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Everything posted by Schatzi'sMum

  1. Thanks :) It will be great to see you guys again. I am hoping this wont be our only trip north for a comp this year!
  2. Hi Guys, I don't post much on DOL but would love to join you here in this thread :) I see at least one familiar face :). I'm a relatively new convert to DWD, our third comp is coming up in a week and a bit. Got one white shepherd girl in Novice and my youngster making her debut in Starters FS
  3. Mine arrived today too! :p :rolleyes: Kato saw his ball with the squirrell type tail come out of the box and went crazy Unfortunately they have been hidden away until xmas, he's seen where they've been hidden so he's been sitting outside the cupboard door looking pleadingly at me "please mum, can I have them now????" :panting:
  4. I will stand up and say "I am an agility addict! It's only been 14hours since my last dog toy purchase and I am wanting more!" Oooh Levi - Success with One Jump is good, got some great ideas in it. I'm planning to pull out my copy again soon to get some ideas for backyard exercises during the summer months. I cant wait for 2X2 Weaving... I was actually thinking last night about buying the e-book you can get at the moment before the DVD is released
  5. Will let you know how it goes with her Ohhh that's a great idea! Me wanty that one too!!! But I think seeing as in the last three days I have bought a new tent for trialing, new dog leads and the splurge at CR... that maybe I should wait a while before buying any more dog things
  6. I bought Shaping Success last time I had a CR splurge, highly recommend it Ruby81 I am holding out hopes for the food tube! I will make her a toy lover somehow! But now I wish I'd bought some of the iSqueak balls :thumbsup: They sound so good!
  7. I got some balls on different tuggy things for my ball crazy boy, a food tube for my food motivated girl who I'm trying to get interested in toys, a book for me and I got each of them one of those cool coats! Hopefully they will be good for shepherds who go flat when we travel for trials to warmer climates I had to do some pruning from my order when I saw what my original "wish list" added up to :cool: - My postage would have been about $120 so it was worth it to buy more now (that's my excuse and I am sticking to it )
  8. Goodbye Clapton, run free on healthy legs in a youthful body at the bridge Kelpiepupmum, I know how hard this decision would have been for you, I made it myself this week. It's the hardest part of sharing our lives with dogs, but remember that you gave Clapton a great gift :)
  9. Well said Tikira. I've felt that way for a very long time as I've lost both animals & humans suddenly that I have been very close to. I try every day to treat my fellow man with a little more understanding & smile at all the animals that I come across during my day. I am very thankful that I got those last few days with him to give him a proper send off and say goodbye. So many of our friends are taken before we have that chance. Tikira I hope its OK - I'd like to post your beautiful poem here as it sums up my big bear better than I can Jaeger's Gift As I gazed into your eyes on that very first day, I knew that all too soon I would have to go away. I could not bear to leave you alone, so I made a plan, To bring in others who would love you as much as I can. First I picked a little girl, she would fit in so well, A beautiful white ball of fluff came with us to dwell. I chose her well, a “feral treasure” from up above, And together we tested the limits of your love. I realized then you girls would need a man, After all, boys smooch better than most girls can. So Schatzi had puppies, and I became “uncle Jae”. I taught these babies to be like me in every way. As time marched on I knew which boy was the one, A bundle of white with a green ribbon, he would be fun . This clown would make you smile when I couldn’t be there, He would idolize you and follow you everywhere. I did a great job choosing our little family you know, I was proud of them as I watched them learn and grow, And then as pain racked my body day and night, I knew when my time came my mum would be alright So as I looked into your eyes that last day, I was content, and not afraid to go away. I knew that one day you would be happy again, And say to Schatzi and Kato. “Remember when…” Love forever, Jaeger.
  10. Ahhh Jae taught many men that it's cool to be a sensitive guy! ;) Poor Schatz was quite sad last night, she spent most of the evening on "Jae's spot" on the couch. She did manage to get up and ask repeatedly for food :rolleyes: but she is grieving poor girl ;) Let's hope the post up here doesnt let me down too badly and I can get some care into her ;)
  11. Thanks CDM - I am sure he will be up there playing with them all :rolleyes: BT - that was beautiful! Thank you so much! My heart is very sad for him today, it's hard to be back in my day today routine without having his big black nose sticking into everything I do...
  12. Those are two of my favourites too Thanks again everyone for all your kind words
  13. Three German Shepherds walk into a bar & the barman says "Why the long faces ?" This is how all the fun began Rach ... :wink: I cant look at that photo and not smile and think of that joke!
  14. His favourite Frisbee Getting into mischief - but of course it wasnt his idea And always caring for the little ones....
