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Everything posted by -Megz-

  1. I think judging is about 11.30am EST, it's about 10am my time and I'm CST.
  2. I love my Skechers, it's all I show in.
  3. Aww congratulations, I remember when she was just a little, little tacker!
  4. I'm going to put my $ on her showing the PBGV, I don't think anyone else has shown that boy since he arrived.
  5. It shouldn't be that way, to be honest. It is what it is.
  6. The rules state that a beaten dog cannot go in for BIG So if the PIG winner was also a BOB winner the rest of the POB winners that were also BOB winners cannot return. However if the PIG winner was not a BOB winner then the POB winners that did win BOB can return to the ring for BIG as they haven't yet been beaten by the other BOB winners in the line up.
  7. All good, I know the puppy winner that's why I did a double take lol
  8. Murve - the Irish Setter you put up was the Puppy :)
  9. Congrats to all the winners so far and good luck to those still going in
  10. Group 6 - Utility 1st - Siberian Husky: CH NORDICSPIRIT ON ICE - Mr S & Mrs S Butcher 2nd - Alaskan Malamute: CH KATAKU MYSTICAL CHARM - Mrs L J & Miss A Martin & Kataku Kennels 3rd - Akita: GR CH TRAVISTOCK DARK VELVET (Imp UK) - Ms J Jones & Mr G Freestone 4th - Pyrenean Mountain Dog: CH EUZKADI DAPPER MAN - Miss T Martin & Mr J Heynen & Mr B & Ms L Martin
  11. Did they place the puppies one to four? First time I've seen that.
  12. Up here the regulations say that if there is a change of judge you are entitled to a refund should you wish to. Doesn't mean you can enter others though, unfortunately. Maybe there is something similar in SA?
  13. I wish my gundog ignored birds, would make my life so much easier lol - that being said I remember so clearly in my memory the day we did a triangle came back and the judge went to get his attention but the dog turned and pointed at a bloody butterfly, we both burst out laughing until I couldn't budge him to retake my place in line hahahaha
  14. It's wonderful to watch when done well. I was taught as a child handler how to do it effectively except the Foxy I showed did it best with my families Cairn Terrier so my mum or dad would turn the Cairn for me to get the Foxy on his toes. I watched the Sydney Royal judge face off some breeds in 2011 and it was truly amazing to watch, Terriers with spunk under absolute control and looking fantastic.
  15. When I was much younger we bought a dog back for a friend, a Frenchie, we let it into our back yard for a snuffle around before being picked up. The dog made a beeline for the pool and sank, my Dad jumped in nearly fully clothed to pull him out, was quite scary. The rest of mine can swim but only the Toller is water obsessed, but he is built for it with webbed feet and all.
  16. Best In Show Lineup Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7
  17. Dogs NT 05 August 2012 Show 2 - Mrs C Butler (NSW) BIG 1 - Chinese Crested Dog - Wumao Indecent Exposure - Myors RUIG - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - Ch Brendamay Rocket Man - Clift and Halliday BIG 2 - Skye Terrier - Ch Salphara Cassanova Kid - Sanim RUIG - Border Terrier - Ch Vankyle Dorch Abhag - Watt BIG 3 - English Springer Spaniel - Grd Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET - Jones RUIG - German Shorthaired Pointer - Ch/Can Ch Legacyk Paravion To Kobidan (Imp Can) - Cattell BIG 4 - Dachshund (Smooth Haired) - Ch Xkaliba Ozzys Legacy - Helios RUIG - Saluki - Ch Catonam Baharat - Watt, Irlam and Smith BIG 5 - Australian Cattle Dog - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky - Beckett RUIG - Finnish Lapphund - Ch Theldaroy Anyone Dare To Diffa - Seare BIG 6 - Dobermann - Vansitar Shay Gap - Brennan RUIG - Dobermann - Ch Vansitar Harpers Bazaar - Brennan and Ive Smith BIG 7 - Tibetan Terrier - Ch Agenor Quite A Beau - Sanim RUIG - Keeshond - Grd Ch Beauwood Oscar - Carroll BIS - English Springer Spaniel - Grd Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET - Jones RUIS - Dachshund (Smooth Haired) - Ch Xkaliba Ozzys Legacy - Helios BPIS - Norwich Terrier - Kivamynk The Black Pearl - Fidler MPIS - Chinese Crested Dog - Wumao Incantations - Myors PIS - Australian Cattle Dog - Tagetarl November Rain - Beckett JIS - French Bulldog - Rampagingbull Tigra - Appleton IIS - Finnish Lapphund - Ch Theldaroy Anyone Dare To Diffa - Seare NTBIS - Border Terrier - Ch Vankyle Dorch Abhag - Watt ABIS - English Springer Spaniel - Grd Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET - Jones OIS - Welsh Springer Spaniel - Ch Ricochez Auryn Talyessin CCD - Jones ONIS - Vansitar Lightning Ridge WAC ET - Brennan's Dobermann State Final Junior 1st - Chloe Fidler - Whippet then Staffordshire Bull Terrier Senior 1st - Jayden Probert - Welsh Springer then Miniature Pinscher 2nd - Catherine Harrison - Border Terrier then Saluki Overall Winner Jayden Probert
  18. Dogs NT 05 August 2012 Show 1 - Mr L Butler (NSW) BIG 1 - Chinese Crested Dog - Wumao Indecent Exposure - Myors RUIG - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - Ch Brendamay Rocket Man - Clift and Halliday BIG 2 - Border Terrier - Ch Vankyle Dorch Abhag - Watt RUIG - Tenterfield Terrier - Gumhaven Outback Thunda - Miller BIG 3 - English Springer Spaniel - Grd Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET - Jones RUIG - Welsh Springer Spaniel - Ch Ricochez Auryn Talyessin CCD - Jones BIG 4 - Dachshund (Smooth Haired) - Ch Xkaliba Ozzys Legacy - Helios RUIG - Saluki - Ch Catonam Baharat - Watt, Irlam and Smith BIG 5 - Finnish Lapphund - Ch Theldaroy Anyone Dare To Diffa - Seare RUIG - Australian Cattle Dog - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky - Beckett BIG 6 - Boxer - Mavquade Kiwikid Ontblock (Imp NZ) - Doyle RUIG - Dobermann - Vansitar Shay Gap - Brennan BIG 7 - Keeshond - Grd Ch Beauwood Oscar - Carroll RUIG - Tibetan Terrier - Ch Agenor Quite A Beau - Sanim BIS - Keeshond - Grd Ch Beauwood Oscar - Carroll RUIS - English Springer Spaniel - Grd Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET - Jones BPIS - Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Iansan No Mercy Shown - Irlam and Watt MPIS - Jack Russell Terrier - Myjacks Princess Artista - Anderson PIS - Australian Cattle Dog - Tagetarl November Rain - Beckett JIS - Chinese Crested Dog - Wumao Indecent Exposure - Myors IIS - Finnish Lapphund - Ch Theldaroy Anyone Dare To Diffa - Seare NTBIS - Border Terrier - Ch Vankyle Dorch Abhag - Watt ABIS - Keeshond - Grd Ch Beauwood Oscar - Carroll OIS - Dobermann - Vansitar Shay Gap - Brennan ONIS - Vansitar Lightning Ridge WAC ET - Brennan's Dobermann
