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Everything posted by #HANNAH#

  1. Just would like to say - This is getting off topic. This is a topic about Flower Essences NOT Alternative Medicine. However I believe I must point out - Having just done a semester on research and clinical trials - Just because they do it and say it - doesn't prove a thing. So many research papers out their have holes the size of Australia in them. I know that if you knew the true clinical proof behind the medicines that you were taking, most of them you would not take and would be absolutly horrified. I know that I was. As for the natural remedies - grow up - These have been around for over a thousand years - much longer than Modern medicine. Today the natural medicine "industry" is growing more than ever. There must be a reason. We are all human beings that question everything - so it's no surprise when we see the natural therapies working with friends and family we recognise the usefulness and the necessity of it and considering the suspicious nature that we have...??. Both sides of medicine are needed- they COMPLIMENT each other. I have a personal friend that was CURED of MS. I have another cured of Cancer. - He was told he had 6 months. If you want to do some research - you will find MANY of these cases. This is not rare nor is it uncommon. I am not a practitioner - so I couln't give you my own client based proof. We are not as advanced with natural medicine as scientist would like. This is ultimatly in my opinion because natural medicine is too taylored to the individual. Classic Eg. 10 ppl have a stomach ache. Natural medicine - They don't all have the stomach ache for the same reason. So we take a case study and each person is treated as a individual with a problem that is as individual as themselves. Modern Medicine - Everyone gets the same treatment. When this doesn't work then they might try something else. If no "Physical" proof can be found then the problem doesn't exist. You still have a tummy ache?? Take some panadol - it doesnt really exist.
  2. Oh, sorry forgot to answer your Q. I personally use 7 drops in the water - if it a long termish thing - more than 1 or 2 doses. I would make an individual dose for them. If it is only 1 0r 2 doses - 7 drops under the tounge. I would be using the EE or RR If it is a calmness thing like b4 a show or during - I like to add 7 drops to the bath water. And I have a spray bottle of water with the 7 drops added to. Or I add the 7 drops to one of their grooming sprays. I would use my show essence in this case. You can individualise a remedy for any problem you can think of...a good practitioner will know the right things to use. BTW - The essences are not addictive and cannot be "over used" If you give too much you are only wasting the remedy. More does not give more effect. The seven drops is the dosage (Thought I do sometimes use less). If more effect is needed it is FREQUENCY not amount that needs to be incresed. 7 drops every 15 mins for an hour is more dramatically effective than 28 drops once in the hour. You can use the remedy every 10 minutes in extreme circumstances. I persoanlly use it hourly - but it all depends on the animal. Also their are NO side effects. The remedy is to balance the body and emotions to a stable level that the body can deal with. Once the remedy has achieved that, the continued use is of no benefit as it will only balance it - not over compensate. Regards, Hannah
  3. As with any medicine or remedy it only works if it is what is required. I have had alot of experience with the flower essences. I personally would NOT use the Rescue Remedy but the Emergency Essence. The reason?? the RR is based on the Bach Flower Essences which is made for English/European ppl/aniamls. The EE is The Bush Flower Essences and it is made for Australian ppl aniamls. Not saying it wont work...but the EE will just be more efficient and is specifically suited for us Aussies. The Essences ONLY work if the essences chosen are CORRECT. ie EE won't work or be as efficient as it could be if used in a situation where the effects needed don't match the indicated used for the remedy. "I know some people who have had terrific results with homeopathy" - Sorry RR is not homeopathy. It is Flower Essences. They have SOME things in common but are two totally different therapies that are based on different principals. I have also had great sucess with my own mixes. I make a fertility essence, a travel essence, Show Essences and many more that I have had amazing results with. Even with the sceptics - they come back for more. I also make individual essences. In circumstances where I am having problems with an individual animal I taylor the essences especially for them. Last year I had a client who had an animal that had been traumatised. It, along with 3 other animals, had been stolen and severely abused. The sole survivor of the happening left this animal with many hang ups. This included fretting and not eating if its friend was removed. Biting and scratching at any person who came near it, with the only exception being the previous owner. We individualised an essence to deal with the trauma and after effects. Withing 2 weeks she was back to her usuall before abuse self. She now gets shown.
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