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Everything posted by anniek

  1. You know I get so sick of 'blokes' coming up to me and saying - my son / father / you name it races greyhounds.... A few weeks ago a fellow came up and said 'my son is in Queensland and he is a large breeder". I replied 'how embarassing for you". Took a while before he asked me why. So I just told him that the general public are becoming more and more aware of the numbers killed, and telling people that your son is a big player in the industry will not make you many friends. Made me feel better anyway. And yes, there are many more greys around than they used to be, but due to breeding numbers and the size of the Oz population, unless it is made mandatory that every home has to have one ...... Will ceratinly get as many people as possible to listen to this ABC broadcast.
  2. I do believe public opinion/awareness had changed A LOT over the last few years. 6 or 7 years ago when walking a pet greyhound I would be stopped by people who would say "oh isn't it wonderful how they all get homes now after racing". In the last year or so, I get "oh isn't it terrible how they are treated and so many are killed". So the public is catching on, and as the industry itself is re-active not pro-active, then it will take some time for any changes to be made, but I do thinke that something will have to give.
  3. fantastic - yes please come along - there will be quite a few fosters there looking for homes and the lovely people who host it for us often have special 'other stuff' to give away.
  4. Greyhound safety Net is an animal welfare charity, relying on donations and fundraising to rescue and rehome greyhounds. Book Swap Event Date: Sunday, November 4, 2012 - 1:00pm The GSN fundraising book swap is on Sunday, November 4, at Profile Marketing in Port Melbourne. Address: Profile Marketing (loading dock), Bayside Avenue, Port Melbourne (off Salmon Street). Under cover, so it doesn't matter if it's raining. Lots of free parking. Time: 1 pm to 4 pm What to bring: Books, CDs, DVDs, magazines (anything decent - no elderly copies of Women's Day thanks). How it works: Bring as many of the above as you like, and take what you want. Fundraising: There is an entry fee of $10 per person. We also have EFTPOS and can take tax deductible donations. There will also be greyhound goodies for sale - 2013 GSN calendar, Xmas cards, collars and other "stuff" - and lots of greyhounds to pat. There will also be a "Quality Jumble" stall, with a range of goods for sale. All money raised goes directly to GSN. There's more: Also collecting old towels, sheets and blankets to donate to Animal Aid
  5. I think that's kelp powder, not the same thing as PlaqueOff. I'd be very interested to know though. When my Rottie was a pup she used to get kelp powder in her home made BARF diet but the breeder didn't mention anything about it keeping teeth clean and gums healthy. I think maybe plaque off is just a fancy marketing ($$$) name for THIS kelp powder - afterall athe ingredients are the same - ie both are 100% ascophyllum nodosum.
  6. I have recently bought from here here 500g of ascophyllum Nodosum for $15.95 - organic from Canada. No idea if it is the 'same stuff' time will tell I guess.
  7. saw them this afternoon in the supermarket - $5.99 and very tiny!
  8. there was a greyhound walk at Lilydale Lake this morning it was mentioned on 774 this orning in the vet section
  9. Graham Brown at Officer is our greyhound muscleman. He does all breeds - some show dogs. ph 5998 8482 eta - about half an hour - just under 30kms
  10. WOW - often wondered (but never asked) why you called yourself Daisy - and now I know!
  11. here's one from me I was too close - so no cropping
  12. took the 85mm out this arvo - great for portraits & action especially if you can find some nice late arvo light. top one ISO 1600, speed 3200, AV 1.8 bottom one ISO 1600, speed 640 (she ran through the shade), AV 3.2
  13. OK gonna have to cheat to catch up Weeks 33 & 34 of Phoebe - both taken last Sunday on our "Greys across the Bay' promotion which involved rides on ferries! sniffing the sea air and here she is (second left) with some of her pals!
  14. oops getting behind! Week 33 of Greyhounds gorgeous 8 yo Mac who is looking for a home Week 34 of Greyhounds day out on the ferry
  15. Well I have a mobile phone but it doesn't take photos :D
  16. The odd time mine have done it I have given them some milk soaked bread to help it through - then fed as normal next meal time.
  17. Week 32 of Phoebe catching some early morning rays (in her nightie)
  18. Week 32 of Greyhounds gorgeous Bubbles - who loves to rub her face in 'stuff'
  19. couple of portraits taken yesterday with the Sigma 17-70 top one AV mode ISO 1600 s speed 1/8000 (was hoping she was going to run) AV 4.0 focal lenght 17mm partial metering exp comp - 1 1/3 bottom one AV mode ISO 1600 s speed 1/2000 AV 4.0 focal length 40mm partial metering exp comp - 1/3
  20. this is what happens to a greyhound with a shutter speed of 400 :laugh:
  21. No,not a typo..lol One of the main reasons I upgraded from the 400D - which had a max of 4,000 was to get a max of 8,000. I usually shoot as close to 8,000 as I can for action - greyhounds run bloody fast you know!
  22. ISO 400 is pretty much my 'standard" - I very rarely go any lower (number) than that. Mostly shoot outdoors anything from 400 to 3200 - and indoors 1600 - 6400 But I do have trouble holding the camera steady, which is why I need a fast shutter speed - even for portraits..lol
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