  19. Dogs NT 04 August 2012 Show 2 - Mrs D Besoff (NSW) BIG 1 - Miniature Pinscher - Ch Emani Struttin In Style - Doyle RUIG - Pug - Grd Ch Khlasse Beijing Gold - Savy BIG 2 - Bull Terrier - Ch Sarajeni Joker Jane - Clifford RUIG - Jack Russell Terrier - Myjacks Princess Artista - Anderson BIG 3 - German Shorthaired Pointer - Ch/Can Ch Legacyk Paravion To Kobidan (Imp Can) - Cattell RUIG - English Springer Spaniel - Grd Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET - Jones BIG 4 - Whippet - Ch Wyldchase West Coast Jazz - Noonan RUIG - Dachshund (Smooth Haired) - Ch Xkaliba Ozzys Legacy - Helios BIG 5 - Australian Cattle Dog - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky - Beckett RUIG - Australian Cattle Dog - Tagetarl Jumping Jack Flash - Beckett BIG 6 - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald RUIG - Boxer - Mavquade Kiwikid Ontblock (Imp NZ) - Doyle BIG 7 - British Bulldog - Ch Kellanz Scarlet Stitch In Time - Capell RUIG - Keeshond - Grd Ch Beauwood Oscar - Carroll BIS - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald RUIS - Australian Cattle Dog - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky - Beckett BPIS - Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Iansan No Mercy Shown - Irlam and Watt MPIS - Jack Russell Terrier - Myjacks Princess Artista - Anderson PIS - Dobermann - Aegis Smoke N Mirrors - Ball JIS - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald IIS - German Shorthaired Pointer - Ch/Can Ch Legacyk Paravion To Kobidan (Imp Can) - Cattell NTBIS - Irish Setter - Kiltimagh Kallerberrin - Pallot ABIS - Keeshond - Grd Ch Beauwood Oscar - Carroll OIS - Australian Cattle Dog - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky - Beckett ONIS - Dobermann - Vansitar Lightning Ridge WAC ET - Brennan
  20. Dogs NT 04 August 2012 Show 1 - Mr R Besoff (NSW) BIG 1 - Miniature Pinscher - Ch Emani Struttin In Style - Doyle RUIG - Pug - Grd Ch Khlasse Beijing Gold - Savy BIG 2 - Bull Terrier - Ch Sarajeni Joker Jane - Clifford RUIG - Skye Terrier - Ch Salphara Cassanova Kid - Sanim BIG 3 - German Shorthaired Pointer - Ch/Can Ch Legacyk Paravion To Kobidan (Imp Can) - Cattell RUIG - English Springer Spaniel - Grd Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET - Jones BIG 4 - Whippet - Ch Wyldchase West Coast Jazz - Noonan RUIG - Dachshund (Smooth Haired) - Ch Xkaliba Ozzys Legacy - Helios BIG 5 - Australian Cattle Dog - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky - Beckett RUIG - Finnish Lapphund - Ch Theldaroy Anyone Dare To Diffa - Seare BIG 6 - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald RUIG - Dobermann - Vansitar Shay Gap - Brennan BIG 7 - Keeshond - Grd Ch Beauwood Oscar - Carroll RUIG - British Bulldog - Ch Kellanz Scarlet Stitch In Time - Capell BIS - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald RUIS - Australian Cattle Dog - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky - Beckett BPIS - Australian Cattle Dog - Tagetarl Baby Got Blue Genes - Beckett MPIS - German Shorthaired Pointer - Kobidan Hot In The City - Cattell and Brennan PIS - Irish Setter - Kiltimagh Kata Tjuta - Bird JIS - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald IIS - German Shorthaired Pointer - Ch/Can Ch Legacyk Paravion To Kobidan (Imp Can) - Cattell NTBIS - Miniature Pinscher - Ch Emani Struttin In Style - Doyle ABIS - Dachshund (Smooth Haired) - Ch Xkaliba Ozzys Legacy - Helios OIS - Australian Cattle Dog - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky - Beckett ONIS - Golden Retriever - Ch Montego Northern Willow - Blight
  21. http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/239853-nt-show-circuit-results/
