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Tennant Creek and District Show Society Championship Show - 14th July 2012 Judge - Helen Furber (NSW) BIS - Ch Pandanlamo Roly Georgy Porgy (Fabrici's Pug) RUBIS - Supreme Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET (Jones' English Springer Spaniel) BPIS - Rowemaris Champagne On Ice (AI) (Jones' English Springer Spaniel) MPIS - Kellanz Ruby Regardez Moi (Mallyon & Potter's British Bulldog) PIS - Kiltimagh Kata Juta (Bird's Irish Setter) JIS - Kellanz Cayenne Cantaora (Mallyon & Potter's British Bulldog) IIS - Ch Pandanlamo Roly Georgy Porgy (Fabrici's Pug) NTBIS - Blankenburg My Kinda Girl (Flattum's Whippet) ABIS - Supreme Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET (Jones' English Springer Spaniel) OIS - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky (Beckett's Australian Cattle Dog) ONIS - Neut Ch Galig Fancy A Fandango ET (Flattum's Italian Greyhound) BIG1 - Ch Ch Pandanlamo Roly Georgy Porgy (Fabrici's Pug) RUIG 1 - Ch Pandanlamo Pandora (Farici's Pug) BIG 2 - Ch Myjacks Sir Drag N Fly (Anderson's Jack Russell Terrier) RUIG 2 - Ch Salphara Casanova (Sanim's Skye Terrier) BIG 3 - Supreme Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET (Jones' English Springer Spaniel) RUIG 3 - Ch Ricochez Auryn Talyessin CCD (Jones' Welsh Springer Spaniel) BIG 4 - Ch Catonam Baharat (Watt, Irlam & Smith's Saluki) RUIG 4 - Blankenburg My Kinda Girl (Fattum's Whippet) BIG 5 - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky (Beckett's Australian Cattle Dog) RUIG 5 - Tagetarl November Rain (Becketts' Australian Cattle Dog) BIG 6 - Bravadobe Ride Into The Sun (AI) (Irlam & Watt's Dobermann) RUIG 6 - ?? BIG 7 - Ch Kiranda Born To Rock CDX ET (McKay & McLeay's Poodle Standard) RUIG 7 - Ch Kellanz Scarlet Stich In Time (Capell's British Bulldog)
Tennant Creek and District Show Society Championship Show - 13th July 2012 Judge - Helen Weil (Qld) BIS - Ch Pandanlamo Roly Georgy Porgy (Fabrici's Pug) RUBIS - Supreme Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET (Jones' English Springer Spaniel) BPIS - Rowemaris Champagne On Ice (AI) (Jones' English Springer Spaniel) MPIS - Kellanz Ruby Regardez Moi (Mallyon & Potter's British Bulldog) PIS - Kiltimagh Kata Juta (Bird's Irish Setter) JIS - Ch Myjacks King Triton (Andersons' Jack Russell Terrier) IIS - Ch Pandanlamo Roly Georgy Porgy (Fabrici's Pug) NTBIS - ChVankyle Dorch Abhag (Watts' Border Terrier) ABIS - Supreme Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET (Jones' English Springer Spaniel) OIS - Gr Ch Markwell Rising Star (imp NZ) (Purich's Dachshund Smooth) ONIS - Neut Ch Galig Fancy A Fandango ET (Flattum's Italian Greyhound) BIG1 - Ch Ch Pandanlamo Roly Georgy Porgy (Fabrici's Pug) RUIG 1 - Ch Pandanlamo Pandora (Farici's Pug) BIG 2 - Gr Ch Santlin Suitably Attired (Cartledge's Skye Terrier) RUIG 2 - Ch Myjacks King Triton (Andersons' Jack Russell Terrier) BIG 3 - Supreme Ch Sunspur ZuessCD