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Everything posted by shellbyville

  1. I used freewebs.com. I pay a small fee each year not to have ads & banners etc. I find it was easy to design & had lots of template choices & is easy to update. www.mannabredlabradorretrievers.com
  2. I have labs, but have recently added a beautiful Bernese puppy into our family. She is just gorgeous. She has the sweetest, but quirkiest personality I have ever seen in a puppy. She is 15 weeks old, and is super exciteable and bouncy, but is learning really fast. Here is a photo of her, taken when she was about 10 weeks old.
  3. I had one similar in my last litter. She was 'gurgly and rattely', when feeding. She also would sometimes have milk come out of her nose while feeding. I thought it was a cleft palate, but it wasn't. She was just a guts and I think drank a bit too fast. By the time she was about 2 weeks old she was fine. I would do what others have suggested though with physio/AB/vet check etc if needed etc, but it may not be anything serious. Hope all works out with your pup.
  4. I have a 12 week old Bernese Mountain dog at first at 8 weeks I put her in a crate in my room. I am a light sleeper so didn't have to set the alarm just woke when she stirred and took her out. It was usually at about 10pm before I went to bed, then again at 1am then about 4am. It was very tiring at first, but she slowly learned to hold and now she goes in her crate around 10pm and we take her out at 6am without any accidents. She is out of my bedroom now as well, because I am such a light sleeper I wake to any movement. It is tiring at first, but definitely sets up good habits for later. However she still does have the occasional wee accident inside during the day! She just doesn't seem to get to the door in time.
  5. I have 5 labrador retrievers and every couple of days they all 'graze'. It looks like a small herd of cows. They literally walk along and pick the grass and eat it, just for a little while, then off they go. I haven't seen one vomit it back up. They do have grass in their stools occasionally. It doesn't do any harm as far as I can see and I don't think they do it because they are not feeling well. I think they quite like the taste. It is quite funny to watch though!
  6. I have calcium on hand if needing during and after whelping only. With some bitches I don't use it at all, with my last bitch who whelped I gave it to her during her whelping (2nd litter) and then after for a few days. She was a nervous mum the first time around and i didn't really think to use it. With her 2nd litter though I started giving her about 10 mls every hour or so after the first pup was born and then gave her a few doses daily, days after whelping and she coped much better as a mum! I can't say the calcium helped, but I would definitely use it again on an anxious or tired bitch during and after whelping.
  7. Congratulations Mercedes! Fantastic news and glad mum is doing a good job! Monteba - I am so sorry you lost your little ones and really hope the little guy you have continues to thrive and grow stronger everyday.
  8. Mercedes, sounds like it won't be too long till she starts. Good luck, can't wait to hear. One of my girls, ate all her dinner just before she began whelping and she was also quite normal and happy right up to the start of labour. So they are all different and you just don't know with a maiden bitch. Hope all goes really well for you.
  9. That is just adoreable! Love that the pups share mums and vice versa!
  10. I agree, reading between the lines can be hard! I also don't like people discounting an email because it is a hotmail account! I have recently changed but had a hotmail account for years, thank goodness the breeders I have dealt with haven't written me off because of my choice of email providers. I usually do the initial inquiry by email and follow it up quickly with a phone call when I have been interested in a pup, and find most of my puppy buyers do the same thing. I think if people are serious they will ring. Definitely sounds like a scam though, judging by what others have said receiving a similar or same email. I would just delete this one in that case!
  11. I think I must have just been lucky but have never received emails that I felt really uncomfortable with. I wouldn't be comfortable with this one though. I would probably reply and ask them to phone for more information. I have found that sometimes when I have asked people to actually call the serious ones will and some don't. I get a much better idea of people from a phone call than emails. Good luck!!!
