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Everything posted by anniek

  1. Week 7 of Greyhounds Can't decide as they both crack me up 1. The true meaning of a barbequeueueueue 2. The famous geyhound boy sit - bum, fresh air then ground
  2. Just seen this on the GAP (non industry) site "CHANGES TO NSW MUZZLING LAWS PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: Despite the somewhat misleading article on p9 of the Sunday Telegraph (13th Feb), the Greyhound muzzling laws in NSW HAVE NOT been amended. To the best of our knowledge, the NSW Labor Government has made no announcement re planned amendments to the NSW Companion Animals Act 1998. However, Greyhound Racing NSW announced on 12th Feb an agreement with the Liberals & Nationals, that if they are elected on March 26th, the Greyhound muzzling laws will be amended for dogs adopted by Greyhound Racing’s “Greyhounds As Pets” program. Until further information is available, please continue to obey the law and muzzle your Greyhound(s) whenever they are outside your property or vehicle. " --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Great pics guys - I don't post on this thread much these days as my nifty fifty has gone out of favour for my dirty thirty
  4. Yes GAP in Vc is part of Greyhound Racing Vicroria's marketing department - the racing control board - the government..lol. I think it was quite simple in the "old days", but as there are now over a dozen greyhound adoption groups in Australia, well ..............
  5. It should be interesting though, as GAP NSW (greyhound adoption program) is the private non industry group who issue the green collrs, whilst GAP (greyhounds as pets) is the industry funded group - I think they got something $150,000 funding last year and adopted out 46 dogs), but I don't think they issue the green collar.
  6. great news - but - could be a disaster waiting to happen - they are allowed off lead in NSW
  7. week 6 of Cowboy we went to the beach late last night before the storms came through
  8. Week 6 of my 52 weeks of Greyhounds walking with friends - last night it was warm and muggy but we all had a lovely stroll into the darkness
  9. We have these Phoebe's House of Bling and profits go to greyhound rescue :D
  10. watching OH cook dinner ohhh the pleasure
  11. so, what was it? the suspence is killing me
  12. Auto focal point will pick up whatever is closest to the camera. You need to pick one and use it as the focus point. I like a speed of 2,000+ to get a sharp action shot - but them I'm old and doddery
  13. An almost daily simple pleasure for me ..... beach at first light, then watching the sun rise and the sky change colour - beautiful
  14. I saw a man with his dog on tv in one of the centres.
  15. Is it a problem with the card or card reader? Can you download to your PC direct from the camera via USB?
  16. I really don't know what it is with the Greys and bubbles. I've had a foster here for the last couple of weeks (Steel), and he was quite active for a Grey. I groomed him everyday to get rid of his kennel coat, and whan I "threw away" the handfuls of his fluff, he would chase after them and try to eat them. So I got out the bubble machine (and camera) - NOTHING.
  17. That's the one I bought from KMart Bec - the greys just looked at it, looked at me as if to say WTF, then went for a lie down. I even bought bacon and chicken flavoured bubbles
  18. OOO! I like this one! Posting on this thread is going to be baaad thing! So...where did you get yours AnnieK? How much does it hold? Does it hold an SLR camera body with a 18-200 lens? with more room to hold maybe an external flash? or am I asking too much.... No it's a bit smaller - more handbag size - great for the 7D with 30mm attached, and can also fit in the 100mm, packet of ciggies and small purse these are those
  19. Without a securely fenced house yard, we would not deem you suitable to foster or adopt a greyhound.
  20. 52 weeks of Greyhounds - week 5 - this is 13 year old Bubbles - isn't she a honey? (hope her mum likes her pic)
  21. getting in early this week - my week starts on Sundays. Week 5 of Cowboy - "I seez a wabbit" he always wears his earsies down - he keeps them for very special occasions
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