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Posts posted by Roguedog

  1. Yes, there are aggressive dogs in every breed, not many of those breeds are banned by international airlines, that will not carry them. Why?? Nor are they purposely bred to fight other dogs, gnawl through them and kill, are that determined, once in a fight, that you can not seperate. Sorry to dissapoint, I love labs and retrievers, pointers, cattle dogs, sheep dogs, poodles, gsp's, all the littlies. Forgive if I have missed any, I am not concerned about their behaviour at all. I never heard any bad news about Rottweilers before. You cannot make pussycats out of a fighting bred dog breed ( Kampfhund), you can keep on trying. If you own one, microchip, register, desex, muzzle, keep contained, there are laws to be obeyed. Or run to your vet, make him lie for you, and record a different breed on the piece of paper ( as is happening). What next?

    you need to go and have a look at some gov bite stats... I work with a large number of dogs daily (vet clinic and dog training) and bull breeds are the least of my daily worries, you should meet the majority of the rotties that come into my work, do I judge the breed? not at all, despite the number of bites and near misses ive received from them I never miss the opportunity to get a cuddle from a balanced rotti, they are snuggle bugs when socialised :D ... I also would never go within 10 feet of a GSP breeder's dogs that I know... nasty pieces of work... coz thats how they were raised... also watched my friendly dog have half its ear ripped off a greyhound who blindsighted us and grabbed her before either of us could react, we were lucky she didnt lose her ear completely.. yet I adore greyhounds! that particular dog just happened to be raised wrong, thats all.... I agree with Bullish, your post reeks of ignorance... how many bull breed dogs have you personally met?? get your head out of the sand and go and get some more experience and stop listening to the garbage the media is ramming down everyones throat...

    ETA: cant spell!

  2. oh FFS, shall we get back to the original topic instead of breed bashing???? NO dog or breed is perfect, cant we just have something positive for once without the negatives slammed in the face? pitty people cop it enough as it is, how about this ONE thread stay nice for once???? please???

  3. Im a Basenji slave, (no-one owns a B, they own you !!!)...

    Everything that has been said here, is so true. I was/am involved with Cattle Dogs, and I foolishly believed a B would be a breeze............................WRONG... They can be a massive PITA :) ...

    They most certainly are not a breed for eveyone, they can be stubborn, pigheaded, aloof, cunning, destructive, difficult to train, (not untrainable just need to be trained with positive training, they wont tolerate training with punishment, ever), loyal, clean, entertaining 24/7, frustrating, escape artists :D ... Someone mentioned above about the B she was living with wanting to fly out the door, at every opportunity they had... Yes this is an hourly attempt at our house, and with 4, you really need eyes in the back of your head... We have 10 foot high fences, and 2 out of my 4 have attempted to climb it, thankfully without success !!! They are incredibly agile, very cat-like.

    They are constantly looking for things to chew, toilet paper and tissues are a particular favourite, along with mobile phones !!! All toys are destroyed in minutes, and if bored will make anything within their sight their chew toy...

    In saying that they are difficult to train, there are a handful of B's in Aus who hold obedience titles, ET titles, agility titles etc. Im on an American Basenji Forum, and in America, they are quite a lot of B's with multiple titles. One in particular has 1 dog with over 30 titles, another dog of hers with about 20 odd, and a new youngster with a handful already... They can be trained. They are NOT unintelligent, they just like to do things in their own way, and once you accept this, life is easier for all ;) ...

    They are a hound, a primitive hound. They are led by their noses, and I believe they are in the top 10 breed that is killed by cars. They hold no fear with any transport, and if they are on a trail, they are selectively deaf, and just follow their noses, often leading them onto roads :( ...

    They cannot be let off leash, even the best trained dogs, will forget their recall training when on the nose of a trail... Most have no recall at all. The example above of the lady with her 3 dogs having all those obedience etc, titles, she wont let her dogs off lead, unless the area has very secure fencing...

