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Everything posted by -Megz-

  1. I'd be interested to know if there are any dogs from the NT in there if you notice ;) There are some of the older generation around that would probably enjoy the trip down memory lane. I wasn't born
  2. I'll be there!! Who's going? Edited for spelling
  3. You clearly do not know me. Risk my dogs?? ;) That's just hilarious. Clarke the Pointer has been shown on the same lead since he arrived and before he left his previous home and has never so much as sooked on is, and he is not a light dog when he decides to bolt for a bird and puts all his weight into the chain. If you know how to use them they cause less distress than a martingale does on a dog if used incorrectly. Anything can cut through cheese really, I can do that with a plastic knife, as for skin I have had a dog spin a snake chain around my little finger and I was stuck for a short time and all I got was slight redness for about 30 seconds.
  4. Just wondering what people find is the best brand of snake chains? Some of them are pretty cheap and nasty to be honest and bend or snag after a few uses and the others have been perfect since purchase. I have no idea of the branding though and hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
  5. I have these now http://www.skechers.com/style/21363/bikers-point-blank/bkcc Best shoes I've ever shown in
  6. We had no problems, open and honest on the application. Pup is allowed inside and all no problems at all only had an inspection a week or two ago.
  7. True that. But i think, when you get anywhere above 10. Its crazy no matter what your situation, especilly if your at a figure up round 20 or 30 :D Hmmm I wonder what your thoughts would be on my friend that hasn't had less than 40 in the entire time I've known her, anywhere between 40-55 is normal. The numbers are gradually dwindling now as she gets older and the average age of the dogs she owns has gone up also.
  8. Crazy is one more than you can safely manage. For each person it would be different.
  9. I got one today too - they are gorgeous!!!!!!!!
  10. Unless you own 10 acres then you can walk between 30-45 at once
  11. Bumping to the top. First post updated with new dates. Event set up on Facebook so invite all your friends!! Who's coming??
  12. Probably highly unlikely in our breed, and possibly many others. It would only take a second inquiry to another breeder to reveal that an asking price is inflated and an explanation as to why it is so. Then, the chance of a referral from that breeder, or others when they hear of it, would be highly unlikely. I don't usually succumb to social pressure, and that also applies to the costing of a pup. But I set my price to place the pups in good homes, not to replenish a bank account. This is clearly not happening in Staffords then. I bought my boy for less than $1000 and yet people fork out twice or three times what I do without considering the dogs that are a third the price. People are impatient and want it now and will pay the now price.
  13. Why do you think a Frenchie or a Boston should cost so much more than other breeds ? Personally, I fail to see why anyone would want either breed, let alone pay those sorts of prices. Of all the breeds I have observed at shows over many years, these are the two I most detest on temperament, snapping and barking at every passing dog, let alone the fact they are so incredibly ugly. Then add in possible health issues with brachy breeds and I really have no idea what the attraction is. Sorry to the people who own and love them but I just can't stand them. Wow well personally I don't think your post deserves a response how incredibly rude. These breeds don't have large litters if the bitch even takes and can whelp the puppies. They aren't rare but they aren't common as a decent breeder doesn't have the ability to churn out puppies in big numbers. Not sure if you have any knowledge of supply and demand but if there were 100 puppies available the price probably wouldn't be as much but given the limited numbers and even more limited breeders demand supports the price. It's the funniest thing I find about Staffords being priced so high, they are currently as common as mud and still people fork out big $$ for a shit puppy. More fool them at the end of the day. Supply and demand bit us on the ass recently.. 6 Beagle puppies born - 4/6 sold easily before they were three months old, one kept by the breeder one given to me. 10 Pointer puppies born 4 weeks later - 3/10 sold, the most recent one only sold last week We charged $800 for the Beagles and a measly $500 for the Pointers and yet we still can't sell these gorgeous puppies. Yet Joe Public will go and drop $3000 on a badly bred mutt ;)
  14. Hey there, I sit beside the hospitality tent which is the shadiest part of the grounds. I am not one to get miffed about another dog getting the attention our guys just sleep so you are welcome to sit with us. I sit with Pappy above I have a 3x3 and am thinking of getting another or upgrading to a 6x3 so we'll have loads of shade and space you are welcome to. We only have a couple of breeds on Friday night anyway so will have very few dogs there
  15. nahh just win a lot and it's all water off a ducks back and thoroughly enjoyable
  16. I would have cancelled my order that is outrageous! Half the price of the goods again in freight!! I was about to go shopping but I might pass
  17. Well JB, in that case all forms of competition will die out because wherever there is competition there will always be rudeness and bitchiness, cats, horses, ballroom dancing, whatever, I think someone even mentioned chess in a previous post. Let's face it most people compete to win and there are certain personality types who can't handle losing, instead of looking at themselves and asking 'how can I improve my performance?', they blame anything and everything except themselves and vent their disappointment and frustration on others. In a sport like dog showing where there are a large number of competitors and comparatively few awards, losers will always greatly outnumber winners and obviously there will be instances of bad sportsmanship. I find your question quite difficult to answer Megz, probably because I've been involved for a very long time and I'm completely at home in a dog showing environment. To be honest I don't notice much rudeness at dog shows, but if I do see some disenchanted exhibitor having a whinge I just treat it as part of the entertainment offered on the day . It's usually the same people, most of the other exhibitors know who they are and their rantings are largely ignored except by their cronies who are just as bad as they are, really they're a bit of a joke. My advice to newbies would be to go to the show, take your dogs in the ring and enjoy your day out win or lose. Mix with people you like and ignore the rest and if someone makes a nasty comment laugh it off, don't take it seriously. However I do agree with a previous poster who commented that some people just aren't cut out for it, if you're hypersensitive, take things to heart and are easily upset, competitive sport is best avoided. I feel the same - I'm used to it - maybe I should have to be but I'm also not one to keep rose coloured glasses around so I thought I'd see if anyone could help me. There is some great tips I can take from here and take to these exhibitors.
  18. How tough do you think a person needs to be to "last" in the show ring? Or perhaps the question is how long would it take being tough to get past the bad? I have been trying to help some newer people through the first stages of showing dogs and they have some "fun" events. Their dog has managed a couple of nice wins over older competition and they have copped the mouth of the other exhibitor as a reaction to it. I have explained this happens, it's the way it can be but is definitely the minority over the majority. They are wavering, I know they are wavering. How would you approach the "harden the f*** up" talk without scaring them off more? I know this answer will be varying and very wide reaching but hoping for maybe some stories/banter that might encourage them to stick around. They are very lovely people and worth keeping in the dog world.
  19. Trooper is another Army rank - Troop for short.
  20. Up here a member bought a dog from O'seas and didn't register it again with ANKC in the correct way. They had all their awards taken from then and had to rectify the problem before showing again. This meant removal of all challenge points and the dogs title.
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