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Posts posted by Roguedog

  1. I seriously doubt she actually got that advice from 5 vets. Wouldn't be surprised if she didn't get any vet advice at all. What a stupid, selfish, totally unnecessary thing to do :mad

    exactly, if I wasnt about to start the classes and also so darn peeved I would have asked her for the names of those vets, if she turns up next week ill ask her (mind you her membership has been removed so I doubt she will turn up next week!!) I work at a vet clinic and my boss nearly fell over laughing when I told her about it, no vet would have ok'd it...

    " go get F****d!! you dont know me or my dogs, i am an rspca inspector and i am entitled to do as i please, jealousy is an ugly emotion, you are just jealous that you cant breed dogs like mine, i wouldnt sell you a puppy because you couldnt afford one of my $1000 rare breed puppies- go and get a life you sad loser, I am a vet and I know what i am doing"

    hmmm, a vet AND an rspca inspecter??? lol, whatever!! god some people are spastics!!!!

  2. Does anyone remember that ad on gumtree for rotti x jack russell pups?? well I got to meet the person who bred them today, she tried to tell me that jack russells are built to be able to handle big pups like that and that its actually ok to breed a large breed male to a small breed female... apparently 5 vets told her its ok to do it?? WTF! dont think so!!!!! :mad

  3. I have no sympathy for them at all. It's not a case of " should have " it's a case of you MUST train and restrain your dog full stop.

    I really feel for the poor innocent dogs and people that are out walking and minding their own business, that are set upon by dogs, owned by the irresponsible.

    this.... sick of it in my neighbourhood, I now have a dog with on-lead aggression due to it.... no sympathy at all.... :mad

  4. As a vet nurse it is always hard to assist euth's but in the case of the older or really sick pets, its almost a relief to know they arnt in any pain anymore, some give you that look that tells you they are begging for it... there are always a few that get me teary but I always wait until after the client has left before I let the tears flow, doesnt help the client if you are being unprofessional... only time ive seen my boss cry during a euth was when my boy Neo had to be PTS, she had known him for 8 years and he adored her, gave her a lick just before she put the needle in, I think the whole clinic was in tears that day (I was a mess!!!)...

  5. since becoming involved in rescue, no foster dog/pup leaves me unless its desexed... If I ever bred a litter again (unlikely), all pups bar the one I kept for myself will go desexed... no exeptions (unless medical reasons)...

  6. I have been led to believe that this is not the case.

    I have not been shown any records to prove the case so I stand corrected if this is so. :)

    Two pure bred Pit Bulls were brought legally into this country many years ago and both went to the Gulf Country.

    To cut a long story short the dog was shot on the chain as he was so savage and totally unmanageable.

    The bitch was never bred from and also shot to get her off the shoulder of the owner as she had pinned him down.

    Just your trivia for the day :D

    lmao, now that is funny! there were alot more than 2 brought over, this I know for certain... there are still quite a few purebred pedigree dogs around (US registry), most are not in suburbia though...

  7. Hi, I was always under the impression that the term pit bull described a type of dog - a bully breed or cross. Unless the dog is a American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) or an Staffordshire Bull Terrier SBT or American Staff, or Bull Terrier and registered as such, then all the other dogs are "pit bulls" which describes a type (which can be a crossbreed APBT, AM, SBT or Bull Terrier). Because of this it is extremely difficult to tell the animals apart.

    I really don't think the general public is interested if it is pure bred dog or not, what they are concerned about is a bully breed (cross or not) are involved with dog attacks.

    Get rid of sites like Gumtree that advertise these dogs, get rid of pet shops selling puppies, only purchase from registered breeders or from a rescue organisation and enforce the laws with very high fines and/or jail terms for breaking these laws- in fact I would like to see what happens in some European countries - you have to get a licence before getting a dog and no dog will be sold to you until you have the licence and can prove that you will be responsible. We could learn a lot from these countries - dogs are welcome almost everywhere and you don't have the issues we have here.

    what she said :thumbsup:

    Pit Bulls are only banned from being bred and sold, not owned and then only in some states, so there are still plenty around. Stupidly the bans only affect supposed pure breds, not the even more dangerous crossbreds and as APBT are not an officially recogised breed in Aust, how can anyone declare a dog purebred? As far as I'm concerned if looks like a Pit Bull/Amstaff and does not have ANKC papers and a matching microchip to prove it is a purebred Amstaff or SBT, it should be deemed to be a Pit Bull.

    Before the legislation came in almost the only breed seen in my area were Pit Bulls and crosses of them. There are a few little crossbred terrier types, SWFs and the odd pure bred of other breeds, especially SBTs but by far most dogs seen on or offlead around where I live, were Pitbull/Amstaff types or crosses of these breeds. Every group of young louts seem to have several with them wherever they went. Thankfully the numbers seem to be decreasing gradually as the ban takes effect over a generation but it is still not safe to walk dogs around my suburb. The most human aggressive dog I have ever seen was a Pit Bull, the most damage I have seen done to a dogs or horses have also been by Pit Bulls, so I make no apology for having no sympathy towards the breed. In all these cases the breed was confirmed by the owners.

    We used have a Bull Terrier live next door many years ago but I haven't seen one, other than at shows, in years. There just aren't the numbers of them and they tend to be owned by enthusiasts of the breed who keep them safely contained, not yobbos who are attracted to the true fighting breeds. With lower numbers, more placid temperaments with people and more responsible owners you would not expect them to figure highly in attack statistics.

    this I get and understand, you are basing your opinion on pitbulls upon your personal experience, I also have a dislike of certain breeds due to my personal experience... in the wrong hands they can be dangerous (along with hundreds of other breeds) its just so sad for the breed that the wrong people are so attracted to them... in the right hands they are great dogs...

  8. lol, dont get me started on backyard breeders, I had a lady bring in her DEAF white staffy bitch to work for a check up, during which she mentions she wants to breed her, I asked why? she is DEAF, this could be passed on to the pups! I asked her if she was happy when she found out her pup was deaf after paying $500 for her... she agreed and said she would not breeder her... 5 months later we get a phone call saying her dog is having pups!!! yes 2 were deaf... and she plans on breeding her again!!! :banghead:

  9. Retrievers top the bite statistics in Canada. Shall we now ban those too?

    Further on the evidence thing in the other thread pf, one of the things that's always missing is the denominator.

    Are particularly breeds dangerous? Depends on how many attacks, how many of that breed type, how many of that breed in that domestic situation. Surely there are reliable stats. Have I missed them flicking through the emotive stuff?

    Also: bull breeds licking faces is dangerous. It was licking its arse or some other dogs arse 15 minutes earlier.

    lmao!!! :rofl: i agree with the licking part!!!! ewwwww!!

  10. *sigh* here we go again! any dog is capable of biting, I deal with hundreds (literally! I work at a vet clinic and a boarding facility!!) of dogs on a daily basis, its not the "pitbull type" dogs I worry about getting bitten by... just my hands-on everyday experience talking.... I feel horrible for the mother and that poor little girl, I hope the dog is euth'd asap...

  11. I have the dog but not the paperwork yet, her previous owner is a friend and is getting it together for me to transfer her into my name, once I have the paperwork ill know her lines and breeder... she is main reg so ill be able to continue her show career (once I have an understanding of the standard and how a vallhund should be shown!!) :)

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