  15. Thank you all so much. He was a really special man. Jae had a big love of music, he was a Sinatra fan (shows how cool he was ) and used to sing along to "New York, New York". But there is one song that I used to sing him that's running through my head - with the different lyrics I used to sing: "I can see the sunset in your eyes, Brown and grey and blue besides... Oooh Jaegy I loved your way, every day..." Here are some favourite photos The goofy beginning "Ugh what is that smell??" Doing what he loved most... "reckon I can take this dumbell into the obedience ring?" Jae and Kato - mates together Sharing a joke with the family
  16. From the time when I was about 10 years old I wanted a GSD, I waited and waited for about 12 years until the time was right and my living circumstances would allow for that special dog to finally come into my life. I remember the day that I first saw Jaeger at his breeders house. The choice was narrowed down to two boys, Jae and his brother who were so alike in every way. I was having so much trouble choosing between the two, I was sitting there with Cash on my lap and was thinking he was going to be the one, then I said "where's the other boy". I looked down and sitting beside my leg staring into my eyes, was Jae. I knew then and there he was saying "pick me, I'm the one meant for you". That beautiful bundle of fluff came home with me that day, became my best buddy and fulfilled a lifelong dream. Jae had a reasonably successful trialing career, he loved agility and earned a couple of titles. He was a real crowd pleaser when he ran because everyone would get such a laugh at him chatting away in joy to be running with me, even funnier though were the lectures he gave me when I made mistakes. There were several times mid course where he stopped and looked at me and said "Mrwah, wah wah!!!" frustrated because I was such a useless handler At the time I couldn't quite figure out why he would always tip bars and struggled to move like most dogs would. Jae was a big dog, we spent many years fighting negative attitudes to GSDs. He was so good in showing people who were scared of shepherds that they are really gentle beings, he was also great at helping small dogs who were afraid of big dogs. He didnt have a mean bone in his body and just wanted to meet and talk to every creature he met. In our family he was nicknamed "The Nanny", every new puppy that came to family and friends were raised by him and influenced by his gentle nature. Earlier this year I took him to the vet, I could tell something was wrong, the vet didnt fully believe me but took a whole bunch of x-rays at my request. We found that Jae had Hip Dysplasia, his elbows were seriously degenerated and his spine was calcifying from discospondylosis at that point I knew poor Jae wasnt destined to have a long life and that I would one day face a very hard decision. I didnt know how long his body would hold out, we tried natural therapies and conventional medication. These kept him going for a while, but in the last week things started to go rapidly downhill, his pain started getting worse and nothing would ease it. The time had come for him to be set free from his pain. We spent the last few days celebrating his life and all the things he loved like Chicken McNuggets and toys. This morning I held his beautiful big head in my hands and he kept his eyes on mine as he went to sleep for the last time, the same eyes that I saw in an 8 week old bundle of fluff asking to become a part of my life. Jae you will be missed everyday, it is unfair that I only got to have six years with you, but I wouldnt trade them for anything in the world. The six years of joy you gave me far outweigh the pain I feel today at losing you. Your wonderful influence will live on in the lives and spirits of all those young pups that you helped raise. You taught me many valuable lessons big guy and I'm a better person for having shared my life with you. Run free at the bridge big bear, run with your legs strong and free from pain. Jump higher than ever before and reunite with those who have come before you. The bridge will be a louder place today as you "Mrah wah wah" in the ears of all your new friends while your voice echos to those of us you have left behind. Keep a special spot up there for me buddy and save your Frisbee somewhere special, we will play together again some day. Farewell my big man, I will love you forever and you will never be forgotten. "This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you"
  17. Rest easy little man, you made the ultimate sacrifice for your family and will be missed terribly. You will always remain in your family's hearts as their hero.
  18. I dont think it's being called the nationals but the trans-tasman something or another - gee you can see I took the information in properly hey? Seems that there are no ANKC Nationals until WA in 2010.
  19. Hi everyone, well done to those who did well on the weekend :rolleyes: Unfortunately Schatzi and I cant report any success from our runs there. It was the first trial she's come away from with no quallies, but that's OK. I now know that if we travel a long way to a trial that I need to give her an extra day or two to aclimatise before we run. We had a couple of near misses, but the poor kid just hadn't recovered from the trip enough to be at her full potential. We had fun anyway and big trials like the nationals are always a good experience if nothing else :D Congrats to everyone who competed I have heard that 2009 is going to be in New Zealand Cant see us getting to that one!
  20. That's OK - I didnt think we were in the same class either But now that I remember back all those months (what was it about 3 months ago) I think it was Schatzi and Ebony who took out the HT trophies both days?!?!
  21. That's Schatzi JD HT ET, my girl Tia's full sister!! Thanks for all the info guys. This school just looked interesting. Thanks MrsD Yeah she was doing the HT! LMWS I have contacts for someone nearer you - I will email you!
  22. Here is Schatzi and her 1 week old son who is learning to walk
  23. Schatzi Weaving the poles look wide apart because she had pushed them aside in a previous run through.
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