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Everything posted by anniek

  1. Upping the limit doesn't man they HAVE to keep them for more than 28 days though, the dog or cat can be killed on any day after the ninth day for strays or first day for surrenders.
  2. Week 17 of Greyhounds a relatively easy week for me as this is my foster Gracie - I didn't have to travel, well I did have to walk her across the road to take the photo :D Gracie is 8 years old and an absolute darling.
  3. I just googled and found these guys in Melbourne. Visit My Website
  4. Week 16 of Cowboy - nothing spesh - just got back frm our afternoon "amble"
  5. thanks for the nice comments guys Week 16 of Greyhounds This is Meg, and I caught up with her earlier in the week as I fancy her as Miss Easter for the 2012 GSN calendar. Took a zillion pics - here is one of them
  6. Yep and/or shine a torch from the other side of the nail towards you IFYWIM
  7. Both my greys are seniors, 8 and 10, and I don't feed them senior food. They get mostly raw with a little bit of Canidae grain free, and a few supplements.
  8. See, I prefer this than the 'wait and see' approach... Especially when you know your dog, and know something is wrong. I find this method to be time wasting and cost more money in the long run. Especially with leg issues (unless they are short term problems that have only just popped up), I prefer to know exactly what I'm dealing with, and start appropriate treatment before more damage can be done. All dogs will keep going, regardless if they are in pain - and this is when most of the irreversible damage occurs. I'll never mess with leg problems again. I agree - I always make the comment about my vet that you never leave wondering. I hear so many people who have multiple visits - try this try that - goes on for weeks, months. I want to know now, and start treatment.
  9. Well good luck - and please let us know his progress.
  10. I guess having a greyhound which does not need GA for a leg xray - and only cost $40 I always go that route first..lol
  11. I would get an xray first - before the cartrophen injections. You need to know what you are dealing with before you start treatment for "whatever"..
  12. Have a white dog and a black dog so I'm stuffed But serioualy white linen reminds me of hospitals so I wouldn't have it anyway.
  13. Week 15 of Geyhounds meet Honey - 5 days after her last race :D an out take from her shoot during the week
  14. I taught my big lump of a greyhound to growl and bark on command. He doesn't "do" anything physical in the way of tricks etc, but he growls, barks and clacks his teeth at me when he is very happy/playful and wants me to join in. So I just added a word and a hand signal and took it from there - party trick for when people say greyhounds don't bark do they? and I can say "only on command"
  15. oh us greyhound folk love a good party A friends grey is turning 15 soon that will be a HUGE bash
  16. Week 15 of Cowboy early afternoon "splodge" this was taken around noon yesterday - despite the forecast for torrential rain it was a perfect autumn day!
  17. I can't see it on their website - only ones with "animal fat" and lots of corn / rice etc Which category does it come under please?
  18. You say some really odd things - I can't believe its been a whole day since I last posted If you would actually like to know - anniek and I have been having an offline discussion. Thanks to our brief exchange in this thread, we've identified we have a common issue with our dogs and she's given me some good ideas of things to try. Oh dear then I must be the other one! Pity I have to go to work now and then to earn money to buy dog food
  19. Now that all of our foster dogs are eating Canidae I AM your number one spokesperson. BTW I sent a pic and a few words to your testimonials people. Annie
  20. Interesting you say this - my black (ish!) dog has the similar problem regardless of the food he was on - switched to the grain free salmon Canidae and his topline/neck blacker, thicker, shiny and softer. Any links to seal coats? It's just a name we "greyhound people" use to describe a black dog that always looks a bit grey/brown and soft but not shiney.
  21. I do not believe they need grains tlc - in the wild they may rip out and eat a stomach - containing partly digested grains. The VAN all natural tries to simulate that by using fermented grains - not the same thing IMO. Grains are fine in moderation - I will throw a bit of left over brown rice in their dish now and then - certainly not for any nutritional benefit, just because it is there and they like it..lol I will feed bread to really skinny foster dogs - it will put weight on and make them think their tummy is full, but again they do not need it, it would be on top of what they need nutritionally. JMHO. My little black greyhound has had a "seal" coat for the last 7 years - since I got her. SInce feeding the grain free salmon Canidae, she is now black and really really shiney - amazing as I thought she was just one of those black dogs that never really look black. Previously I was feeding EP holistic anchovy.
  22. I did a google myself a couple of months ago so I knew all about it
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