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Everything posted by -Megz-
New Championship Title For Neutered Dogs
-Megz- replied to capanash's topic in General Dog Discussion
What does it mean? In my case, the dog enjoys being shown but was unavoidably neutered. -
New Championship Title For Neutered Dogs
-Megz- replied to capanash's topic in General Dog Discussion
So the assumptions have begun before the Title is even effective that's very sad. A Grand Champion in this class does NOT automatically mean that the owner is hungry for titles for the dog. Blanket statements like this are becoming very common aren't they? "I have a rare breed, I won't win" is another of my favourites -
New Championship Title For Neutered Dogs
-Megz- replied to capanash's topic in General Dog Discussion
I had a discussion about numbers and showing with an International judge a couple of weeks back. In his words "showing is the rich man's game". My understanding of his idea comes from the good old days when the Pedigree dog wasn't really the coveted thing. They had the dogs out in hunting packs etc, to own a Pedigree Dog and then to show it was not common place as it cost a lot of money. To me, the success of dog showing, comes from the time and money some people are willing to sacrifice (let's face it, it's a sacrifice as not many will make the money back that they have spent) in the hobby. A newbie that gives up because the going gets tough has no place in the dog world, if they want someone there every step of the way to pat them on the back then they are very naive because at the end of the day this is a competition. The dog world can be vicious and nasty but it would be none existent if this was the majority of the dog world. Luckily it's very much the minority and if a person can't see that then they will give up and won't be back to show another day. There have been a few times when I have wanted to give up showing, mostly when I was still in Child Handlers and mostly because the Adults running the event where manipulating rules and, to be blunt, cheating so that their child would win. I started a thread recently for reminiscing, I don't think it's even half way to a second page and that makes me sad. My post didn't have all the people that I credit with getting me to where I am and yet most haven't even taken the time to think about their showing career thus far to thank those mentors and friends that have helped them get there. I have and will continue to help newbies out that look a bit lost or just need to ask questions, but I refuse to baby them, I refuse to encourage a person that refuses to see the good side of showing. There is a few posters recently that give me this impression. They want it all handed to them on a silver platter and expect people to fall at their feet and tell them it's ok if they happen to lose. I have also seen people come and go from the show ring because they refuse to ask for help. At the end of the day it's a competition, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. The established people in the dog world started somewhere, they were newbies once too. They have done the hard yards and don't need newbies bagging them because they beat them or because they've been at it longer. They also don't need to waste their time helping people that don't want help. As I said above most newbies I have seen lately expect to be treated like they are special, they refuse to ask questions and expect the people and knowledge to come to them and that's not how it works. I've rambled and gone off on about 6 different tangents. Completely OT now as I haven't mentioned neuters once but I think it makes sense. -
New Championship Title For Neutered Dogs
-Megz- replied to capanash's topic in General Dog Discussion
No points = no payoff. That was the problem with neuter showing until now. If people don't give a rats about getting new folk into the sport then things can continue on as usual. However, I'm tired of listening to people whine about declining numbers while simultaneously they do nothing to encourage new exhibitors. Don't even get me started on breeders that won't sell to show homes and won't allow their dogs to be used at stud outside their kennels. That's really driving the sport towards extinction. I didn't say that they don't give a rats just that it wasn't the full picture. A Newbie shouldn't be concerned about points from the start, learning the craft and their dog should be higher on the priorities from the start, if they have the confidence and the thirst for points from the get go then they need to also accept the fact that there will always be competition and people that have been there and done that, some before they were even born. -
This page is due to be updated but this gives you an idea of shows in Darwin. Best time of year for our shows, both weather and quantity wise, is July to the beginning of August. http://www.dogsnt.com.au/dates.html
New Championship Title For Neutered Dogs
-Megz- replied to capanash's topic in General Dog Discussion
I think that some people have put too much emphasis on the idea of this being to encourage newbies. This may be one of the ideas behind it but is most definitely not the entire situation. Dogs are neutered for many many reasons and why should they be disadvantaged?? In an ideal world, for me, they would be allowed to compete for a real CC and BOB not just for a Neuter Title. My Pug bitch LOVES to be shown, she was sick and we were forced to have her Neutered or she would not have survived, this dog does the BEST sad face when we leave for a show without her, this class and title offers her a second chance in the ring. Why does it matter that she has Grd Ch in front of her name?? If she is worthy, she should be allowed to compete and obtain the title. I always thought that Member's Comps and Open shows were the stomping ground for Newbies, those with the "my shit don't stink" attitude tend to not go to these as they are "beneath" them, there is the opportunity to teach and guide handlers at these events. A Neuter Class at All Breeds and Specialty level wouldn't have this opportunity to learn. -
New Championship Title For Neutered Dogs
-Megz- replied to capanash's topic in General Dog Discussion
You don't HAVE to get a reprint. As long as it's changed in the database you can exhibit as a Neuter. Just rang DogsVictoria... they said to change to a neuter I MUST send in the desexing certificate and there is no way around having the pedigree reprinted. Then DogsVic are adding revenue raising to it. Our President has told me that it is optional to reprint as long as the change is reflected in the System then the dog can compete. Once the title is achieved the reprint is covered in the cost of applying for the title and this reprint will have the Neutered status of the dog on it. -
Why not? Aim for the top! Comment removed What did I miss here? Nothing My edited version - my bitch hasn't fully coated up compared to the dogs so not expecting to beat them. She will mature into her own, as her mother did in time though. Troy removed nothing? Yeah ok...