    Ok so reading all that paints them as a dreadful dog to own :o ... I love mine with all my heart, all have their own gorgeousness about them. They can be incredibly affectionate, loyal, easy to live with, lovable imps !!! Wont ever be without one in my life...

    The major health issues are Fanconi Syndrome, Eye diseases, (PPM, PRA, and Coloboma mostly), Thyroid problems, Hip/Elbow problems, Haemolytic Anaemia, and Umbilical Hernias, (very common in the breed) . Just late last year we now have a DNA test for Fanconi, and with some very careful breeding of tested dogs, hopefully we can get this disease reduced, perhaps even completely erradicated. Haemalytic Anaemia is a disease that has just about been wiped out, after breeders all over the world, revised their breeding programmes around the tested stock.

    There are a few other issues affecting the breed, seperation anxiety, they can get very 'narky' when they are both in season, (yes boys also come in season as well !!!),.

    Go over to the Dog Breeds 101 here on DOL, and on the last page there is a little about them there. A few other good sites are the Basenji Club of America, they have great info on anything Basenji related. We have some great websites here in Australia, with lots of info as well as some beautiful dogs, BRAT, ( Basenji Rescue and Transport), is an American Rescue site, it also has some wonderful stories of B's rescued, and a great insight to their temperaments.

    Speaking of temperaments, here in Aus we have definately improved our B's temperaments over the last 10 years, or so. I have been told by a number of judges over the years, how they were very wary of B's, (a few even saying they disliked judging them at all), with some saying that they have been lunged at or bitten. Not just here in Aus, but all over the world. I think that all over the world their temperaments have improved greatly. Some boys can be particularly narky when they are in season, (here in Aus, usually between Feb, March, and April-ish), and a few breeders will leave boys out of the ring during this time.

    We have some of the best Basenji's in the world here in Australia. Many overseas judges, (usually breed specialists, but not always), mention the quality we have, and quite a few Aussie breeders have exported dogs all over the world, and these dogs are extremely competitive...

    I think Ive blabbed enough, but if you have any more questions, please post here or feel free to PM me, happy to talk about B's all day :) ...

    ETA... Roguedog the B usually only comes into season once a year, often around March/April/May, (southern hemisphere times), with pups due May June and July, so if you arent turned off by my ramblings, talk to some breeders, and perhaps get your name on a waiting list... Occasionally they come into season again around October/Nov, (northern hemisphere time), and some will conceive, but often smaller number of pups, probably due to the dog not really being in season at this time, and the bitch not really in season either. Hope that makes some sense :o ...

    fantastic! just the sort of info I was after... hasnt turned me off at all, i have 8ft colourbond fencing all the way around, very large yard with no gardens, just lots of grass and dog toys everywhere, no dogs have managed to escape out of my yard yet (this includes fosters) plus a fully enclosed dog run so if any dogs did manage it they can go in there when not home, im a secretary for a local dog training club plus a vet nurse so dog would get plenty of socialisation, we are an active family with regular weekend beach trips and dog meet ups - partner is a fitness fanatic so dogs all get run on a regular basis (thats why we need an active dog), partner likes a dog that challenges him - prefers more independant stubborn dogs compared to clingy easy to train dogs, must have a short coat and prefer no doggy smell if we can manage it, love the fact they only come into season once a year! would probably be looking for a bitch, not for breeding (would like to try my hand at showing though!), just we prefer bitches, need a tougher type dog as parner dislikes nervy sensitive dogs (doesnt hate them persay just would prefer not to own one)... as a breeder and person who knows the breed well, do you think we would suit a Basenji? be honest...

  4. I lived with a Basenji for a couple of years. It belong to a couple I shared a house with and I can tell you not the easiest of breeds to train. Beautiful natured animal, clean habits but this guy (entire male) was hell bent on racing out the front door EVERY chance he got and running off up the street. His owners were experienced dog owners and had owned gundogs before and since and found this fellow most frustrating in comparison. He was very destructive too.

    I guess it's because they are a primitive breed akin to the dingo and require a fair bit of patience and not a great expectation of their trainability.