  12. I love getting updates on my puppies. My first litter is over 4 years now and I still get the occasional update from that litter. It is lovely to receive and I always respond as I appreciate so much hearing how my babies are doing! In a few weeks is one of my litters birthdays, I kept one pup from the litter and have arranged a birthday playdate for my girl and one of the puppies that some people bought from that litter who live only about 1 hour away. We are both excited and I will probably bring the Dad along for a play as well! I love to see how my babies have grown, it helps me in future breeding and also love to hear how they are temperament and personality wise! It is invaluable for me as a breeder to keep in contact and see how the pups have developed! However there are a few puppy buyers who don't keep in close contact and that is ok as well. I don't like to intrude, but usually just drop them an email every 6 months or so and ask how the dog is doing. They always get back to me with a quick reply which I appreciate and I respect that they don't feel the need to keep in as regular contact as some of the others do!
  13. I breed labs, have a website, but don't have prices for puppies on my website. I don't breed very often. I was very interested reading through this thread as to what breeders feel are genuine enquiries and who they would dismiss! I have no problem with people emailing me and asking what price my puppies are? Even the one liners! I figure they don't want to waste time if my puppies are out of their price range. It doesn't take me a moment to send back an email with the price and a comment such as "please get back to me if you are still interested." Some do and then we begin to get to know one another,and I can determine if I think they will provide the right home for one of my pups, some don't, it was obviously beyond their budget or they can get a puppy for less. Saying this though, I very rarely get emails only asking the price, most people put in a bit of info and ask a lot of questions. The only stipulation I put on potential puppy buyers is I like to do most of our correspondence before we determine whether they get a pup or not over the phone or in person if possible. You can tell a lot more about a person by speaking to them. Once I am happy, then we can email and I keep them updated with info and photos etc. Labradors are a breed that the price can vary considerably from breeder to breeder, so I can understand people wanting to know the price straight up. I still wouldn't put the price on my website though, as it can vary (slightly) from litter to litter and even from pup to pup.
  14. I have a boy that passes on his white spot on his chest to some of his black babies and also occasionally the white hair on the paws turns up in some of my pups. He was the first of any of my pups to have this... I was devastated, the white flash was quite significant when he was a pup. I ended up giving him to one of my kids (adult child). The dog is 2 now and the white flash is now just a small white strip and hardly noticeable. So remember that a largish white flash on your puppy will most likely not end up being very noticeable or will be much smaller on a grown dog. Also the white on the paws is hardly noticeable as an adult as well. I have heard bolo pads referred to as 'lucky paw', which is kind of cute. I have had a few pups with a bit of white and have never had any trouble selling them. I wouldn't sell one with a lot of white to a show/breeding home, but to a pet home it is no problem.
  15. In NSW if you sell a puppy on the Limited Register you must also give the new owner a Limited Register Acknowledgement form that both You and the new owner must sign and send back with the original pedigree certificate when you transfer the papers into the new owners name. This form states that the new owner has been informed of what Limited Register means: Ineligible for showing Not suitable for breeding etc. I think this is a great idea, as I believe a lot of new puppy owners in the past did not understand what Limited Register actually meant.
  16. I watched the whole thing and I have to say I don't think I have watched anything as upsetting to do with animals! I am in shock at the cruelty and disregard by humans for the pain & suffering of an animal. I know the meat we eat,some of the clothes we wear etc all come from an animal being slaughtered, but am shocked by the cruel, unfeeling way it is often done. I truly am appalled, and it will have an impact on how I eat, shop, and watch from now on. The quote that impacted me at the end "...It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal..." is so powerful! If only it were true for everyone!
  17. Hi, I live in Kyogle which is only about 30minutes from Nimbin and the biggest thing you will need to be aware of is ticks! We do get a lot of paralysis ticks especially during the summer roughly from September through to March/April. I use tick collars, finding them to be the most effective, and check the dogs every day. Cane toads are around as well, but in Kyogle don't find them a huge problem...yet! Work prospects in this area are a bit slow, not sure what is available in the animal industry. Beautiful place in the world to be though...I wouldn't live anywhere else.
  18. What a beautiful post Jed, and really does express the joy of watching pups experiencing things for the first time. I especially love it when the pups little eyes are just open and they start to take everything in. My other favourite thing about having pups, is sitting up with mum during that first night as she feeds and cares for her little ones, such a special time! I so want more pups now!!!!
