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Everything posted by Maxiewolf

  1. What kind of self respecting snake is on the move in this kind of weather? . Unless they have been disturbed by excess water or something.
  2. That thread wasn't posted originally here in the cruelty and abuse news when I started this topic. So I didnt see that someone had already posted It, I did look. ETA: And since I cant delete it myself, it was bound to be seen as a double up and deleted so I just left it.
  3. Bull Terrier is mentioned in the news video on the orginal link at about 1:22 and onwards talking about "a 55 year old woman was attacked, AGAIN by a Bull Terrier"
  4. Should be covered by the same laws as you cant name a suspect till its proven, why can these reporters just assume they know the breeds? Bull Terrier? Does that idiot woman even know the difference? or the implications of lazilly leaving off "American Pitt" out o the name? We dont need another innocent breed banned just because of stupid mistakes that the public take with absolute seriousness and run with them. it was "sensationalist" reporting... instead of reporting it as the seperate incidents... bundling it together to make it seem like suddenly all the "pit bulls" have gone mad. Im sure now alot of people are very very worried about someone coming to the door to try and take their "Bull"" breed cos of silly news handling like this. Yes I feel very sorry for the people who where bitten, its a hard and traumatic thing to deal with and move on from. But this kidn fo reporting has to stop. Though I dont know how they would police it .. tougher laws on having your dog trained most certainly woudlnt go astray. Councils should be providing free community dog training classes as a starting point... what do we pay registration for? They want al this money for registration/rates.. start giving some more back instead of using it to fund filling bloody potholes on roads noone drives on or trim trees where noone walks.
  5. Full moon, its not the dogs.... its the "lunar'tics" who own them *crickets*
  6. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/8262554/large-number-of-savage-dog-attacks-in-nsw ETA: OMDOG! DUH!!!This is going to have alot of bad media driven fallout thats for sure... and WHERE is the sudden mass influx of pitbulls coming from?? is there a plague or something? (oh yeah its called mass hysteria... )Who is "expertly" Identifying these dogs??
  7. These are the few i found, sorry wish my partner could help but Czech is just out of his reach of slavic languages. Czech English Translation Service - (Bronte, NSW) - (02) 9389 6341 Czech & Slovak Uni Translations Pty Ltd - (Ferntree Gully, VIC) - (03) 9752 3098 Have you tried calling the embassy or the consulate of the Czech republic? They might be able to recommend someone for urgency.
  8. I didnt see the news, did they get any CCTV footage of the owner? any chance of catching him or they still looking?
  9. "Brown" pitbull would have to be the vaguest description ive ever heard. and a panic mongering media description more like it. And It will have everyone running around looking for something that probably doesnt exist. "Brown crossbred" would have been better or Just Brown Dogs.... I think more advertising needs to be done to let people know its not OKAY anymore to leave your dog unattended... I would say that so many ignorant dog owners dont "think" that its actually a Law. ETA: Actually when i read the first line first thought that went through my head was - 10 Year old child, goes up to dogs tied up outside shopping center... neither her nor parents have any dog sence and didnt think about patting un attended dogs or telling child NOT to go near them. (And... dogs loose? sooo where they loose or where they tied up? or did they get loose when they attacked ) verrry vague.
  10. Very Tragic. I hope the parents work with their child to help him over come his new fear of dogs.. and not let it fester into some sort of hatred. Ive seen that happen. And the way it reads.. well looks like the mother assumed her way into that... did she actually ASK could she pat the puppy? The dog may not have been the mother but the puppy was obviously viewed as a member of the "pack" and Id say the labrador was doing what comes naturally if no one was actually watching what the child was doing the moment of the attack whats to say he didnt accidently make a gesture a dog could view as threatening? an innocent pat on the head for example is viewed as a threat to dogs.. but everyone does it... Oh and that dog in the photo is not the offending dog its a "Insert handy picture of labrador here" file photo.
  11. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/8261699/
  12. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=8262149 It should be made Illegal to leave your dog unattended in public. I mean isnt it anyway? doesnt this count as a dog not being under effective control? tied up or not if your not around how do you have control over your dog? (and if they cant go that far then ALL unattended dogs no matter the breed or size should wear a muzzle by law.. and then you can bet alot less people would leave their dogs unattended cos they don't have a muzzle handy! And yes I realise then this leaves the dog vulnerable should some other WANDERING unattended dog come up and attempt to bite them etc etc.. its an insane cycle ) You cant leave your child tied to a post or in a car. And I personally wouldn't take the breed with a grain of salt... if it isnt fluffy and bites someone... it must be a pit bull. *eyeroll* (ETA Formatted properly)
  13. When Brutus whent through his Inhale his biscuits phase (cant use a scoffstoper bowl etc until they make one in stainless... if its plastic.. he has to chew it.) I used to spread his food out on the ground so he had to "look for it". Also I find large kibbles are good... cos essentially they HAVE to stop and chew them. Royal Cannin make alot of good large/unusual shapped kibbles which force them to chew... The boxer breed specific one worked well for me. What sort of dog?
