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Everything posted by sandyl

  1. At training we usually run our dogs on whatever competition height they are. When there's no other 600 dogs we usually just jump 500. At home though, I sometimes put the jumps on say 300/400 to encourage my Border to go faster. I'm also doing low jumps with my Shepherd for the time being till she gets the point jumps are for jumping not running under. ;)
  2. Perth AGILITY CLUB OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Karen Phillips Gosnells 6110 Ph: (08) 9398 6896 (after 6pm) Email:[email protected] PERTH TRAINING & OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB (Inc) [Fri nights at Ashfield] Denise Mousley THORNLIE WA 6018 Ph: (08) 9459 2818 Email:[email protected] www.perthtraining.com CLOVERDALE CANINE COMPANIONS Dave Sebbes Belmont Park, Abernethy Road CLOVERDALE 6105 WA Ph: (08) 9452 8098 (after 6pm) Mobile: Mobile 0408 957 236 Email: [email protected] GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG ASSOCIATION OF WA (Inc) Cathy Ellis Southern River, 6110 Ph: 08 9300 0507 Mobile: 0418 944 276 Email: [email protected] GOSNELLS OBEDIENCE DOG CLUB Maddington, 6109 Australia Ph:08- 9493 2211 Email:[email protected] www.geocities.com/gosnellsdogclub
  3. They all look brilliant! Harminee, how did you burn the background out? I'm a bit behind. Thanks!
  4. Just found the site here Might be worth having a look?
  5. Wow!!! Thanks heaps everyone! They all look magnificent!
  6. Here's a few pics, if anyone wants to have a play around.. Oops, went a bit overboard!
  7. Wagsalot, I tried, but I should of made Riley bigger. So the pics are out of proportion. ;) This was my first merge
  8. Thanks, will try it on another picture now.
  9. Ok, How do you guys change the background colour?
  10. Hey Harminee, How did you do the background swirls? Did you just draw them in? Ta
  11. Been playing around with a few pics lately.. Will post an OOB pic in a few hours. Its 3 am and photobucket is playing up. I'm off to sleep!
  12. If anyone has any pictures of any agility equipment, can you please post 'em for everyone to look at? Might give some people some ideas. :D I'll take some pics tomorrow sometime.
  13. Does anyone know the standard size for the planks used on see-saws? What wood is best? I'm also fixing up my dog walk and A-frame. They need re-wooding. What wood is best? All the heavy equipment will get covered with a tarp to protect it from the rain. Is that enough? Oh, and does anyone know where to get those material kind of frisbee's from? Thanks!
  14. Thanks ISH, thats what I've been doing. Will keep doing it with her, hopefully she'll get it soon!
  15. I've been trying to teach Maddy 'Bang!' So when I say Bang, she fakes dead. Any ideas? Thanks
  16. Skip, have a look at this thread, has lots of good tips and pointers. Eta: Snap Kavik! The above link is the same as the last link Kavik posted..
  17. We started agility training beginning of 2006. Our first agility trial was March 2007. So far we've got 2 legs towards our JD title. Nearly there
  18. I've seen German Shepherds do flyball. They were great! If I were to get another Shepherd for agility/flyball, I'd go working line though. They're much more agile. There's a beautiful working line Shep at our club, she's gorgeous. Goodluck!
  19. Border Collie! Great agility, flyball and obedience dogs! But I'm biased Otherwise maybe a Kelpie?
  20. Weell, We were entered in both Novice agility and Novice jumping. During the week Spencer got an ear infection. So we didn't do any training for a week. Not sure if you guys remember me talking about Spencer and his dog walk/A-frame/height problems? In agility, the surface on the dog walk was different to what he's used to. He stopped half way up, and jumped off. Second attempt he flew over it. I'm very happy he trusted me and did it. We qualified in jumpers. It was a good course, I was just nervous before hand and paranoid that I'd forget the course. We just need to work on speed now. We now have 2 legs for our novice jumpers title, in 2 trials. The support from everyone was awesome! Being a junior, and this only being our 2nd trial. Well I thought it was great anyhoo. :D
  21. Out of the ones you like, I'd say Cooper Trooper!
  22. It's kind of got the same concept as 2o2o. It's just another way to get the dog past the contact zone. I personally wouldn't do it though, as my dog would probably find that jumping off before the yellow zone, and landing in a drop like position is faster. You have no definate way of knowing that your dog will stop, its easier to just have running contacts. IMHO
  23. Link I've posted this in the Training section, but just in case some people didn't see it.
  24. Lol thanks Sarina! And yep, I have no more exuses to run slowly. In a trial, do they do the big dogs first? Or start with the little ones and work upwards?
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