  22. Palmerston Gundog Club - 29th July 2012 Mr M Looby (Vic) Best of Breeds Cocker (Spaniel) - Gunwise Out Of Africa - Hammett English Springer Spaniel - Sup Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET - Jones German Shorthaired Pointer - Ch/Can Ch Legacyk Paravion To Kobidan (Imp Can) - Cattell Golden Retriever - Ch Montego Law N Order - Blight Hungarian Vizsla - Agasvari Tristans Izolda - Eory Irish Setter - Kiltimagh Kallerberrin - Pallot Labrador Retriever - Ch Dewick Touchof Spice (AI) TD - Griffiths Welsh Springer Spaniel - Ch Ricochez Auryn Talyessin CCD - Jones BIS - Sup Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET - Jones' English Springer Spaniel RUIS - Ch/Can Ch Legacyk Paravion To Kobidan (Imp Can) - Cattell's German Shorthaired Pointer BPIS - Rowemaris Champagne On Ice - Stobbie's English Springer Spaniel MPIS - Kobidan Hot In The City - Cattell and Brennan's German Shorthaired Pointer PIS - Kiltimagh Kata Tjuta - Bird's Irish Setter JIS - Agasvari Tristans Izolda - Eory's Hungarian Vizsla IIS - Ch/Can Ch Legacyk Paravion To Kobidan (Imp Can) - Cattell's German Shorthaired Pointer NTBIS - Kiltimagh Kallerberrin - Pallot's Irish Setter ABIS - Ch Ricochez Auryn Talyessin CCD - Jones' Welsh Springer Spaniel OIS - Sup Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET - Jones' English Springer Spaniel ONIS - Ch Montego Northern Willow - Blight's Golden Retriever Property Classes Best Head - Kiltimagh Kallerberrin - Pallot's Irish Setter Best Gait - Ch Aranybajnok Good One Alf - Robbins' Hungarian Vizsla Trial Dog - Sup Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET - Jones' English Springer Spaniel Brace - Irish Setters Child Handler - Jayden Probert Adult Handler - Meghann Ripper
  23. Unofficial Royal Results Darwin Royal Show - Judge: Mr Andrew Burt (Vic) Group 1 - Toys BIG - Ch/NZ Ch El Toro Chips Off Old Block (Imp NZ) - Chandler's Chihuahua (Long Coat) RUIG - Grd Ch Khlasse Beijing Gold - Savy's Pug BPIG - nil MPIG - Emani Aussie Aussie Aussie - Doyle's Miniature Pinscher PIG - Neverland Knight Raider - Capell's English Toy Terrier JIG - Ciaben Kim Novack - Doyle's Yorkshire Terrier IIG - Ch/NZ Ch El Toro Chips Off Old Block (Imp NZ) - Chandler's Chihuahua (Long Coat) NTBIG - Ch Emani Struttin In Style - Doyle's Miniature Pinscher ABIG - Ch Mohawk Diabolical Folical - Watt and Irlam's Chinese Crested Dog OIG - Grd Ch Khlasse Beijing Gold - Savy's Pug ONIG - Ch/Neut Ch Grunane Prity Precocious - Newman's Bichon Frise Group 2 - Terriers BIG - Ch Sarajeni Joker Jane - Clifford's Bull Terrier RUIG - Ch Salphara Casanova Kid - Sanim's Skye Terrier BPIG - Iansan Romantic Vision - Irlam and Watt's Fox Terrier (Smooth) MPIG - Myjacks Princess Artista - Anderson's Jack Russell Terrier PIG - Dekadance Guns In The Sky - Fidler's Staffordshire Bull Terrier JIG - Ch Myjacks King Triton - Anderson's Jack Russell Terrier IIG - Ch Salphara Casanova Kid - Sanim's Skye Terrier NTBIG - Ch Vankyle Dorch Abhag - Watt's Border Terrier ABIG - Ch Selwor Silverchair - Irlam and Watt's Fox Terrier (Smooth) OIG - Ch Sarajeni Joker Jane - Clifford's Bull Terrier ONIG - Lowryder Radioactive - White and Ripper's Staffordshire Bull Terrier Group 3 - Gundogs BIG - Grd Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET - Jones' English Springer Spaniel RUIG - Ch Ricochez Auryn Talyessin CCD - Jones' Welsh Springer Spaniel BPIG - Aasky Fj Fancy Lady - Lew-Fatt's Pointer MPIG - Kiltimagh Kata Tjuta - Bird's Irish Setter PIG - Dewick Touchof Wizardry - Griffiths' Labrador Retriever JIG - Agasvari Tristans Izolda - Eory's Hungarian Vizsla