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Everything posted by anniek

  1. Bugger I've already done week 14 of Greyhounds, then I had to take pics of this fellow yesterday - so he is week 14 and a half of Greyhounds Introducing Mack
  2. Canidae ( /ˈkænɪdiː/) [2] is the biological family of carnivorous and omnivorous mammals that includes the wolves, foxes, jackals, coyotes, and the domestic dog; a member of this family is called a canid ( /ˈkeɪnɪd/). The Canidae family is divided into the "wolf-like" and "dog-like" animals of the tribe Canini and the "foxes" of the tribe Vulpini. The two species of the basal Caninae are more primitive and do not fit into either tribe
  3. anniek


    I am a foster carer. I foster for Greyhound Safety Net who are not a shelter and do not have kennels. My premises are a home, a house, for people, my house is not "maintained for the purpose of providing shelter to animals" it is maintained for the purpose of putting a roof over the head of humans, my family. Having a foster dog living their is not the prime purpose of my dwelling/house.
  4. anniek


    A domestic animal businesss is defined in the act as: Under the provisions of the Domestic Animal Act 1994 (previously the Domestic (Feral and Nuisance) Animals Act 1994 ) a domestic animal business is an animal shelter (welfare organisations such as the RSPCA and The Lost Dogs’ Home); a Council pound (operated by the Council or a contractor on behalf of Council); a pet shop (operated in a permanent location that must be open at least 5 days per week); a dog and/or cat breeding and/or rearing establishment (where the business is run for profit and the proprietor is not a member of an Applicable Organisation); a dog training establishment (where the business is run for profit); or an establishment boarding dogs or cats (where the business is run for profit to provide overnight, daycare or homecare boarding) Rescue groups generally do not have "premises maintained for the purpose of providing shelter to, or finding new homes for stray, abandoned or unwanted dogs or cats." They operate home care foster programs - ir there is no shelter, just foster carers who have foster dogs in their home. Regulation for home based foster groups would be welcomed by those who do the right thing.
  5. For me Canidae is far superior, especially the grain free. If you can only get say the Canidae lamb and rice, then I would still prefer the Canidae to avoid the brewers yeast in the BH.
  6. Week 14 of Greyhounds three for the end of daylight savings we can go there during the day now and not be bothered by those "friendly" dogs who get in our faces and cause grief while we are minding our own business
  7. Week 14 of Cowboy daylight savings has ended we can zoomie on the beach all day now and not be bothered by other dogs
  8. Looks like a con I can't think of any reason dogs would need carrots in their diet.
  9. Absolutely no doggy smell on greyhounds - and they only need a bath once a year - if that.
  10. Patches of hair standing up / facing the wrong way / feeling rougher along the spine towards the bum end, can often be a sign of worms.
  11. but it has generic "animal fat" as an ingredient doesn't it?
  12. I haven't posted in here for quite a few months as I haven't used the nifty fifty since getting the dirty thirty which is magic. So I took the fifty to the beach this morning - it was so friggin dark and gloomy I had to use ISO 3200 - anyway here's a couple of my old soldier - not great pics but wanted "back " into the thread
  13. I have one of those special "words" - used at the beach at rabbit time :D Something very very special - and they get one trial run every time we get there, just so they know I have them. With the hospital visits, it must give the residents so much pleasure being able to give treats to your dogs, so I do think that having them do little tricks (the pups not the residents) would give them pleasure too. I also think that getting treats on their visits without having to work for them is ok, as they are actually being rewarded for being good therapy dogs. Maybe if the hospital is the only place they get treats without work then it would be ok? Annie
  14. I totally understand - my girl is a real bossy boots and has to sit and "play the drums" for stranger treats. My old soldier is a little unsure of new people, especially those who go to pat him over his head. He can have a treat for just accepting a pat. When this happens with strangers, they seem to understand where I'm coming from because of the two very different personalities. Must say though, that most people we have met have asked first if mine can have a treat, so they are already on my wave length, as they are carrying treats as part of their training program with their dogs. Annie
  15. Week 13 of Cowboy ok so I thought I would get a photo of some treat catching in the back yard - WRONG I have put together a little collage of out takes, he is too big and won't stay a distance from me - silly old bugger gets so excited when we have "us" time so then I settled for a "happy to be all finished" shot.
  16. I was mixing the two together - EP holistic & BH - maybe they sent me the "baby food" Doesn't matter - feeding Canidae grain free salmon now and unlikely to be changing.
  17. I fed EP for years, still feeding it when I got my BH sample - and the BH kibble I got was about half the size of EP.
  18. I just paid $143 for a 100mm bottle of Metacam
  19. Week 13 of Greyhounds our Phoebe with her best mate Nara
  20. I know one greyhound trainer feeding it, although he is feeding it only to his frenchies and pugs, not his greyhound broodie - she is on cheaper food. And greyhound trainers tend to fed kibble as part of "slop" - totally soaked/drowned in water and with raw meat, supplements etc. I like to feed it dry - hence the gagging. Unfortunate that I can't feed it as it seemd quite ok. annie
  21. It is small, I have Danes so thought this may be a problem.....no problem. mmm well I (they) liked the sample I was sent, but tended to gag on it, so have moved on to Canidae.
  22. Am I the only one who finds the kibble size way way too small?
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