  19. I have 1 dog & 4 bitches and they all run together all day. They mostly sleep in separate pens at night, although sometimes they share as well. I have 2 girls that love being together, so they are in the same run at night. The only time mine are separated is when a bitch or 3 is on heat, then I just separate the boy and the girls still run together. I have a great family of dogs here at them moment, they all get on so well, never get cranky with each other even when one is in season. I also don't let my really young pups run with adolescent pups as they can be a bit rough, which involves a bit of juggling as I only have small runs and a big yard, but this is also very manageable as I let either the young pup or adolescent inside with us quite a bit while the other is outside with the older dogs.
  20. Breed: Labrador Retrievers What I normally feed: Raw mince/bones/chicken frames etc with a bit of Uncle Albers dry Changes I make after mating: I usually start giving the bitch the same raw, but change to a puppy formula dry. Changes on confirmation of pregnancy: Keep on the same diet with the puppy formula, increased amount but divided up into smaller meals as the pregnancy advances. I have just done this with a bitch I mated, found out she wasn't pregnant, so she is now back on her normal diet. No harm done, giving her the puppy formula dry except she had put on a little weight, which is easily remedied back on her normal diet.
  21. I have found this too. I wonder if some much more experienced exhibitors have a more assertive air in the ring? I find it worse when I go into a class in group, usually with a youngster, and the judge awards it before the participants get to stack up or even know what's going on! Everyone turns around and asks each other who won! I appreciate they have often made up their minds while going through the breeds but it is a bit abrupt and strange. I have found this as well. I do think if you look like you know what you are doing out in the ring (whether you actually feel like you do) you may be taken a little more seriously. I agree that we all should be able to stack our dogs in a short amount of time, so judges are not wasting time, or feel like they cannot give us the time we need, because we take too long. I have been showing for a while and usually sit and study handlers that I think do a good job and then try to go out and replica that, trying to look and act confident and not bungling around. I think it helps with my confidence as well as my dogs. Also on the point of judges awarding class in group before you have time to stack, I have found that at times I or the last in my group barely has time to make it into the ring before it is awarded. This also doesn't help with our confidence and at times I have felt really stupid! Surely just waiting a moment for everyone to get in the ring and stack or at least have an attempt at stacking isn't too much to ask of judges, whether they have already made up their minds or not? Saying that some judges are just great, they give you time to stack, make you & your dog feel of worth (whether you win or not) and generally make the day very pleasant, whether you go home with a fringe ribbon or you don't. So a big cheer for all the judges out there that are pleasant, ethical, courteous and just plain nice!
  22. Well almost through the first bag of UA's shared between 4 dogs and i am very happy with it. I don't feed the recommended amount on the bag as I add a variety of raw with it. Interesting about Great Barko though, as I don't feed my pups UA, because I prefer to use a puppy formula based dry for them. Dogs look good though, and they love the UA's although my labs pretty much love anything. The 'Output' from them is good as well, not huge amounts as it was on Bonnie and not as messy! So I am very happy so far!
  23. Just to add to this discussion, I have spoken to quite a few people recently who truly do not understand that their "labradoodle" isn't a recognised pure bred dog. They have the understanding that it is 'pure breed' because it is from a supposedly pure bred lab and supposedly pure bred poodle, so of course it is a pure bred. I think education on 'oodles' is essential and promotion of them from certain shows on TV haven't helped the situation. I am sure there are some responsible cross bred breeders who do all the health testing etc, but they cannot ever produce something to a standard as there are just too many variables, pups will be produced that are more of one breed or the other,so you can get some labxpoodle that don't shed and another that does etc and you can get this variation in every litter, so there is no consistency and I think that is what the person buying the oodle just doesn't understand. Promotion of purebred dogs needs to be pushed, somehow! Maybe encouraging people to come to dog shows, advertising dog shows locally to attract the public and then having stalls or something like that set up where people's questions and inquiries can be answered and then pointed in the right direction toward breeders. Also we at shows need to appear much more approachable and friendly to the public at shows, I have had people come up to me and say that so & so wasn't friendly and brushed them off and didn't want to talk about their breed of dog. I understand they may have picked a bad time to talk such as when the exhibitor was getting ready for the ring, but surely we can be friendly, but that is a whole other topic!!!! :D
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