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Everything posted by anniek

  1. here A Kingswood man has pleaded guilty to animal cruelty following an RSPCA investigation into his treatment of two greyhounds. David Carney of Kingswood appeared at Penrith Local Court this week. He pleaded guilty to five charges of animal cruelty involving two female greyhounds. The charges included one count of aggravated cruelty, one count of failure to provide proper and sufficient food and three counts of failure to provide veterinary treatment. A backup charge of failure to alleviate pain was withdrawn by the RSPCA. An RSPCA Inspector responded to a complaint about the dogs' poor condition in March this year. Both dogs were seized for urgent veterinary attention. One of the dogs was diagnosed as very underweight, anaemic with a heavy flea infestation and unable to bear weight on her right hind leg. Xrays revealed a spinal injury and inflammation which was causing the dog extreme pain. The veterinarian concluded the spinal injury would have occurred at least two weeks prior to her presentation. After three days of treatment, the dog was deemed cruel to be kept alive and humanely euthanased due to her pain. The second dog was treated for a heavy flea infestation and large hookworm burden. Mr Carney surrendered the dog to the RSPCA on March 30 and she has been rehomed. Mr Carney was convicted and fined $5,000 for aggravated cruelty. He was fined $500 for each of the food and veterinary charges. He was also ordered to pay $405 Court costs and $1,893.82 veterinary/boarding costs. Mr Carney has been prohibited from owning animals for two years and was ordered to present to NSW Police for fingerprinting.
  2. week 36 of Greyhounds another week - another Xmas card! Back to "normal" next week - whatever that is.
  3. week 35 of Greyhounds have been stuffing around pulling out the Xmas decorations, creating fuindraising Xmas cards - here's our Phoebe - not impressed
  4. I am still shuddering at all this. Well done to all of you for writing letters etc. I will get on to some this afternoon. A lady we sometimes walk with in the afternoons has a dubious dog - she adopted her from AAPS as a pup - looks like a pig/hunting dog and is the honorary greyhound in our walking pack. Anyway, she has her own (small) PR company and is happy to help in any way she can. Obviously she won't want a hundred people contacting her individually, but if you wnat to gather together and come up with a spokesperson/central point of contact - Cosmolo??? she would be more than happy to be involved. Annie
  5. Week 35 of Cowboy just got back from the beach - alas the tide was in
  6. We have been away for a week, and just realised I didn't post the week before. So here is Week 33 of Cowboy and Week 34 taken while we were away - trying to get in on some rays..lol
  7. Ooops I have gotten behind .... Week 33 of Greyhounds - this is Nelson a new GSN foster baby that I took some pics of last week. Week 34 of Greyhounds - we were away during the week so this is "Greyhounds on Holiday!"
  8. of course he loves you - he didn't want you to eat anything that might make you sicker - he sacrificed his own wellbeing for you :D
  9. Week 32 of Greyhounds this is a photo of a photo I had "matted" by red bubble it is our lodger Smokey, and I am sending it off tomorrow to his mum in the UK - I hope she will like it only another 5 weeks to go before he is on his way and they will be reunited
  10. Week 32 of Cowboy this is what we did today!
  11. I feed my greys (and foster greys) canidae salmon which is high protein and I can assure you they do not "bounce" anywhere I like the high protein food for the oldies to help "feed" their muscles, which do not as much use as they used to in their youth (if that makes sense).
  12. Get a raw chicken thigh bone and a cooked chicken thigh bone. Smash them both with hammer, and blind freddy will see the difference.
  13. Week 31 of Greyhounds our Phoebe modelling the all new Blokey-Bogan range of coats
  14. wish we all lived a bit closer CM - "we" would all have such a good time together on the beach Week 31 of Cowboy "him and his shadow"
  15. We adopted out a greyhound recently with this. Our vet gave us a recipie for a very inexpensive "make your own mixture" rather than the traditional medicinal drops. He is doing very well.
  16. A friend of mine owns pets2gp - a pet transport (and human) taxi service. She does airport pickups, but only to / from the Geelong area. Don't know which direction you are heading but you could give her a ring. website here
  17. Week 30 of Greyhounds "a Boy and his Hound"
  18. Yikes I'm falling behind ... Week 29 of Cowboy - or Mr "Ill just stay in the car thank you"
  19. Hydrogen Peroxide here - also good for cuts etc. The problem with "very salty water" is that the sodium absorbs into the body. As vomiting tends to dehydrate the dog, you do not want added sodium in their system.
  20. Week 29 of Greyhounds life is ... a walk in the park
  21. I know exactly what you mean CM. I always love your B&W beach shots, but when I edit mine to B&W I always feel it's a waste to take the lovely colours away
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