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Everything posted by Sheridan

  1. Oh, well that is because she is looking at the bigger picture where lables are not the center of world. But if you must bring it down to a lable to understand, then go with pedigree dogs breeders. That should work just fine. Hope that helps. Again, your interpretation. She doesn't say, 'Oh, I'm looking at the big picture and don't put labels on any of this'. And again, do you intend to stand shoulder to shoulder with BYB and puppyfarmers and unethical registered breeders? Do you just go, 'Oh, dog breeder, must not criticise' no matter what stripe of breeder it is? The dog breeder that crams ten dogs to a cage that has a wire floor and covered in faeces? Are you okay with standing shoulder to shoulder with that breeder? Sheridan, it just occured to me. She did not say but I am sure she would mean this. I promise you, she was not talking about you, you can complain, bash and lay judgement about dog breeders till your hearts content. OK. I will certainly complain about the type of breeder I described. I'm just surprised you're wanting to be lumped in with such a person.
  2. Oh, well that is because she is looking at the bigger picture where lables are not the center of world. But if you must bring it down to a lable to understand, then go with pedigree dogs breeders. That should work just fine. Hope that helps. Again, your interpretation. She doesn't say, 'Oh, I'm looking at the big picture and don't put labels on any of this'. And again, do you intend to stand shoulder to shoulder with BYB and puppyfarmers and unethical registered breeders? Do you just go, 'Oh, dog breeder, must not criticise' no matter what stripe of breeder it is? The dog breeder that crams ten dogs to a cage that has a wire floor and covered in faeces? Are you okay with standing shoulder to shoulder with that breeder?
  3. There's nothing in there about the intent of the rant article. You may be misreading the intent since people can only go on what's written. My reading of it may be wrong but so may yours. The intent as you call it is where it should be in the first few lines, at least that was how I was taught, Here is it Breeder-bashing isn't a new concept. However, with our rights to breed dogs under constant attack from the animal rights terrorists, led by none other than The Humane Society of The United States (which is in no way, shape or form a "real humane society", but rather an extreme animal rights organization), one would think that dog breeders could find some common ground, stick together, and dispense with the superiority complexes. No such luck. That means, it is about her frustration with the way breeders go about bashing each other, only feeding people like you who have a lot of complaits about purebred dog breeders. Hope that helps. No, because she doesn't specify the type of breeder, whether registered, puppyfarmer or BYB. Do you intend to stand shoulder to shoulder with the two latter or indeed, unethical registered breeders?
  4. There's nothing in there about the intent of the rant article. You may be misreading the intent since people can only go on what's written. My reading of it may be wrong but so may yours.
  5. I suggest a blue of kerries. And a madcap of wheatens.
  6. But therefore do we support registered breeders come what may? I don't think so.
  7. Well, what I got out of that is that you shouldn't criticise another breeder because it allows animal rights activists through the door. This is complete bullshit. There is plenty to criticise about breeders no matter what sort they are and that includes registered breeders, not all of whom are ethical. Gee, even those agreeing with this would criticise an unethical registered breeder. Wouldn't they?
  8. Grumpy got sick on Pro Plan because of the animal fat in there.
  9. A no chemicals household hint book I have suggests putting a honey filled jar away from where you want the ants to be then putting a few honey trails leading up to it. The ants will go to the jar. Follow the trail back and pour boiling water where the ants are coming from to kill the nest.
  10. Aside from adding an industrial lubricant to it, you mean. 'Now with canola'!
  11. This dog is a wire fox terrier.
  12. I'm still feeding. I've seen it in Pet Barn. My problem is that Mini won't touch anything else and anything else makes Grumpy unwell.
  13. I told Grumpy off yesterday for not minding me when I was in the shower. I said it wasn't the little girl's job to mind me, it was his. This morning, there he was outside the bathroom. Good boy, Grumpy!
  14. Curious to know if there's any kerries or wheatens in there? Doubt there'd be any wheatens.
  15. I think the medication depends on the type of kidney disease.
  16. Mini always seems so surprised when she farts. She whips around, sniffs her bum, and looks at Grumpy. Don't look at him, I say, he didn't fart.
  17. It tends to be in the US. They don't have concurrent sentences in many areas; they have consecutive.
  18. I had the flu really bad one year and I had a coughing fit, so bad that I was gasping for breath. Grumpy was very worried and just hovered at me. Then he sat on my chest, which wasn't all that helpful.
  19. No, though I used to belong to its predecessor. There were no activities. Previous and current, because of the people. Breed clubs are not about breeders or show people, they're about the breed and should cater to all owners whether breeder or pet. The previous one wasn't. In fact, when I brought it up as a topic, it was dismissed by one breeder.
  20. This is such an accurate description of Grumpy. Today he jumped up on the bed, got about halfway and got stuck. I had to very quickly give him a shove up, poor little man.
  21. Alyosha, my view is if they want a blonde kerry, they should get a kerry and dye the hair.
  22. I think the creep/sales factor would be removed by whatever note comes with the present.
  23. Interestingly, Grumpy isn't remotely stiff, just a bit wobbly at times plus the tripping. I have noticed that he's not lifting his leg to wee, though, except when we're out.
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