    Or....it could just have been this particular dog was being a PITA. ;)

    yeah I know we would be in for a hard time training wise, not because of unintelligence, just from plain stubborness!!! partner hates what he calls "push button" dogs (i.e. highly trainable dogs) prefers a challenge so I do think a basenji would be right up his alley in that aspect... destructiveness? well wouldnt be much different from what we deal with now! two amstaff girls that love to get into anything they can, one extra set of teeth wont make that much difference! ;)

  5. Just wondering if we have any basenji breeders here? ive been trying to convince hubby that a smaller dog would be a great household addition, he flat out refused and I had pretty much given up, until yesterday when we were watching dogs101 on animal planet and they were doing a segment on baseji's, he has decided he could 'manage' :rolleyes: having a basenji around, I personally love the look of them so was quite pleased he also liked them... if there are any basenji breeders around just wondering if they could give us a heads up on genetic probs, pricing of limited or reg pups and suitability for a household that has foster dogs coming and going? (not to mention 2 x skin kids)... training is no prob, I already have two stubborn dogs, whats one more? ;) plus im a qualified trainer... also breeder recommendations?

  6. currently there are a few rescue orgs on the central coast, two have 16(d)'s and the others dont... the 16(d) holders are coastal paws rescue (they very rarely have pugs) and Dog Rescue Newcastle... HAR does also help out coastie dogs wherever possible and I think they may even have a few carers on the coast?? might be work contacting sue at DRN as your starting point, I have seen a few pug types on their FB page...

  7. I know this has been discussed recently but I just wanted to check if $3500 for limited reg 8mth old male choc labs is a wee bit over priced? had a friend ask me about an ad on gumtree (they are looking for a choc lab for the family), my response? holy cow!!!! especially as neither parent is titled in any way.... ive told my friend that if it were me, I would look elsewhere as I suspect it is a 'colour' thing, which is sad for a reg breeder, $1500 is more like the price I would pay for a limited reg lab....

    Does sound steep :confused: 8 months not weeks?? Chocolate isn't 'rare' persae, is it?

    Age shouldn't matter, $3500 for a Lab is ridiculous! $1000-$1200 I would think

    Chocolate is about as rare as blue staffords, they're not popular in the show ring, so they don't tend to get bred for that reason, but then they became the craze

    I wouldn't sell an 8 months old Cavalier for the same price as an 8 week old puppy.

    Chocolate labs still seem to be popular as pets, I see heaps.

    How many blue staffords do you see? ;)

    Would you triple the price on an 8 month old pup?

    Actually I don't think I've seen many at all. Brindle/white seems to be the colour of choice around here (although they and JRT seems to be the breed of choice in the smaller breed range!

    No, I'd reduce it! They have missed out on all the fun. ;)

    my thoughts exactly! at 8months they are right into their nutty teenage stage so a reduction would be only fair... I see so many blue staffords its crazy (but then I work at a vet clinic so i guess i would see more than the average person ;) ) lol most of them are in for skin issues too!! :laugh:

  8. yeah I wondered about the age thing too so went and looked at their website, definantly 8 months, plus they have an adult black lab for sale for $3000 and a litter of choc pups for $1500 each?? doesnt make sense!!! and I worry about the amount of dogs they have for sale too! these labs do not look like they would go very well in the show ring, way to heavy boned and they have some faults I could see too... the father of the dogs for sale is an american import? still, even with that I wouldnt have thought $3500 would be a fair price... no mention on the site about health testing either...

  9. I know this has been discussed recently but I just wanted to check if $3500 for limited reg 8mth old male choc labs is a wee bit over priced? had a friend ask me about an ad on gumtree (they are looking for a choc lab for the family), my response? holy cow!!!! especially as neither parent is titled in any way.... ive told my friend that if it were me, I would look elsewhere as I suspect it is a 'colour' thing, which is sad for a reg breeder, $1500 is more like the price I would pay for a limited reg lab....

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