Why not? Aim for the top! Comment removed What did I miss here?
New Championship Title For Neutered Dogs
-Megz- replied to capanash's topic in General Dog Discussion
You don't HAVE to get a reprint. As long as it's changed in the database you can exhibit as a Neuter. -
New Championship Title For Neutered Dogs
-Megz- replied to capanash's topic in General Dog Discussion
I hope not. That is 4 classes, 4 Ribbons extra per Group, and the 4 In Show ribbons - Our clubs whinge about the costs now. We don't get the entries to warrant all 4 classes being mandatory. I agree that making Class 18 - For neutered dogs over 6 months, compulsory *may* work but forcing all four classes on small clubs is a bit much. Why? Sell the dog on the limited register, the owner desexes, provides proof and you sign the forms to make the dog Main Register and marked Neuter at the same time. Being on Main can still be limited ie. Dog not for Export etc. Limited for Showing but not Breeding is no Different to Main for a Neutered dog, they still can't breed and they can show. No change required. -
New Championship Title For Neutered Dogs
-Megz- replied to capanash's topic in General Dog Discussion
Yes it does count towards that, from what I have read. -
New Championship Title For Neutered Dogs
-Megz- replied to capanash's topic in General Dog Discussion
Yup, make sure that when you have a dog neutered that you have all relevant paperwork to show your CC to get the right boxes ticked in the Database or your points won't count until this is done. -
Why not? Aim for the top!
New Championship Title For Neutered Dogs
-Megz- replied to capanash's topic in General Dog Discussion
ohoh "Well they enter their Grand Champion, what chance does my poor Neutered dog have?? They know all the judges anyway." My little Grd Ch Puglet will be getting out there. We also have a couple of others that were neutered unfortunately that will be getting a run around -
New Championship Title For Neutered Dogs
-Megz- replied to capanash's topic in General Dog Discussion
The classes have always been there, since they first implemented the Neuter class, it's optional as with many classes that are available. Things like Limit are very rarely used in the NT but they are still a class that can be offered. It's not a matter of applying fairly it's a matter of clubs deciding what they want to offer. As I said, NT clubs only offer Class 18 -
New Championship Title For Neutered Dogs
-Megz- replied to capanash's topic in General Dog Discussion
We don't get certificates for winning classes??? Just Challenge and Best of Breed, so I expect we will only get the Neuter Challenge Certificate and Best of Breed Neuter Certificate not for each class. -
New Championship Title For Neutered Dogs
-Megz- replied to capanash's topic in General Dog Discussion
There is already classes 15, 16, 17 and 18 for Neuter, the clubs in the NT offer 18 only as we don't have the number of exhibits to warrant the age specific classes. So it will be no different to Classes 4, 5, 10 and 11 competing against each other for challenge for example. Winner in classes 15, 16, 17 and 18 compete against each other for neuter challenge and reserve challenge. So if only class 18 is offered then the first place getter in that class is 1st and Challenge, same as all automatic wins. -
I don't mind people using my dogs to get them to focus, but when they are loudly saying "gittheborder!!" and the Bully is literally on a VERY tight lead and would no doubt jump on my dog if loosened, as well as being very close proximity (I would hazard a guess and say we've got more dogs in the group line up than in the NT), it's very distracting and a little worrying - it's not about aggression either, it's the fact that a Bull Terrier is about 4 times the size of my dogs and can easily harm them through play, or frighten them etc. Caber actually LOVES Bullies, and he plays with those we know. Put it this way- I believe I should be able to concentrate on my own dog in the ring without having to wonder what the dog next door is doing I have shown down south in the same way. I just think that people need to worry about themselves instead of being concerned with changing the minorities behaviour - I'm not talking about anyone in particular just my opinion.
I showed a bully baby late last year and it was very intrigues by the Border in front. I used that to my advantage, I was 4 metres away though and the Border facing the front. I don't have a problem admitting to it and I would say that I would do it again. No different to when I have moved a dog slightly out of a line so they can see their mum two dogs up in the same class, they will remain stacked with me but if they can't see but they can hear mum they will look for her and get fussy. Work with what you have.
I compare it to driving, you shouldn't have to, but you need to ensure that you take your safety into your own hands. You wouldn't expect someone to give way just because they are meant to, you always check and double check to make sure you are in a safe position. The dog ring is the same to me, I take responsibility for my dogs and my space and compensate for idiots.
Training up your dog to ignore the noises etc is a great place to start. I don't find the need to do the same thing back to someone, and it sure isn't going to solve the problem just would lower you to their petty ways.
There really is no need to mock someone's opinion by laughing at them. I have seen many GSD Specialties and they are very loud and very intimidating to a newbie.
How about we reign this in and not turn this into a GSD thread as we all know how they end up. Back to the topic at hand of Double handling and not the endurance of the breed.
The person I was referring to was quite adamant because her dogs DO NOT respond well to it. Not all dogs react the same. There was a JRT that was very animated for a Tennis Ball, just the small ones that fit in your pocket, if that dog was still around now I would have a hard time keeping my Stafford's attention. He is intently ball crazy.