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Posts posted by Roguedog

  1. Hi all,

    desperately needing help transporting a 1 day old chi pup to cardiff/glendale area from the central coast (tuggerah or ourimbah exit)... he needs his new foster mums milk asap and my cars unregistered!! plz let me know if anyone is heading that way today or tomorrow..

  2. I am sooo sick of idiotic people, the human race is pretty messed up!!!! what is it with councils? I love the comment that the council staff love animals and dont want to see one get hurt, well what the frig do they think they are doing right now?? not only are they passively hurting all three dogs (pups and dad) but they are causing immense grief and stress to the owners who in all likelyhood have never owned or seen a purebred APBT... arent humans supposed to be the most intelligent species??? NOT THOSE HUMANS!!!!

  3. lol, my dogs have had traffic cones all their lives, I used to go for kongs until I saw a friends dog nearly pass away from having a piece of kong stuck in its intestines which turned toxic/septic and they were lucky to still have a dog afterward! poor thing... I believe kongs are not recommended for dogs that rip toys apart (like mine) so I wouldnt ever get one again...

  4. bite inhibition is usually started as a puppy with mum and siblings but most of my puppy clients have problems with mouthing which starts as soon as they bring pup home, the humans have to continue the training straight away...

    bite inhibition to be is first of all teaching the pup how to control its jaws and vary its pressure. once they have learned that then I teach that mouthing (even just slobbering with almost no pressure) is unacceptable with humans. I believe it is a choice but develops into a habit, even the most soft mouthed dogs can and usually do unleash full pressure in extreme situations (ie being attacked)....

    you can teach bite inhibition to older dogs but it can be harder and you need to be persistant.

    eta: spelling!!

  5. PM Jeff Jones as he is up in NSW

    have you thought about a Malinois? www.malinois.net.au


    Mals are my second choice and I would probably find one with what im looking for easier but I cant help but looooove the GSD look and average size...

    this might be a great excuse for some piccies of your mal in action? please???

    eta: just checked out Beychief - im in looove!!!

  6. Have you contacted the GSDC in NSW - they have puppy listings...... would have thought they were the first port of call.

    GSDC does not welcome people who work their dogs in Schutzhund or as security dogs. Many working breeders are hence not members, especially if pp/security/military/police dogs are their bread and butter

    Nekhbet, the writer was not asking for dogs for Schutzhund or Security - seemed she wanted a replacement for her 3 legged family dog. There are many good breeders thru the GSDC who have good working lines. After all the stud dogs brought into australia generally have their SchIII.

    Working bloodlines does not necessarily mean that breeders who just breed for security.

    Alphabet, sorry should have been more specific, my three legged girl was a working dog until she lost her leg, she still currently works but not for security/protection, she now helps me rehabilitate aggressive dogs (and does a damn good job at it too), all my dogs are family pets first but also working animals, not one of my dogs is a stranger to the sleeve!

    I am looking for a security type working dog, this dog will hopefully be a an all rounder (including hopefully schutzhund) dog, I would have contacted GSDC but figured it would be quicker (and easier, lazy me!) to ask people here who have direct experience with the breeders and their offspring either through ownership, training or competion. I will give them a call tomorrow however and see if they can also help.

    agreed working bloodlines doesnt mean breeders who just breed for security, I would happily contact one who breeds both for show and work provided they dont have any (pardon the term) roach backs in lines.. not wanting to start arguements, just my preference...

    I really appreciate all the help here guys, I have a few leads so far but please keep them coming, the more working line breeders I can look at and talk to the better!

  7. Hi guys,

    Hoping someone in this section might be able to point me in the direction of good quality older style working german shep breeders with medium to high drive... my 3-legged girl is on her way out (3 forms of cancer, only 7 years old) im hoping to get another 12 months out of her but thought now would be a good time to start talking to breeders and attending shows/comps to talk to people (not looking for a pup until after she has gone).. after attempting to look through the large amount of GSD breeders in DOL (there is heaps!) I decided to give up and just ask in the forums if anyone had a list of events or knows any breeders...


  8. Ive had the pleasure of dealing with both Deb at Just Like Home and Dave from Playhouse and only recommend them for any boarding on the coast, ive seen the facilities at Pets Playhouse and they are fantastic, although I personally havent seen Debs facilities, I have a client who has had her littlie there and she cant stop raving about her, plus I know Deb to be a fantastic lady so I know her facilities and care would be A1!! I like steve austin but prefer to support local people like Deb and Dave.

  9. a vet behaviorist still has to do courses and practical understanding of dog behavior. Frankly I have seen a couple of them at work and was far from impressed at their practical application of dog behavior techniques.

    DOg behavior is different from training. a dog can be trained yet behaviorally it can be far from ideal. I work more on behavior before I deal with formal obedience training as you cannot have one without the other.

    I agree with Nekhbet (again! :thumbsup: ) I have also been quite suprised with one of the local vet behaviourists I have had the chance to watch, was waaayyyy to keen to put the dog on drugs (not necessary for this dog IMO) and left leaving the owners quite confused as to what they are supposed to do when their dog is aggressing!! owners took dog off drugs and worked on the behaviour side with me and dog can now happily attend group classes and is coming along beautifully in obedience too...

    IMO a qualified trainer/behaviourist is one who either has minimum 15 years active experience (more preferrably) or someone who is accredited, anyone can get a certificate by doing a course but to get accreditation you need to demonstrate you CAN rehab/train dogs and have a long list of referrences from industry colleges/co-workers and clients willing to give testimonial... accreditation is hard to get!!

  10. although I dont use them on my dogs (only because they dont need one) I have no problem with them if used correctly, as mentioned above see a professional first, try to get a trainer which is "balanced" i.e. happy to use whatever method will suit you and your dog not just purely positive methods...

  11. Good news...Training on Monday was elevation night, and Denzel was the only one in the class to elevate :cheer: . Some were asked to come back on Friday to try again, and some were asked to do another month, so I was getting worried, but we got through. :thumbsup::cheer:

    Now for Level Two! Wish us luck.


    fantastic!!! congratulations.... the further you go, the more fun it is!!

  12. OMG, now I am worried...please don't let this happen :rolleyes: . He is usually good, but it would be my luck that he would be too excited to remember to come back.

    LMAO, dont worry, if he gets loose and forgets his recall, the trainer and spectators will help you nab him. We had a hypo GR run riot around the class on monday nite, too funny!!!

  13. I would also say that if I wanted to exercise my dog off leash & your dog just wanted to come up & play, I would not be as happy as you would be about it. Some people just dont like your dog coming up all the time.

    Specially of they are trying to rehab maybe some aggression in their dog.

    Exactly!! I dont mind my dogs occasionally interacting with other off lead dogs but bloody well ask first!! I cant stand when people allow their dog to run up to my dogs (who are behaving themselves and working for me) as mentioned in another post, that can lead to fights.

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