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Everything posted by anniek

  1. Week 16 of Phoebe No parties - no hats - no celebrations of any kind this week - just chillin'
  2. Week 16 of Greyhounds this is Hollie :)
  3. It might be the size of your card. eta and because it is not a Canon...lol
  4. try "Greyhound Resue" who are based in NSW - they were bringing quite a few down at that time. Edited to add - from their website Posted in Success Stories Homer and Woody’s new home By Peter | Published: January 17, 2011 Homer(black) and Woody(brindle) have found a beautiful home with Jenny and Malcolm and their two children. These are two lucky greyhounds and Jenny writes of them: ‘Homer has found his forever home with us and we couldn’t be happier. He loves his daily walks and especially loves to cuddle on the lounge with us. He [...]
  5. Week 15 of Greyhounds The gorgeous Bill - who seemed quite at home wearing Phoebe's Easter bonnet at a greyhound gathering last Sunday!
  6. Week 15 of Phoebe We went on a greyhound walk today - followed by a sausage sizzle. I made Phoebe "jump" for a sausage, and while the shot isn't as sharp as I would like - I think it is too funny not to use here.
  7. We're a bit too posh to just do bunny ears - we haz a bonnet :)
  8. Week 14 of Greyhounds I usually post cute or funny pics but this week I want to share Amos. He was dumped at Blacktowm pound. We (GSN) brought him down to Melbourne last week and this is what the poor bugger looks like. His blood readings tell us that he shouldn't be alive, but despite that he is happy and cuddly. It wil be a long road for Amos, but I will use him in 52 weeks to share his progress.
  9. Week 14 of Phoebe - gawd she loves those hats :laugh: Happy Easter!
  10. thanks - will have a look!
  11. Anyone know of any specials on at the moment please?
  12. You know what? It was Dora & Preston's birthday - but Phoebe was made to attend. can't wait to see her expression when it is HER birthday and she is the star of a party :laugh: . Will have to wait until December for that one!
  13. Week 13 of Phoebe "not another fkn birthday party"
  14. Week 13 of Greyhounds - getting in early this week as we attended a lovely double grey birthday party yesterday where lots of fun was had by all!
  15. Week 12 of Greyhounds this is a gorgeous little 15 week old girly pup I had the pleaure of meeting last week - cute as a button and a little oberbite to match.
  16. I suggested a neighbour try BH on their little fluffy - she went to the local stockfeeds place this morning where they sell it, but they also had some live bunnies for sale so she retreated and picked up Eukanuba instead from Petstock!
  17. Phoebe thanks everyone for the good wishes for her recovery. The dog attack man has now paid both vet bills so hopefully he has learnt an expensive lesson. Let's see what the council does. So here she is - Week 11 - not her best angle but it is part of the "her" we love :laugh:
  18. Week 11 of Greyhounds the gorgeous Luki
  19. Week 10 of Greyhounds Have to use one of mine this week - this is Cowboy, my 52 weeks boy from last year. Eary evening tonight
  20. Week 10 of Phoebe Well our little Fibbs hasn't had a very good week - she was attacked on Tuesday by a bloody dog that ran out from its owners yard. Luckily it was a small breed, but still left her with multiple puncture wounds on her back left leg. Apart from the wounds and being in shock, she had massive swelling of her hock to the point of taking her for a second vet visit for xrays yesterday. No break or fracture, and finally today the swelling looks to be going down a little bit. She can now put weight on all fours. Anyway this is her "I'm sore" face
  21. the Siggy 30 is awesome for me - well for getting greyhound boofy heads in where the 50 can't. great out and about lens too, and very fast for action
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