  14. Everything will be okay! Its easy to say don't stress... but its definatly not easy to "not" stress. Just take everything with a cross that bridge when you come to it.., And the ash cloud will start to behave soon! Where abouts in Kiwiland are you going to? :D
  15. How black do you want to go? What about some of those "comb through" human hair colours? (you usually see them in like those home care magazines..oh wait i found it... Magnamail. though id seen it somewhere) if you dont want permenant? says it isnt surposed to be sticky or greasy... though not sure how well it would cover. Just out of nagging curiosity.. why do we want to make an anatolian... not look like an anatolian? creative grooming? Sorry if you sont want to say just really curious now... want to see the resulting creativity ^_^
  16. Sooo you think that pink would work on a light coloured apricot poodle? *evil plot* when they are all washed and dry... do you find the dye comes out on things like bedclothes or furniture... or your clothes though? ETA: She does look awesome by the way!
  17. Ill Add another name vote for "Bruce" just cos its my dads name.
  18. I have this book and I would definatly vouch for its value. Its awesome! Mine got burnt by a heater while i was moving buut only the coil bit thank dog! Defiantly a good buy... even if you aren't a full groomer its full of fantastic illustrations and info!
  19. Pajero's are very nice 4x4 to drive if you prefer something more "Car" like, Ive had 2 oldies '87 import models and for their age they where WONDERFUL.. i loved those cars. Wrote one off.. (saved my life it did and it was still drive able! ..i miss it ) And the other one was about to do a turbo at 200,000+klms. Traded up to a 2002 Jackaroo... and we LOVE it. For a bit car its very easy to park and reverse. And I often do long brisbane-sydney trips and its sooo comphey and of cours eyou can fit eveyr man and his well.. dog. In it. And being a diesel im happy with 10lts/100klms for its size. Though Im thinking of going smaller now i have a daily short distance commute to work.
  20. horray I was almost afraid to read it, cos it makes me so sad but so glad to see hes found. Yep definate steelcap up backside of friend!! (though im sure said friend feels lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut as it is.)
  21. Its interesting to think back, I used to walk our dogs all the time when I was under 16, that's for sure. And I was sure my parents mentality at the time was probably the same as alot of others... "The kids are okay, they have the dogs WITH them" I wasn't allowed to go walking somewhere unless I had the dog or a friend with me... So I think today alot of these kids with these big uncontrollable dogs... Or any dog for that matter.. their parents might be thinking "the kids are okay, the dog is with them" quite simply not thinking of the consequences... and If you where a kid walking your dog (if you happened to enjoy doing so) and got into trouble with another dog would they likely tell their parents? Chances are no... cos then their parents would take that privilege away from them instead of doing the Right thing which is either doing some training with their child and dog, supervising their child or some other preventive measure. I do know though.. and I still dont, I dont let Brutus off lead when there are other dogs around.. he is a big 'scarey' looking dog and people always assume the worst of him and I know he has a terrible recall... (if there is NOTHING around and I have his ball/toy he will come back) and I know I need to work on that so I just dont take the risk of letting him off where he will come into contact with other dogs.. I know i dont have effective control over my dog so I dont take the risk. Yesterday we where at a fenced park playing some serious fetch with my aunts toy poodle... when from out of nowhere a very vast very strong uncontrolled rotty cross came running up to us, clambered all over the poodle who had returned immidiatly on recall, my aunt had to pick her up (shes had pins in her front leg and cant take being jumped on by a large dog) then the dog proceeded to jump all over my aunt trying to get to the poodle (my aunt has ALSO had pins in her leg and cant take being jumped on by a large dog ;) like owner like dog) ... Finally the woman who had let the dog off came up to appologise that she didnt see us there before letting her dog off... again no control over her dog she coudlnt even get it to sit so she could catch it and put it on its lead long enough to let us leave in peace. I think it doesnt matter how much we all complain about it... theres always going to be someone somewhere who has an uncontrolled dog. And Unfortunatly the only way to make sure things run smoothly is to not only worry about your dog but everyone elses... because clearly.. not everyone is responsible as you think you are. Just like driving.. its not your driving... its all the other idiots out there you need to watch for.
  22. Out of 20 years of owning Dachshunds, only ever lost one dog to that and he came from a PP.. My grandads standard ran up and down 22 stairs dozens of times every single day of her life until she was PTS for cancer at age 13... and yes she was still running up and down those stairs that morning. Never had a problem with her back. So I wouldnt like to see this study being used in a negative light. But that's a disturbing figure none the less, if you think of the mortality just for that disease... not taking into account all the other things that can happen to them including accidents and other diseases.. doesnt seem like too many live to a ripe old age now does it?
  23. Interesting choice of breeds. I liked it. Songs not bad either
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