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Everything posted by anniek

  1. It's been three years since we had him here as a foster dog. He was very very timid, and here for about 5 months before he was considered "adoptable to the right people". Apart from the fist couple of days when he spent a lot of time "waiting" at the front door, he has settled in like he has never been away. He is much more outgoing these days, and is absolutely no trouble to have around. Even grumpy boots (Cowboy) is ok with him. If the two boys "meet" in the house, they avert their faces and head off in opposite directions - so all is good!
  2. Week 28 of Cowboy - just got back from the beach - 1st fine day all week. resisted a zoomie pic - so something different
  3. Week 28 of Greyhounds Smokey the lodger again - aka Mr Big Ears
  4. Add a bag of "Lectric Soda Crystals" It can be used if your dog swallows something it shouldn't. Causes the dog to vomit instantly (within 30 secs). Where do you buy Lectric Soda Crystals ? Woolies, coles etc.... Look in the washing powder area. you buy it in 1kg bags. I keep a small bottle of hydrogen peroxide 3% to induce vomiting - it takes up way less space than the crystals and can also be used on cuts etc so it doubles up which is very handy especially when travelling.
  5. LOL I see what you mean. But my boy is terrified of other dogs so he is happiest in the rain when no-one else is out and about!
  6. Was just about to post what Huga said
  7. Week 27 of Greyhounds this is dear Smokey His "parents" have gone to live in the UK and we are looking after him for a couple of months until he can travel over to be with them. They dropped him off yesterday, and although he has lived here before as a foster, he is a little lost and whiney poor boy. You will be seeing a lot of him in here over the next few weeks!
  8. Week 27 of Cowboy - a zoomie on a drizzly day - the best!
  9. Would not even consider staying anywhere without a fenced yard - even just a tiny one for feeding & toilet breaks.
  10. well you are getting slack then - I have bought 2 lenses this year!
  11. Took these quickly tonight - I wasn't "wearing" the right lens but I like the foreground kitchen bokeh.
  12. Week 26 of Greyhounds not quite a heatwave, but we so have sunshine!
  13. Week 26 of Cowboy We went for a walk at the local pony club late yesterday afternoon. No ponies, but plenty of ducks to look at...lol
  14. Well I like the two little parti-boys that are huddled up together
  15. We (Greyhound Safety Net) are all over the place, but happy to pick up from you and deliver to a carer
  16. catching a few rays this morning outside then inside
  17. Oh - do I see a couple of baby Cowboy's there? Or is what I think might be brindle actually blue or black? Confrats.
  18. I can't believe how clean the floor is
  19. Week 25 of Greyhounds a bit rushed this week so using pics from the same "burst" in both challenges, - Cowboy taken today (and his little kangaroo shadow friend)
  20. took the Sigma 17-70 (and a greyhound) to the beach this morning - just for you here you go Both taken at 17mm ISO400 F5.6 1/1600
  21. Week 24 of Greyhounds no fosters to "snap" this week - so here's our Feebs
  22. Week 24 of Cowboy Why the long face? - "is it week 52 yet?"
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