ET (Jones' English Springer Spaniel) RUIG 3 - Kiltimagh Kata Juta (Bird's Irish Setter) BIG 4 - Gr Ch Markwell Rising Star (imp NZ) (Purich's Dachshund Smooth) RUIG 4 - Ch Wyldchase West Coast Jazz (Noonan's Whippet) BIG 5 - Ch Theldaroy Anyone Dare To Diffa (Seare's Finnish Lapphund) RUIG 5 - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky (Becketts' Australian Cattle Dog) BIG 6 - Bravadobe Ride Into The Sun (AI) (Irlam & Watt's Dobermann) RUIG 6 - ?? BIG 7 - Ch Agenor Quite A Beau (Sanim's Tibetan Terrier) RUIG 7 - Ch Kellanz scarlet Stich In Time (Capell's British Bulldog
Alice Springs Kennel & Dog Sports Club Inc 308th Championship Show 08th July 2012 Judge - Christine Davis (NSW) BIS - Gr Ch Beadale Little Captain (Beadale Kennels Schipperke) RUBIS - Ch Strongfort Que Sera Sera (McKinnon's Affenpinscher) BPIS - Pandalamo Rudolf Valentino (Fabrici's Pug) MPIS - Labohrem As Real As It Gets (imp NZ) (Appleton's French Bulldog) PIS - Houndsley Here From Heaven (Dearnaley's Beagle) JIS - Ch Strongfort Que Sera Sera (McKinnon's Affenpinscher) IIS - Toplace Helovagal (Fidler's Staffordsire Bull Terrier) NTBIS - Kiltimagh Kallerberrin (Pallot's Irish Setter) ABIS - Gr Ch Beadale Little Captain (Beadale Kennels Schipperke) OIS - Gr Ch/Am Ch Whistlestops Secret Agent AM CD RN CGC (imp USA) (Van Hassteren's Irish Water Spaniel) ONIS - Vanistar Lightning Ridge WAC ET (Brennan's Dobermann) BIG1 - Ch Strongfort Que Sera Sera (McKinnon's Affenpinscher) RUIG 1 - Ch Pandanlamo Roly Pudin N Pie (Fabrici's pug) BIG 2 - Toplace Helovagal (Fidler's Staffordsire Bull Terrier) RUIG 2 - Bohunt Serial Thriller (Whyte's Border Terrier) BIG 3 - Gr Ch/Am Ch Whistlestops Secret Agent AM CD RN CGC (imp USA) (Van Hassteren's Irish Water Spaniel) RUIG 3 - Kiltimagh Kata Juta (Bird's Irish Setter) BIG 4 - Ch Sverdrups Yvon (imp Den) (Wisharts Basset Fauve De Bretagne) RUIG 4 - Ch Houndsley Here From Heaven (Dearnaley's Beagle) BIG 5 - Ch Theldaroy Anyone Dare To Diffa (Seare's Finnish Lapphund) RUIG 5 - Ch Rhosyn Double Kross A Z CL1 Ex (Douglas' German Shepherd Dog) BIG 6 - Vanistar Shay Gap (Brennan's Dobermann) RUIG 6 - Snobears Shyanne (Hunter's Siberian Husky) BIG 7 - Gr Ch Beadale Little Captain (Beadale Kennels Schipperke) RUIG 7 - Labohrem As Real As It Gets (imp NZ) (Appleton's French Bulldog)
Alice Springs Kennel & Dog Sports Club Inc 307th Championship Show 08th July 2012 Judge - Edward Pickering (NSW) BIS - Gr Ch/Am Ch Whistlestops Secret Agent AM CD RN CGC (imp USA) (Van Hassteren's Irish Water Spaniel) RUBIS - Ch Strongfort Que Sera Sera (McKinnon's Affenpinscher) BPIS - Beadale Royal Crown (Beadale Kennel's Schipperke) MPIS - Herstellenener Ted E Bear (Tennyhuis' Golden Retriever) PIS - Houndsley Here From Heaven (Hissey & Lalor's Beagle) JIS - Ch Strongfort Que Sera Sera (McKinnon's Affenpinscher) IIS - Ch Glorfindel Spring Promise (imp UK) (Cartedge's Skye Terrier) NTBIS - Ch Tagetarl Stumpy Sorcerer (Beckett's Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog) ABIS - Gr Ch Bohunt Pillow Fight (Whyte's Border Terrier) OIS - Gr Ch/Am Ch Whistlestops Secret Agent AM CD RN CGC (imp USA) (Van Hassteren's Irish Water Spaniel) ONIS - Vanistar Lightning Ridge WAC ET (Brennan's Dobermann) BIG1 - Ch Strongfort Que Sera Sera (McKinnon's Affenpinscher) RUIG 1 - Ch Pandanlamo Roly Georgy Porgy (Fabrici's pug) BIG 2 - Gr Ch Santlin Suitably Attired (Cartiledge's Skye Terrier) RUIG 2 - Gr Ch Bohunt Pillow Fight (Whyte's Border Terrier) RU BIG 3 - Gr Ch/Am Ch Whistlestops Secret Agent AM CD RN CGC (imp USA) (Van Hassteren's Irish Water Spaniel) RUIG 3 - Ch/Can Ch Legacyk Par Avion To Kobidan (imp Can) (Cattell's German Shorthaired Pointer) BIG 4 - Ch Sverdrups Yvon (imp Den) (Wisharts Basset Fauve De Bretagne) RUIG 4 - Ch Houndsley Here Comes Trouble (AI) (Hissey & Lalor's Beagle) BIG 5 - Ch Tagetarl Stumpy Sorcerer (Beckett's Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog) RUIG 5 - Ch Electro Tie The Not (Rowden's Shetland Sheepdog) BIG 6 - Vanistar Shay Gap (Brennan's Dobermann) RUIG 6 - Ch Snobears Apache Spirit (Hunter's Siberian Husky) BIG 7 - Gr Ch Beadale Little Captain (Beadale Kennels Schipperke) RUIG 7 - Rampaginbul Ariel (Appleton's French Bulldog)
Alice Springs Kennel & Dog Sports Club Inc 306th Championship Show 07th July 2012 Judge - Val Carter (SA) BIS - Ch Pandanlamo Roly Georgy Porgy (Fabrici's Pug) RUBIS - Ch Wyldchase Westcoast Jazz (Noonan's Whippet) BPIS - Rowemaris Champagne On Ice (AI) (Jones' English Springer Spaniel) MPIS - Abbotthall Royal Rascal (imp NZ) (Baxter's Old English Sheepdog) PIS - Jeolena Uppity Miss (Brien's Staffordshire Bull Terrier) JIS - Ch Strongfort Que Sera Sera (McKinnon's Affenpinscher) IIS - Ch Pandanlamo Roly Georgy Porgy (Fabrici's Pug) NTBIS - Ch Tagetarl Stumpy Sorcerer (Beckett's Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog) ABIS - Gr Ch Bohunt Pillow Fight (Whyte's Border Terrier) OIS - Ch Wyldchase Westcoast Jazz (Noonan's Whippet) ONIS - Vanistar Lightning Ridge WAC ET (Brennan's Dobermann) BIG 1 - Ch Pandanlamo Roly Georgy Porgy (Fabrici's Pug) RUIG1 - Ch Strongfort Que Sera Sera (McKinnon's Affenpinscher) BIG 2 - Gr Ch Bohunt Pillow Fight (Whyte's Border Terrier) RUIG 2 - Gr Ch Grajude Wee Jimmy (Mallyon & Potter's Scottish Terrier) BIG 3 - Ch/Can Ch Legacyk Par Avion To Kobidan (imp Can) (Cattell's German Shorthaired Pointer) RUIG 3 - Gr Ch/Am Ch Whistlestops Secret Agent AM CD RN CGC (imp USA) (Van Hassteren's Irish Water Spaniel) BIG 4 - Ch Wyldchase Westcoast Jazz (Noonan's Whippet) RUIG 4 - Ch Houndsley Here Comes Trouble (AI) (Hissey & Lalor's Beagle) BIG 5 - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky (Beckett's Australian Cattle Dog) RUIG 5 - Ch Tagetarl Stumpy Sorcerer (Beckett's Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog) BIG 6 - Ch Snobears Apache Spirit (Hunter's Siberian Husky) RUIG 6 - Vanistar Shay Gap (Brennan's Dobermann) BIG 7 - Gr Ch Beadale Little Captain (Beadale Kennels Schipperke) RUIG 7 - Gr Ch Kellanz Red Endeavour (Malloy & Potter's British Bulldog)
