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  1. I have also since found out that the anti-inflammatory drug they were going to prescribe Arky was Previcox. Since then, I have a read a few stories like this one: http://www.k911.biz/Petsafety/DeathByPrevi...astVacation.htm So, don't knock me for wanting to make the right decision please.
  2. Thanks for the additional info. Seeing that the first attempt to diagnose him was useless, we are booked in for a second opinion with another vet tomorrow morning.
  3. Hi there. Arky will be 6 in July. Was that fixed with anti-inflammatories?
  4. Thanks for your input. I think I'll just leave this to the professionals--I'm not sure why I posted here in the first place. ;-)
  5. Thanks everyone for your replies. I'm trying some homeopathic medicine at the moment as well...
  6. Hi Arky's owner :D I used to give Joey glucosamine when his leg went lame a couple years ago ( and i also used to gave it to Jenna for her arthritis). It worked wonders on them, especially Joey ! :D Like us , 'if' there is excess weight involved, that will make any conditions worse, especially arthritis... (Don't i know, i speak for myself !! ) Hope you get a full proper diagnosis soon, 6 is still young. Renae will be also 6 this year .. Thanks for your reply JLC :D Hmmh, he's not overweight. He weighs about 8.5kg now... Ta, what is glucosamine exactly? I don't know my medicines - I prefer alternative methods normally but that is not to say that I am not taking this seriously - which is the vibe I am getting from some of you here...
  7. What do you mean 'appears to be', are you unsure? Limping only after resting was what my dog did after she ruptured her cruciate ligament. This is something I wouldn't muck around with, especially if it is originating in the front end. I would go and see a Vet immediately. Are you confident in your Vet's diagnosis? If not I would get a second opinion. He's limping at the front. I wasn't confident in my vet's diagnosis, no -- another reason why I didn't take the anti-inflammatories at the time. My plan was to go back when it played up again and that seems now... Cruciate ligament... - I don't really know what that is, but when your doggie was diagnosed with it - was it tender when the vet touched her there? It seems strange that when the vet was feeling all over his body, there were no tender spots... So, if arthritis, what does everyone do to manage it?
  8. Thanks for your reply. He wasn't limping when I took him. To get information about the problem at hand first.
  9. Hi, in the last couple of weeks, I have noticed that my Cavalier King Charles dog limps sometimes, and it is only when he gets up from sleeping. It's quite odd. After walking around a bit, the limp goes away! I took him to the vet the other day and she couldn't see anything wrong at the time, there were no tender spots or anything like that. She offered to give me some anti-inflammatory med and I said it wouldn't be necessary. He will be 6 years old in July. My questions: can they get pins and needles? Is this possibly what's happening? Is his leg going to sleep on him now that he is getting older? Does anyone have any other suggestions? Many thanks in advance.
  10. Still thinking of ya Jules! Give Jenna more hugs from me. Hope your hay fever gets better asap xx
  11. Hey Jules, Fatty masses are common though - here's hoping it's just that! Hope your lil retreat is splendfantaswonderfuawesome!
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