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I'm considering this for my week off that I need to take
The first year I went it pissed down raining, the second time it was great weather, a little warn then I am from the hot humid north so not much difference
I would definitely recommend to anyone wishing to support the Neuter Class in a serious way, the Darwin Show Circuit is a great way to bump up the points, every show on the circuit offers the Neuter Class, 15 shows in 5 weekends and a Great Outback Holiday. *end shameless plug :-P
What you getting? Nosy parker here haha
I saw a Brittany yesterday with Uwish You Could But You Cant
I show many many breeds this is a couple of things that I would like to see less of. Whippets: Toplines as above, also they need to stop growing at some point they aren't meant to be half way up my thigh. Agree on movement too - I'd love to take my Nicky lure coursing she would be a sight Golden Retrievers: They are Golden not white as white can be or even cream - get the colour back. It's also funny (sad funny) when you can look at a Golden baby and mistake it for a Maremma baby after a quick glance Siberian Huskys: They aren't Malamutes, stop breeding gay tails and HUGE dogs Overall I think that Judges need to take a little responsibility for the way dogs are changing. Judge to the standard, just because you see 10 flat top Whippets and 2 with correct topline does not mean that they are incorrect for being the minority, stop going with the fashion of the show ring and go back to basics.
Write all three names on the front of one envelope
I modified the title so we can keep everything together - look back and reminisce. I have a couple of dogs left over ambitions to continue. Ben - Sanmar Blue Moon (Beagle) might be titledthis year Cherub - Piccino Zucchero (Italian Greyhound) might also finish this year Jake - Aasky Desbre Jake (Whippet) got his first points for his Neuter title and will continue to be showed by his new owners Gem (Aasky Brodice Gem) and Bel (Aasky Brodice Bel) Whippets - will have their first show next weekend I have already qualified for Battle of the Greats/Contest of the Rising Stars with: Clarke - Ch Breilla Questce Que Cest (Pointer) Buddy - Dalvuigold Thunder (Golden Retriever) Should be a fun year with a new bubba Beagle starting her show career in January
Massive congrats to Ian, Kaye, Penny and Erin and other interested parties on Bibi's win. The picture of her on FB is simply gorgeous.
His profile must have been removed. There is a FB page: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pa...107126522682592
First Neuter Champion awarded in the Northern Territory was a Norwich Terrier, very closely followed by a Dachshund. Very big congratulations to Chloe Fidler and proud mum Rachel on the title on little Gypsy aka Kaeva Super Minx at Haywood.
I'm fairly sure I know of a dog that's made up the points for a Neuter Title... Will confirm soon hopefully.
I think people who think it's a BIS are misleading themselves So Fwarkie hasn't won 2 BIS'??? :D I think the major difference for us here is that there are no CC's awarded. Up here they are used mostly to allow our local judges to get their breed numbers up for their groups. I think it's misleading.
Hey Melly, Did you notice that it has Hugo winning Challenge but doesn't have him coming first in any of the classes?? I'm confused.
In the one I did I took two Pointers. The things I made sure of were: The bigger dog is closest to the handler as not to hide the smaller dog Gaiting is at normal pace Dogs should reasonably free stand as you may not get a chance to stack both Be prepared for anything - judge got us to do triangles which is hard enough with Clarke normally we also did a couple of laps following and then had to overtake the Labradors in front of us haha My experience was very fun, the kids had fun too trying to get their head in front of the others and mouthing each other with big grins on their face and once they got going in front we could have lapped those Labs haha
I'll do it one more time for photos I think
*rocks in the corner muttering*
In the JH section of the Dogs NSW Regs it doesn't say they need to be entered. It says to be awarded a Special Prize a dog needs to exhibited at the show in a General Class but that to me means Sweepies etc not JH. No idea though - just my interpretation.
The JH Manual says: Dogs used for Junior handler competitions must be ANKC registered and in some States must be entered in the show. Not very helpful haha
Yeah they are allowed Very proud of Fwarkie - we'll probably end up Losers today but will see how it goes
GENERAL SPECIALS BIS - Ch Vansitar Indian Pacific WAC - Brennan's Dobermann RUIS - Grd Ch/NZ Ch Dykinta Take A Chance - Atkins' Golden Retriever BPIS - Beltzu Its All About Me - Heersema's Shih Tzu MPIS - Sundobe Moon Dancer - Compain's Dobermann PIS - Tagetarl Aussie Anarchy - Beckett's Australian Terrier JIS - Ch Kobidan Flower Power - Nichols and Cattell's German Shorthaired Pointer IIS - Ch Ritaz Storm Blazer - Huckstepp's French Bulldog NTBIS - Ch Tagetarl Got Ya Back - Beckett's Australian Cattle Dog ABIS - Ch Saxonee Hot To Trot - Noonan's Whippet OIS - Ch Vansitar Indian Pacific WAC - Brennan's Dobermann ONIS - Kadzbear Moms The Word - Duren's Newfoundland
TOYS BIG - Ch Khlasse Beijing Gold - Savy's Pug RUIG - Ch Tagetarl Silky Steel - Beckett's Australian Silky Terrier BPIG - Emani Luv Em N Leave Em - Doyle's Miniature Pinscher MPIG - Quom Witch Hunting - Savy's Pug PIG - Welona Champagne On Ice - Grabham's Papillon JIG - Sanropi Knight Kingdom - Grabham's Papillon IIG - Ch Khlasse Beijing Gold - Savy's Pug NTBIG - Ch Tagetarl Silky Steel - Beckett's Australian Silky Terrier ABIG - Ch Mohawk Calgary Kid - Watt's Chinese Crested Dog OIG - Ch Chevalove Voodoo Majik - Munro's Cavalier King Charles Spaniel ONIG - Brendamay Lionel Ritchie - Halliday's Cavalier King Charles Spaniel ** As Always happy for corrections
GUNDOGS BIG - Grd Ch/NZ Ch Dykinta Take A Chance - Atkins' Golden Retriever RUIG - Ch Breilla Questce Que Cest - Lew-Fatt's Pointer BPIG - Doulton Royal Windsor - Job and Jones' Cocker Spaniel MPIG - Aranybajnok Good One Alf - Robbins' Hungarian Vizsla PIG - Montego Law N Order - Tennyenhuis' Golden Retriever JIG - Ch Kobidan Flower Power - Nichols and Cattell's German Shorthaired Pointer IIG - Ricochez Auryn Talyessin - Jones' Welsh Springer Spaniel NTBIG - Ch Marjoyon Nannja - Menz's Labrador Retriever ABIG - Ch Brodruggan Iridescence - Bird's Irish Setter OIG - Grd Ch/NZ Ch Dykinta Take A Chance - Atkins' Golden Retriever ONIG - Tarnell Rider Oth Storm - Robbins' English Springer Spaniel ** As Always happy for corrections
All results added and adjusted. Harry didn't get shown he was limping bit bummed about that Always next year