Alice Springs Kennel & Dog Sports Club Inc 305th Championship Show 07th July 2012 Judge - Tabitha Buckley (ACT) BIS - Gr Ch/Am Ch Whistlestops Secret Agent AM CD RN CGC (imp USA) (Van Hassteren's Irish Water Spaniel) RUBIS - Ch Sverdrups Yvon (imp Den) (Reid & Wishart's Basset Fauve De Bretagne) BPIS - Pandanlamo Rudolph Valention (Fabrici's Pug) MPIS - Herstellener Ted E Bear (Tennyenhuis' Golden Retriever) PIS - Tagetarl November rain (Beckett's Australian Cattle Dog) JIS - Ch Strongfort Que Sera Sera (McKinnon's Affenpinscher) IIS - Ch Sverdrups Yvon (imp Den) (Reid & Wishart's Basset Fauve De Bretagne) NTBIS - Kiltimagh Kallerberrin (Bird's Irish Setter) ABIS - Gr Ch Beadale Little Captain (Beadale Kennels Schipperke) OIS - Gr Ch/Am Ch Whistlestops Secret Agent AM CD RN CGC (imp USA) (Van Hassteren's Irish Water Spaniel) ONIS - Neut Ch/Ch topspott Rendezvous (Mills' Dalmation) BIG 1 - Ch Strongfort Que Sera Sera (McKinnon's Affenpinscher) RUIG 1 - Ch Pandanlamo Roly Georgy Porgy (Fabrici's Pug) BIG 2 - Gr Ch Bohunt Pillow Fight (Whyte's Border Terrier) RUIG 2 - Gr Ch Santlin Suitably Attired (Cartledge's Skye Terrier) BIG 3 - Gr Ch/Am Ch Whistlestops Secret Agent AM CD RN CGC (imp USA) (Van Hassteren's Irish Water Spaniel) RUIG 3 - Gr Ch Goldtrieve Wild n Wilfull (Tennyenhuis' Golden Retriever) BIG 4 - Ch Sverdrups Yvon (imp Den) (Reid & Wishart's Basset Fauve De Bretagne) RUIG 4 - Ch Leading lady Of Markwell (imp NZ) (Purich's Dacshund Minature Smooth) BIG 5 - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky (Beckett's Australian Cattle Dog) RUIG 5 - Ch Rhosyn Leather N Lace A.Z. (Douglas' German Shepherd Dog) BIG 6 - ??? RUIG 6 - Terrac Udelle (Humbler's Rottweiler) BIG 7 - Gr Ch Beadale Little Captain (Beadale Kennels Schipperke) RUIG 7 - Gr Ch Kellanz red Endeavour (Mallyon & Potter's British Bulldog)
Alice Springs Kennel & Dog Sports Club Inc 304th Championship Show - 06 July 2012 Judge - Prof Brian Corbitt (Vic) BIS - Ch Sverdrups Yvon (imp Den) (Reid & Wishart's Basset Fauve De Bretagne) RUBIS - Ch Tagetarl Stumpy Sorcerer (Beckett's Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog) BPIS - Rowemaris Champagne On Ice (AI) (Jones' English Springer Spaniel) MPIS - Borstaff Bursting Bubbles (Szirer's Staffordshire Bull Terrier) PIS - Kiltimagh Kata Tjuta (Bird's Irish Setter) JIS - Ch Strongfort Que Sera Sera (McKinnon's Affenpinscher) IIS - Ch Sverdrups Yvon (imp Den) (Reid & Wishart's Basset Fauve De Bretagne) NTBIS - Ch Tagetarl Stumpy Sorcerer (Beckett's Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog) ABIS - Gr Ch Beadale Little Captain (Beadale Kennels Schipperke) OIS - Gr Ch/Am Ch Whistlestops Secret Agent AM CD RN CGC (imp USA) (Van Hassteren's Irish Water Spaniel) ONIS - Vanistar Lightning Ridge WAC ET (Brennan's Dobermann) BIG 1 - Ch Strongfort Que Sera Sera (McKinnon's Affenpinscher) RUIG 1 - Ch