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Everything posted by Merlin01

  1. I believe hip dysplasia can be a problem with them. I saw the almost 3yr old Mother and she didn’t show any signs of movement problems (lying down/getting up/running around etc) I am viewing the Father next Saturday. I imagine the only way to get hip/elbow scores would be via X-ray?? Do you know what that generally costs?
  2. Hi Kat, Is the zinc still there when you get home?? I'm just curious because Mal's can have a habbit of being diggers from what Ive read, so how durable is the zinc? Does your pooch lick/moisten/remove it with its tounge or do they dislike the taste? Thanks for your interest/knowledge.
  3. RE: Reg. Breeders I have been in the Market for about 6 weeks and seen 3 different litters of Mals, none of which were from reg. breeders. From this last litter I viewed I was just drawn to the owners’ attitude and know without a doubt they want what’s best for the dogs in no uncertain terms. ie. turning away yobbos, hour+ interview with me before considering my interest, wanting to keep up to date with the pups progress/life, providing me with quality information/vet documentation and the dietary likes/dislikes of my pup exclusively, and arranging the Father to be brought over so I could view him as well (Mother is onsite). It's these things alone that I had not witnessed with other breeders that made me cross the line from adoring the pup to registering interest to buy. They were a bit tentative about letting him go at 6wks though, and now from your advice on here I can understand why. I will ask to put it off for an extra 2 weeks and let him develop socially to what is accepted as the norm by the professionals. Thanks for all your help, it's been invaluable.
  4. No shekhina, not a registered breeder......no papers etc. @ellz - Do you think the pup would be better off developing social/pack behavior for an extra couple of weeks regardless of the pigment issue? I thought 6wks was an "acceptable" minimum. Thanks for your thoughts guys.
  5. Hi all, Im looking to buy an Alaskan Malamute, not for show but just as a pet. He's only 5 weeks old so I cant pick him up for another week, but I'm concerned about his nose and its exposure to our harsh Australian summer sun. The owner implied that this will "probably" go away, but after a little searching online I found this: "Snow Nose or Bad Pigmentation? Snow Nose is described as a pink/reddish marking on the black nose. It is commonly experienced amongst the northern breeds. Snow Nose can disappear over the warmer months and reappear over the winter months. There is nothing wrong with snow nose. Bad pigmentation occasionally occurs within specimens of the breed. The pigmentation area generally occurs around the face and is best described as being pinkish skin and it can, in some cases, detract from the dogs’ appearance. The main problem with this pigmentation is the threat of sun cancer occurring to the area as the pink skin is more at risk of sunburn. It is advisable to cover the affected area with sun screen regularly to protect the dog from this threat of cancer. It is possible to correct pigmentation problems with tattooing and there is a relatively new procedure where a vegetable dye is injected into the area and spread to cover the pigmentation." I just dont know if the $650 is worth the worry of my new best friend contracting cancer every summer. If anyone has a dog with this problem could you give me your opinion/suggestions? Thanks. I hope to provide a picture below.
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