and the vet took bloods, temp, etc, and put it down to an infection. She had a course of anti-biotics and was okay in a few days but then it happened again. Vet put her on Rimadyl but she was okay the next day. No idea what it was.
  2. So what exactly will these 'shows' entail? I've read that all dogs will have to be examined by a veterinary surgeon prior to 'exhibition' (very time consuming) and that the general public will be much more involved than they are at ANKC shows, but other than that everything appears to be very vague. Other than testing for working ability (possible, but will be difficult and once again extremely time consuming at an all breeds show) and ensuring that every dog can do the job for which it was originally bred (even more difficult as some of those jobs no longer exist) I cannot begin to imagine how one of your 'shows' is going to be conducted or what is going to be required of the exhibits. I would dearly love to know how the MDBA is going to show that wheatens are free from PLN by a veterinary examination. With some diseases you can't tell the dog is sick. Not true at all, I'm very interested in what some people have here to say. Otherwise I would not have persevered for so long. Lots of good info in this thread, mixed in with insults and silly comments. It is a matter of separating the wheat from the chaff. I just don't get upset by personal insults from ignorant people. Water off a ducks back. Funny, I was about to say the same thing ... ;)
  3. No not all activists are the only dog lovers at all. But they have got real balls to go and get punched in the head to expose the cruelty of puppy farms. I know it is political and there are some nutters in the activists but overall I think they have balls and I take my hat off to people who are in my opinion, incredibly brave. I an a convert to being VERY anti puppy farms and BYB. As i said previously, I abhore puppies and kittens being used as commodities with no concern for their welfare (or that of breeding females) Okay, well, good luck with that. I'm not keen on fanatics, myself.
  4. That is exactly what has been happening for many, many years. Some people are passionate REAL dog lovers and will risk trespass charges and criminal record to protect and bring awareness of puppy farms http://www.prisonersforprofit.org.au/?p=385 So only activists are real dog lovers? Question: are you kind of new to all this stuff? I'm reading 'convert' of some sort from your posts.
  5. Because the current one doesn't seem to be working very well, does it? Or do you think it is? I'm not sure how paying a private company so breeders can self-describe as 'master dog breeders' is a new wheel? After all, it's not an industry or accredited organisation.
  6. Well, I read it and thought, 'Trap!' Maybe those who PM'd Annie thought the same.
  7. As Steve explained it once, the ANKC under the fair trading laws, as simply a registry, cannot prevent someone selling a dog to anyone. The MDBA can because it is a private company. It's a business. Thanks for that clarification. So therefore, like it or not, ANKC is supporting puppy farmers - or at best allowing them to be part of their group. I would not call a group that supports sale of pups to pet shops reputable. Allowing it is not the same as supporting it. The ANKC does not have a choice.
  8. There is nothing wrong with aspiring to be elite, but buying a membership to say you are is what im against. Being an elite/accredited breeder should be like a life membership, a badge of honor awarded to you from those within - In this case the ANKC. This is achieved by your morals, ethics, knowledge and commitment not something you can buy. Needs a like button.
  9. With my last puppy, I had a four month wait but that was because I lucked out finding a breeder with a litter on the way. I imagine that it would be difficult for those who have to wait a much longer time. I actually found the wait rather fun because I shopped for puppy things and even ran a poll as to what he should be named.
  10. Become a wheaten breeder and then you can have me interrogate you in detail! Go on, you know you want to ... I answered no to all three but on cowanbree's point, I'm more educated than perhaps those who have never had a health issue with a dog. I've had two dogs, one a kerry blue who was sick his whole life, and a wheaten who died of PLN. There's nothing like having a sick dog to make a puppybuyer educated.
  11. Some breeds, of course, don't have breed clubs and some aren't worth it anyway.
  12. I suppose it depends on how breeders and the puppy-buying public regard self-description.
  13. It's called research, if more puppy buyers bothered to research there would be a lot less getting ripped off and screwed over. I have this written on my site - Whilst you are looking at purchasing a loving companion, think like your buying a car. Truth is people spend more time finding that perfect car, then they do when purchasing a puppy. Ask questions, visit more then one breeder, view paperwork and ask around. You can always get a new car bought through buyer error, but you can't replace that beloved puppy because you didn't do your research first. Ask many questions and do your research. I get many emails from people who ask advice etc saying they read my page - questions to ask breeders and things to look out for, yet they still buy from a BYB. That's a good statement. But as an editor, can I just put in 'think like you're buying a car' rather than 'your' ...
  14. ;) Care to clarify which one it is? Im reluctant to do this because I already know it will sart a whole new wave of beating us up And there's another marketing 101 fail. Do you actually think that the questions are not genuine?
  15. Edited, given Steve's response, which is a whole other issue.
  16. Marketing tip: don't treat questions as an attack but rather a chance to educate potential recruits.
  17. I don't free feed because I have two dogs that resource guard their food. I have an 'eat it or lose it' philosophy in my house. Last night, Mini growled when Grumpy looked like he was coming over to her (he wasn't, he wanted my attention) and she hadn't started eating her bambi ear. He had finished his. She didn't eat it and I didn't have the time to supervise him, so she lost it. Back in the cupboard it went. My two get a meal in the morning (treats, some kibble) and then a meal at night, treat afterwards. If I left food out, there'd be tears.
  18. If you had read the thread you would know we have around 330 breeder members and if someone rings and asks me how to find a breeder of a breed which is not represented by our members I advise them to look here, or to go to their state's Canine Association. Is that O.K. with you or would you advise me to say something else? How many breeders do you recommend if you dont know who they are or what their practices are? Which then brings us back to the question of how does one find a good breeder, doesn't it. And really, do you actually know the practices of each of those 330 members? How would you recommend one breeder over another?
  19. Steve said in response to my question that they have 330 breeder members but given they don't advertise, despite taking the trouble of joining, it seems to be difficult finding a member anyway.
  20. I was looking for a breeder a couple of years ago and rang Dogs NSW. The person who took my call asked me what group the kerry blue terrier was in. I said, after a fairly longish pause, 'The terrier group.'
  21. Grumpy and Mini didn't cost me anything but their 'kennel' and 'run' cost $320,000 ... I think $350 is pretty damned good and the journo should do another follow up as to whether Ms White has desexed, vaccinated and microchipped her dog and how much it cost her. It's notable, however, that people are giving a smackdown to the journo whereas it may well be the subeditor who has done the damage to the original article. It you see an article that doesn't make sense or seems cut off in places, it's usually the subbie making sure it can fit into a particular space in the paper, rather than the journo buggering it up. Nice that the RSPCA gave a non-too-subtle swipe at BYBs, though.
  22. Well, you have to remember that the MDBA is an eponymous title.
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