Pandanlamo Roly Georgy Porgy (Fabrici's Pug) BIG 2 - Gr Ch Santlin Suitably Attired (Cartledge's Skye Terrier) RUIG 2 - Gr Ch Bohunt Pillow Fight (Whyte's Border Terrier) BIG 3 - Gr Ch/Am Ch Whistlestops Secret Agent AM CD RN CGC (Imp USA) (Van Hassteren's Irish Water Spaniel) RUIG 3 - Ch/Can Ch Legacyk Par Avion To Kobidan (imp Can) (Cattell's German Shorthaired Pointer) BIG 4 - Ch Sverdrups Yvon (imp Den) (Reid & Wishart's Basset Fauve De Bretagne) RUIG 4 - Ch Leading lady Of Markwell (imp NZ) (Purich's Dacshund Minature Smooth) BIG 5 - Ch Tagetarl Stumpy Sorcerer (Beckett's Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog) RUIG 5 - Tagetarl Stumpy Bewitched (Beckett's Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog) BIG 6 - Vanistar Shay Gap (Brennan's Dobermann) RUIG 6 - Ch Snobears Apache Spirit (Hunter's Siberian Husky) BIG 7 - Gr Ch Beadale Little Captain (Beadale Kennels Schipperke) RUIG 7 - Rampagingbul Tilra (Appleton's French Bulldog)
The next 8 results are from the shows prior to the weekend just gone in Darwin. Many thanks to Nikki Jones for the results, and please excuse any typos, errors etc. Please let me know if anything needs fixing. Central Australian Show Society Championship Show - 06th July 2012 Judge - Fay Harris (Tas) BIS - Gr Ch Beadale Little Captain (Beadale Kennels Schipperke) RUIS - Ch Sverdrups Yvon (imp Den) (Reid & Wishart's Basset Fauve De Bretagne) BPIS - Pandanlamo Rudolf Valentino (Fabrici's Pug) MPIS - Bohunt The Cats Whiskers (Whyte's Border Terrier) PIS - Kiltimagh Kata Tjuta (Bird's Irish Setter) JIS - Ch Strongfort Que Sera Sera (McKinnon's Affenpinscher) IIS - Ch Sverdrups Yvon (imp Den) (Reid & Wishart's Basset Fauve De Bretagne) NTBIS - Ch Tagetarl Stumpy Sorcerer (Beckett's Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog) ABIS - Gr Ch Beadale Little Captain (Beadale Kennels Schipperke) OIS - Gr Ch/Am Ch Whistlestops Secret Agent AM CD RN CGC (imp USA) (Van Hassteren's Irish Water Spaniel) ONIS - Vanistar Lightning Ridge WAC ET (Brennan's Dobermann) BIG 1 - Ch Strongfort Que Sera Sera (McKinnon's Affenpinscher) RUIG 1 - Gr Ch LNL's Sunni's Roly Poly (imp USA) (Fabrici's Pug) BIG 2 - Gr Ch Bohunt Pillow Fight (Whyte's Border Terrier) RUIG 2 - Gr Ch Santlin Suitably Attired (Cartledge's Skye Terrier) BIG 3 - Gr Ch/Am Ch Whistlestops Secret Agent AM CD RN CGC (imp USA) (Van Hassteren's Irish Water Spaniel) RUIG 3 - Gr Ch Goldtrieve Wild N Wilful (Tennyenhuis' Golden Retriever) BIG 4 - Ch Sverdrups Yvon (imp Den) (Reid & Wishart's Basset Fauve De Bretagne) RUIG 4 - Ch Houndsley Here Comes Trouble (Lalor & Hissey's Beagle) BIG 5 - Ch Rhosyn Double Kross AZ CL1 Ex (Douglas' German Shepherd Dog) RUIG 5 - Rhosyn Red Velvet (Douglas' German Shepherd Dog) BIG 6 - Vanistar Shay Gap (Brennan's Dobermann) RUIG 6 - Snobears Dragonfly (Hunters Siberian Husky) BIG 7 - Gr Ch Beadale Little Captain (Beadale Kennels Schipperke) RUIG 7 - Rampagingbul Ariel (Appleton's French Bulldog)
