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Posts posted by Roguedog

  1. I did some more tonight- shaped Cosmo on a dining chair with paws over the back of the chair and nsoe between paws- so praying on the dining chair! Super cute!! We went to do fetching tissue from box but started off with tissue in box and she just fetched the whole box!! :rofl: Think i might have to start that one with the tissue by itself! We put opening the cupboard on cue tonight too :rofl:

    I am a very proud Mum!!

    its a great trick! I recently taught my old boy "pray" and "bow" using shaping, he gets way too excitable with luring (big dope) but shaping works quite well with him. I also started him on opening his crate door when its bed time, got it pretty quickly for such a dopey dog.

  2. I know Animal Supplies (Wholesale) supply sprenger, at least they did last time I spoke to them (a month ago), they are located in sydney and deliver usually within 24-48hours, PM me if you want the contact details.

    eta: you dont need a shop front to order from Animal Supplies

  3. woohoo!! my tunnel just arrived!!! I only ordered it monday arvo so im VERY impressed at how quick airdogs put my order through.... unfortunately its raining cats-and-dogs here at the moment so the dogs havent tried it yet, my son loves it though, I extended it in the loungeroom and he has spent the last half hour in it!

    its exactly what I wanted, great length and height (not as big as the competition ones but big enough to fit most dogs) and made from a canvas material so it should last me quite a while.

    now I just have to wait until friday for the jumps and weavers!!

    Hee Hee Im glad to see your SOOO EXCITED Rubeedoo..

    I CAN'T wait till my "puppies" ( they are 16 months old now ! LOL ) start doing agility

    I havent done much with them but they can do "seasaw' , scramble , Table and the tunnel ! WOOHOO

    Next cab off the rank in line is .....Poocow

    lucky for me my youngest is 4 and she has done agility before (she was at the stage of running the course off lead) so its straight into everything this weekend, just hope the rain clears up by then!!

  4. all I can say is this: PPS, I know you do not hate APBTs, only the irresponsible people who do not do the right thing...

    If you choose to own a breed in the predicament the APBT is in, then you have to be SUPER responsible, if you choose not to comply with the laws, then make damn sure your dog CANT EVER get out cause this sort of problem... that is how the owners of GSDs lifted the 40 year ban on them, by ensuring their dogs were never involved in any incidents...

    A Nomad, is Palmerston still a safe zone for APBTs?? I know Darwin City Council have banned them but I heard Palmerston is still ok..

    Roobedoo, DCC hasnt banned them.

    The whole argument PPS makes is about people complying with the laws, evan if they have super safe guarded there houses so there dogs cant get out.

    Here we have luvabull, who is a great ambassador for the breed, a responsible owners, and yet she doesnt comply with the laws, is it the people like luvabull that are doing great harm to the breed.

    so glad to hear DCC havent jumped on the breed banning bandwagon!!

  5. all I can say is this: PPS, I know you do not hate APBTs, only the irresponsible people who do not do the right thing...

    If you choose to own a breed in the predicament the APBT is in, then you have to be SUPER responsible, if you choose not to comply with the laws, then make damn sure your dog CANT EVER get out cause this sort of problem... that is how the owners of GSDs lifted the 40 year ban on them, by ensuring their dogs were never involved in any incidents...

    A Nomad, is Palmerston still a safe zone for APBTs?? I know Darwin City Council have banned them but I heard Palmerston is still ok..

  6. Rubeedoo - where did you order your jumps and weave poles from?

    I got them through a fellow DOLer, he probably has a list of buyers an arm long by now :party: if you pm Amerykus, she can give you more details.

    Woohoo! If I had a large yard, I'd look at getting my own equipment too when I finally get back to agility! (I only did it for under a year )

    I have a huge flat, grassed yard (no trees) and its gone to waste until now... my other half is already complaining about how much more he has to mow the lawn to keep it constantly ok for agility practice :laugh:

  7. Im so excited I just had to spread the word.. my jumps and weave poles are finished and I get to pick them up on friday! plus, I just put in my order for a tunnel (airdogs) so cross fingers that will arrive by friday too.. im so happy to finally get the equipment ive been wanting since before I had my son (2 years ago!!) wooohooo!!!!


  8. I will be getting a tunnel in approx a week to week and half's time, you are more than welcome to borrow mine when I get it for the KV classes (im just down the road) until pioneer gets one of their own...

    ill send you an email or give you a call when mine arrives to see if you need to borrow it....

  9. What I eventually see happening ( especially in Australia ) is the move towards no ANKC/ KC papers, with matching microchip = pit bull

    People continue to disregard the current legislation and it's only going to get tougher, eventually there will be no where to hide.

    I agree... Unfortunately I continously hear pf people breeding APBTs despite the current situation, just the other day I heard someone on my street is planning on breeding their RN bitch! grrrrr, poor dogs.

  10. be persistant if he is testing you, the minute you give in, he wins.

    When I was mat training my muttskies, everytime they moved off the mat, I would say uh-uh (our "naughty word") and point to the mat, if they ignored me I would get up and use my body to block them and have them move back on the mat, I didnt push them or touch them with my hands and I didnt repeat the mat command a million times either.

    Another thing you can do is everytime they move off the matt, say the naughty word and put them straight outside...

  11. table training?!?! I didnt think anybody still used that method for protection training, not a very nice way for the dogs to learn.... as Erny said (you are always full of good advice and comments! :rolleyes: ) people like this only put others down to make themselves look better! what an idiot...

  12. Thanks Rubeedoo :laugh:

    My dad makes weave poles ( using PVC pipe and the spikes in the ground ) and makes the PVC jumps....

    He's not a well man ( has a brain anyarisum (SP ) ? )

    As long as no one is in a huge RUSH and wants them tomorrow , He's happy to take orders...

    BUT Rubeedoo is FIRST in line :rofl:

    Thanks Amerykus!!! :rolleyes: If I get to meet your dad he better be ready for some serious thanking from me!!

  13. it might be worth getting someone out to give you and your sister some pointers, there are things you can do but its much better to have someone there to show you instead of trying to explain over the net. I have an extremely high drive dog too, half the time it sounded like I had a dinosaur in the backyard! now if she peaks out and starts to vocalise, I am able to quickly step in and quiet her down. It did take time and effort but it was worth it.

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