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Everything posted by Oscardog

  1. At present my parents place is surrounded by black dirt - will all be landscaped in the next few weeks - but for the last few months Oscar has required DAILY baths - it has been like having a kid - he spends all day outside playing, being a boy - plays in what we call the 'junk yard', messes around in the shed - one day climbed over a bench and jumped (deliberately) into a bag of dynamic lifter. If he didn't want to be an indoor dog, all would be good - but he wants in, he wants cuddles - so, bath every night!
  2. It is incredibly painful ignoring them when you get home. THey look at you and jump at you - I just breathe in deep and say, I'll talk to you when you settle. THen keep going about my business. He seems to be learning very very quickly that he has to be more settled on arrival. I am not sure it solves him missing me though!
  3. All our dogs have always known what Mr Whippy sounds like. Works well for me - one kiddy cone - I have a bite, then the rest goes to the dog - but we make them lick it SLOWLY...!!! And as for veg - my man was hassling for my dinner the other night - the next night I decided to turf the leftovers - but then decided to heat them and put them in his bowl. He loved it - vegetable lasagne!!! (I gave him some meat after though cos it felt wrong for him NOT to have any!)
  4. That's funny! When my Oscar refuses to go to the toilet before bedtime, usually when my parents are staying with us (he thinks he can get away with blue murder) my dad goes out and 'shows him what to do'!!! Sorry if tmi!
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