Breed Numbers - http://royal.k9territory.com/PreviousEntries_Breeds.pdf Group Numbers - http://royal.k9territory.com/PreviousEntries_Group.pdf
Around 150 per show
No problems. Royal starts Thursday so I'll see how I go getting those results up. Official results usually go up pretty quick but it's good to know :)
SDHC 22nd July 2012 Show 1 - S Shrigley (T) BIG 1 - Chihuahua (Long Coat) - Ch/NZ Ch El Toro Chips Off Old Block (Imp NZ) - Chandler RUIG - Miniature Pinscher - Ch Emani Struttin In Style - Doyle BIG 2 - Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Ch Toplace Helovagal - Fidler RUIG - Skye Terrier - Ch Salphara Cassanova Kid - Sanim BIG 3 - English Springer Spaniel - Grd Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET - Jones RUIG - Pointer - Ch Breilla Questce Que Cest - Lew-Fatt BIG 4 - Whippet - Ch Wyldchase West Coast Jazz - Noonan RUIG - Pharaoh Hound - Grd Ch Chassellis Disenk Ta'Ziffa (Imp Swd) - Hammett BIG 5 - Australian Cattle Dog - Tagetarl Jumping Jack Flash - Beckett RUIG - Finnish Lapphund - Ch Theldaroy Anyone Dare To Diffa - Seare BIG 6 - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald RUIG - Dobermann - Aegis Smoke N Mirrors - Ball BIG 7 - French Bulldog - Rampagingbul Ariel - Appleton RUIG - Keeshond - Grd Ch Beauwood Oscar - Carroll BIS - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald RUIS - Chihuahua (Long Coat) - Ch/NZ Ch El Toro Chips Off Old Block (Imp NZ) - Chandler BPIS - Beagle - Beagelee Smash Hit - Carter and Duval MPIS - Dobermann - Ikons Dark Magic (Imp NZ) - Compain PIS - Dobermann - Aegis Smoke N Mirrors - Ball JIS - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald IIS - Chihuahua (Long Coat) - Ch/NZ Ch El Toro Chips Off Old Block (Imp NZ) - Chandler NTBIS - Australian Cattle Dog - Tagetarl Jumping Jack Flash - Beckett ABIS - Dachshund (Smooth Haired) - Ch Xkaliba Ozzys Legacy - Helios OIS - Whippet - Ch Wyldchase West Coast Jazz - Noonan ONIS - Cocker Spaniel - Doulton Royal Windsor - Drummond
SDHC - 22nd July 2012 Show 2 - S Gray (T) BIG 1 - Chihuahua (Long Coat) - Ch/NZ Ch El Toro Chips Off Old Block (Imp NZ) - Chandler RUIG - Miniature Pinscher - Ch Emani Struttin In Style - Doyle BIG 2 - Skye Terrier - Grd Ch Santlin Suitably Attired - Cartledge RUIG - Bull Terrier - Ch Sarajeni Joker Jane - Clifford BIG 3 - English Springer Spaniel - Grd Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET - Jones RUIG - Irish Setter - Kiltimagh Kata Tjuta - Bird BIG 4 - Pharaoh Hound - Grd Ch Chassellis Disenk Ta'Ziffa (Imp Swd) - Hammett RUIG - Dachshund (Smooth Haired) - Ch Xkaliba Ozzys Legacy - Helios BIG 5 - Australian Cattle Dog - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky - Beckett RUIG - Finnish Lapphund - Ch Theldaroy Anyone Dare To Diffa - Seare BIG 6 - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald RUIG - Boxer - Ch Belmanta Just Get Over It - Ball and Cartledge and Cassidy BIG 7 - French Bulldog - Rampagingbul Ariel - Appleton RUIG - Keeshond - Grd Ch Beauwood Oscar - Carroll BIS - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald RUIS - Pharaoh Hound - Grd Ch Chassellis Disenk Ta'Ziffa (Imp Swd) - Hammett BPIS - English Springer Spaniel - Rowemaris Champagne On Ice - Stobbie MPIS - Irish Setter - Kiltimagh Kata Tjuta - Bird PIS - Dobermann - Aegis Smoke N Mirrors - Ball JIS - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald IIS - Chihuahua (Long Coat) - Ch/NZ Ch El Toro Chips Off Old Block (Imp NZ) - Chandler NTBIS - Miniature Pinscher - Ch Emani Struttin In Style - Doyle ABIS - French Bulldog - Rampagingbul Ariel - Appleton OIS - Pharaoh Hound - Grd Ch Chassellis Disenk Ta'Ziffa (Imp Swd) - Hammett ONIS - Cocker Spaniel - Doulton Royal Windsor - Drummond
SDHC 21st July 2012 Show 2 - L Chalmers (NZ) BIG 1 - Chihuahua (Long Coat) - Ch/NZ Ch El Toro Chips Off Old Block (Imp NZ) - Chandler RUIG - Pug - Ch Pandanlamo Roly Georgy Porgy - Fabrici BIG 2 - Skye Terrier - Grd Ch Santlin Suitably Attired - Cartledge RUIG - Bull Terrier - Bekmar Bob Marley - Clifford BIG 3 - English Springer Spaniel - Grd Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET - Jones RUIG - Cocker Spaniel - Gunwise Midnight Rendezvous - Mahoney BIG 4 - Dachshund (Miniature Smooth Haired) - Ch Leading Lady Of Markwell (Imp NZ) - Purich RUIG - Whippet - Ch Wyldchase West Coast Jazz - Noonan BIG 5 - Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog - Ch Tagetarl Stumpy Sorcerer - Beckett RUIG - Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog - Tagetarl Stumpy Bewitched - Beckett BIG 6 - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald RUIG - Dobermann - Aegis Smoke N Mirrors - Ball BIG 7 - Keeshond - Grd Ch Beauwood Oscar - Carroll RUIG 7 - British Bulldog - Ch Kellanz Scarlet Stitch In Time - Capell BIS - Chihuahua (Long Coat) - Ch/NZ Ch El Toro Chips Off Old Block (Imp NZ) - Chandler RUIS - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald BPIS - Pug - Pandanlamo Sweet Valentine - Fabrici MPIS - Shar Pei - Azumipei Hongne Kongbu - Spain PIS - Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog - Tagetarl Stumpy Bewitched - Beckett JIS - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald IIS - Chihuahua (Long Coat) - Ch/NZ Ch El Toro Chips Off Old Block (Imp NZ) - Chandler NTBIS - Australian Cattle Dog - Tagetarl Jumping Jack Flash - Beckett ABIS - Keeshond - Grd Ch Beauwood Oscar - Carroll OIS - Australian Cattle Dog - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky - Beckett ONIS - Cocker Spaniel - Doulton Royal Windsor - Drummond
