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Everything posted by Sheridan

  1. Wasn't that the OP point? How to tell the host they would rather not take the dog, just themselves. i.e. Tell them why.
  2. I think you'd be better off with Joint Guard and some cartrophen shots. That's not much help if you don't say why.
  3. That's Mac all over - but I get the brown, sad-eyed accusing look as well! Mac always needs something to eat, poor starved boy that he is!! BTW what does Grumpy's puffiness look like? Is it possibly a medication side-effect? Just a thought. He's not on medication. What I call puffyiness, it's really heavy panting.
  4. Talking of expensive ... I rang Patio Link (after there was no response to my email; it seems only one person has email access, which for a business is just daft). I have to do some measurements and send a photo of the bottom of my door to ensure it will fit the Patio Link. I want a rise of 5 cm in the large so Grumpy doesn't have to lift his feet too much and this will cost an extra $150. They will replace the hard polycarbonate door for a soft plastic for nothing. In all it comes to $750, including the courier fees.
  5. Grumpy will eat anything and Mini, who doesn't have arthritis and isn't elderly, won't eat her dinner unless she also gets a sprinkle of Sasha's Blend on top. I have little sense of smell (useful when you have a dog ) so I don't think it's stinky.
  6. What do you give him for his arthritis?
  7. If it's a DOL get together, can't some of the others help you get the stuff in?
  8. I simply can't leave Grumpy with anyone; he's too unpredictable.
  9. That's a good link. I can see some of those things in Grumpy, though only a few. I'm going to discuss with the vet. I have noticed recently that he's often quite puffy at night. Rarely during the day. I am concerned that this is congestive heart failure but it's another to put on the list. Went out for 40 minutes this morning and the attitude when I got back ... You went OUT. I had to stay OUTSIDE! I need something to eat!
  10. Good luck at the vet. Just keep him quiet until then.
  11. Even if he's not carrying the leg in the morning, get him checked over anyway, I reckon.
  12. I did this one and specifically said I wanted a long-haired coated dog with high grooming requirements and I got the xoloitzcuintli ...
  13. It's great that Mac is doing better. I'll have to wait until next pay to get the Hills. I just bought a kilo each of chicken bits (bribes) and green-lipped mussels, so I'm a trifle poor this week, thanks to Grumps. No blame attached to Mini as she's a good girl and hops into bed when asked.
  14. He may have just pulled or pinched something but it's good you're going to get it checked out. They do tend to go into a panic if they can't move properly. Does he have arthritis?
  15. I have to keep my bathroom and laundry doors shut because Grumpy likes to rummage.
  16. Sorry, didn't see this. I'll take a look. I emailed Patio Link with some questions on Tuesday. No response after two days. I'll call them tomorrow and suggest that if they want a sale, they might want to respond to my questions.
  17. I had to laugh at this... This thread has made me teary, but that certainly lightened the mood. They may get older, but they don't get any less cheeky do they? They certainly do not! :D
  18. Fraud has to be proven. At this time, I believe my money will be refunded by my bank and my card is cancelled so it can't be accessed again. If the merchant repeats a credit card charge when no goods or services have been supplied or requested by the card-holder, then that can be reported to Police because it is fraud plain and simple. Unless the merchant hits a card subsequent to the initial order being made by the card holder and in the absence of a further order, there is no real case if the money is refunded OR if the goods eventually arrive. Actually no.... if multiple people are placing orders and not receiving goods then the police will be interested If everyone just lets it go then they get away with it and so another person becomes a victim - just like you did Yes, fraud has to be proven but um, isn't that what the police do? Investigate crime? Or do I have that wrong?
  19. I came into the house one afternoon and Grumpy was in front of Mini, so she put her front paws up on Grumpy's back to say hello. Amazingly, he didn't smack her down, though he did one time when he was lying on the bed and she took a flying leap and landed on his head. She's as fast as lightning when she needs to be, that girl. Just as quickly as she jumped up, she flung herself off the bed.
  20. Grumpy, being still very fit, tends to fling him about with no care to his age. He trips a bit when he walks, too, and sometimes his legs go out from under him. He's begun slipping over as he runs into the house so this morning I bought a couple of non-slip mats for just inside the patio door. What do people do to stop their oldies from falling over?
  21. Yes, I think so, because what works with one dog won't necessarily work with another. Aktivait sounds very interesting. Have you seen this? Vet on the Web. This bit is very relevant: .When Grumps had his bad drug episode, he had no idea who I was. Sometimes I'll call him and it's not that he doesn't respond, it's more that he can't tell where the call is coming from (I would put this down to hearing loss but he manages to hear the fridge opening without any trouble).
  22. I don't think the bribing every few steps to the bed is a deterioration. I think he's finally worked out he can get more to eat and if he doesn't, he gets to sleep on my bed. It's a win win situation for the cunning little ratbag. I'm certainly going to ask about the Hills, though, because I am concerned about his reaction to things. A car started up the other day and he reacted in the same way he does to thunder. :D
  23. hmn... Sheridan I don't think she did... I'll ask when I'm next there on the 3rd (Mac needs a dental...). Do you know by any chance? No, sorry. I don't remember. I think it was a couple of weeks.
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