IIG - Ch Dewick Touchof Spice TD - Griffiths' Labrador Retriever NTBIG - Kiltimagh Kallerberrin - Pallot's Irish Setter ABIG - Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET - Jones' English Springer Spaniel OIG - Ch Ricochez Auryn Talyessin CCD - Jones' Welsh Springer Spaniel ONIG - Doulton Royal Windsor - Drummond's Cocker Spaniel Group 4 - Hounds BIG - Ch Wyldchase West Coast Jazz - Noonan's Whippet RUIG - Ch Xkaliba Ozzys Legacy - Helios' Dachshund (Smooth Haired) BPIG - nil MPIG - nil PIG - nil JIG - Ibiza Essunga Vastra - Sarantis and Hammett's Whippet IIG - Ch Tianze Hi Jinx - Watt and Irlam's Afghan Hound NTBIG - Aasky Benbre Big Shot - White and Ripper's Beagle ABIG - Ch Xkaliba Ozzys Legacy - Helios' Dachshund (Smooth Haired) OIG - Ch Wyldchase West Coast Jazz - Noonan's Whippet ONIG - nil Group 5 - Working Dogs BIG - Grd Ch Burdekin Bob The Builder - Mallia's Collie (Rough) RUIG - Ch Tagetarl Fire In The Sky - Beckett's Australian Cattle Dog BPIG - Arajento Bold Ambition - Tonkin's Shetland Sheepdog MPIG - Tagetarl Guns N Roses - Beckett's Australian Cattle Dog PIG - Tagetarl Stumpy Bewitched - Beckett's Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog JIG - Tagetarl Hot Gossip - Beckett's Australian Cattle Dog IIG - Ch Theldaroy Anyone Dare To Diffa - Seare's Finnish Lapphund NTBIG - nil ABIG - Ch Perrioak Rebel Wthacause CD - O'Connor and Lamb's Border Collie OIG - Grd Ch Burdekin Bob The Builder - Mallia's Collie (Rough) ONIG - Ch Stumpy Sweetseptember - Beckett's Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog Group 6 - Utility Dogs BIG - Vansitar Shay Gap - Brennan's Dobermann RUIG - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald BPIG - nil MPIG - Ikons Dark Magic (Imp NZ) - Compain's Dobermann PIG - Mavquade Kiwikid Ontblock (Imp NZ) - Doyle's Boxer JIG - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald IIG - Belmanta Just Get Over It - Ball, Cartledge and Cassidy's Boxer NTBIG - nil ABIG - Ch Vansitar Harpers Bazaar - Brennan and Ive Smith's Dobermann OIG - Vansitar Shay Gap - Brennan's Dobermann ONIG - Vansitar Lightning Ridge WAC ET - Brennan's Dobermann Group 7 - Non Sporting Dogs BIG - Ch Deakie Despicable Me (Imp UK) - Mallia's Shar Pei RUIG - Grd Ch Beauwood Oscar - Carroll's Keeshond BPIG - nil MPIG - Azumipei Hongse Kongbu - Spain's Shar Pei PIG - Kellanz Ruby Regardez Moi - Mallyon and Potter's British Bulldog JIG - Kellanz Cayenne Cantaora - Mallyon and Potter's British Bulldog IIG - Ch Deakie Despicable Me (Imp UK) - Mallia's Shar Pei NTBIG - nil ABIG - Grd Ch Beauwood Oscar - Carroll's Keeshond OIG - Ch Chagalls Check Me Out (Imp Swd) - Mallia's Shar Pei ONIG - Ch Rymist Northern Starr - Carroll's Keeshond General Specials BIS - Ch Sarajeni Joker Jane - Clifford's Bull Terrier RUIS - Grd Ch Burdekin Bob The Builder - Mallia's Collie (Rough) BPIS - Iansan Romantic Vision - Irlam and Watt's Fox Terrier (Smooth) MPIS - Ikons Dark Magic (Imp NZ) - Compain's Dobermann PIS - Dewick Touchof Wizardry - Griffiths' Labrador Retriever JIS - Dobermann - Celestion Walk The Line At Aegis (Imp NZ) - Ball and McDonald IIS - Ch/NZ Ch El Toro Chips Off Old Block (Imp NZ) - Chandler's Chihuahua (Long Coat) NTBIS - Kiltimagh Kallerberrin - Pallot's Irish Setter ABIS - Grd Ch Sunspur Zuess CD ET - Jones' English Springer Spaniel OIS - Ch Sarajeni Joker Jane - Clifford's Bull Terrier ONIS - Vansitar Lightning Ridge WAC ET - Brennan's Dobermann
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