A place for the show results. SDHC 21st July 2012 Show 1 - Mrs L Harwood (Vic) BIG 1 - Chihuahua (Long Coat) - Ch/NZ Ch El Toro Chips Off Old Block (Imp NZ) - Chandler RUIG - Pug - Ch Pandanlamo Roly Pudin N Pie - Fabrici BIG 2 - Bull Terrier - Bekmar Bob Marley - Clifford RUIG - Skye Terrier - Grd Ch Santlin Suitably Attired - Cartledge BIG 3 - Cocker Spaniel - Gunwise Midnight Rendezvous - Mahoney RUIG - Irish Setter - Kiltimagh Kata Tjuta - Bird BIG 4 - Whippet - Ch Wyldchase West Coast Jazz - Noonan RUIG - Pharaoh Hound - Grd Ch Chassellis Disenk Ta'Ziffa (Imp Swd) - Hammett BIG 5 - Australian Cattle Dog - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky - Beckett RUIG - Australian Cattle Dog - Tagetarl Jumping Jack Flash - Beckett BIG 6 - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald RUIG - Dobermann - Aegis Smoke N Mirrors - Ball BIG 7 - Keeshond - Grd Ch Beauwood Oscar - Carroll RUIG - French Bulldog - Rampagingbul Ariel - Appleton BIS - Chihuahua (Long Coat) - Ch/NZ Ch El Toro Chips Off Old Block (Imp NZ) - Chandler RUIS - Australian Cattle Dog - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky - Beckett BPIS - Beagle - Beagelee Smash Hit - Carter and Duval MPIS - Irish Setter - Kiltimagh Kata Tjuta - Bird PIS - Dobermann - Aegis Smoke N Mirrors - Ball JIS - Cocker Spaniel - Gunwise Midnight Rendezvous - Mahoney IIS - Chihuahua (Long Coat) - Ch/NZ Ch El Toro Chips Off Old Block (Imp NZ) - Chandler NTBIS - Miniature Pinscher - Ch Emani Struttin In Style - Doyle ABIS - Keeshond - Grd Ch Beauwood Oscar - Carroll OIS - Australian Cattle Dog - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky - Beckett ONIS - Shetland Sheepdog - Elleran Caught In Th Dream CD - Cooper
First of the Darwin shows are tonight, Royal next week.... I'm like a kid at Christmas....
I agree with dogs from the past getting it anyway.
Can't have - has to wait until tomorrow here to get the challenge AFTER july 1st to qualify. I know of at least two other dogs who would have got their supreme if the ruling was FROM 1st July and not AFTER 1st July. So - the person on FB that is claiming their SA dog is a Supreme CH, is jumping the gun just a little bit.... Not if they are showing interstate already. There were shows in Alice Springs today that the owners of the above dog travel to and support on a very regular basis.
As far as in their controlling body and processed I think the ESS has it but I'm unsure why some of the big states didn't decide to have a show on Monday the 2nd, could have made for an interesting day.
First night was a great success with about 10 people coming along. See you Thursday at 7pm!
Ok so my question is: What kind of notes do you put against judges? What would you consider a reason to not judge under a particular judge again?
With a heavy heart I farewell my baby boy Basil. My bed warmer for nearly a decade, I miss you. Over at the bridge now, may your food bowl be forever full and the beds forever warm and filled with pillows for you to lay your head on. <3
Hey all, Show training will be held at 7pm on a Thursday evening at the Winnellie show grounds. There is no charge for training and everyone is welcome. Please ensure your dog is on lead at all times and fully vaccinated. Bring yourself, dog and any treats or toys that you desire. Thanks, Meg
Junior is the right class.
I hate bitches in full blown season at shows.