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  1. Ci: I just got told that yes the vet mentioned wobblers which is why I've been sent to the net to see what I can find
  2. Thanks for your help, I'm googling as we speak I'm curious though, if this is a problem that is genetic, shouldn't the breeder have told us there was a chance he could develop it from one of his animals?
  3. Hi. My Dane has a problem with his back legs. We've taken him to the vet who doesn't actually know what the cause is, but has told us that Marlboro can't feel his hind legs, as in he isn't aware of what they're doing (if that makes sense, he does actually have feeling in them). This is lead to him falling over when he jumps around and not being as nimble as he should be. He's had x-rays done and they showed nothing, so it's not a slipped disc. We're going to have further tests done to see what the problem is. Has anyone had any experience with something like this before? Any help would be greatly appreciated. He is a purebred animal with papers etc. Unfortunetly the papers are misplaced right now and we can't get in contact with the breeder.
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