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Everything posted by -Megz-
Agreed - I would also say that the dog needs to have some animation. Nothing worse than a dog just going through the motions like a sad sack. The best handler teams I have seen are handlers that have a genuine connection with their dogs, this doesn't mean they've known and worked with them for months as some just have the knack but there is a definite connection between handler and dog. Some of my favourite handlers to watch have this with their dogs, and the dogs just perform for them every time.
It would really depend on the standard. I had a Stafford break a canine through being a Stafford and I never got a vet certificate, continued to show him successfully until he was retired. I wouldn't give up a show career for something that was an accident.
Oh that Clarkie is still super fit and lean - crazy kid - age won't stop him. Trends in breeds are just that, trends, they come and go at a whim and the breeders that breed for them tend to fall off the back when the trend passes. The Labrador in the OP is what I would expect to see in a Labrador.
Breeders Group in Show - Wingdari Australian Kelpies Best Puppy in Show Italian Greyhound - Ch Delco Water Lily
All results posted, please excuse spelling I have been collating results on my phone. ETA: General Specials should be getting under way soon. Breeders Group Puppy Best in Show
Best in Group Toy 1st - Maltese - Sup Ch Merimalt Merlins Apprentice 2nd - Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) - Am/Can/Sup Ch Tegs The Best Or Nothing (Imp Can) 3rd - Bichon Frise - Sup Ch Kelzarki Kissing Bandit 4th - Italian Greyhound - Ch Berizza Uniquely Marvellous (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Chinese Crested Griffon Bruxellios Lowchen Papillon Pomeranian) Terrier 1st - Jack Russell Terrier - Sup Ch Whatajack Fire Fly 2nd - American Staffordshire Terrier - Tur/Bul/Cy/Phil/Srb/Ukr/Mda/Ch Orion Red Mist King Of Rings (Imp Srb) 3rd - Fox Terrier (Wire) - Ch Graebrook The Colour Of Money 4th - Cairn Terrier - Ch Joymont Sir Walter Raleigh (Bull Terrier Dandie Dinmont Terrier Kerry Blue Terrier Skye Terrier) Gundog 1st - Irish Setter - Sup Ch Eireannmada Queen Of Rock 2nd - Cocker Spaniel (American) - Am Grd/NZ Ch Mar-k's Prologue (Imp NZ) 3rd - English Springer Spaniel - Ch Azudance Little Lion Man 4th - Bracco Italiano - Ch Mokoscyg Brunelleschi (AI) (Cocker Spaniel Flat Coated Retriever Labrador Retriever Weimaraner) Hound 1st - Borzoi - Sup Ch Kenibea Murphys Law (AI) 2nd - Dachshund (Smooth Haired) - Ch Kamahi Sedona Reflection 3rd - Afghan Hound - Sup Ch Khandhu Got The Look 4th - Basenji - Ch Remwin Cheeky Liasons (Basset Hound Dachshund (Long Haired) Pharaoh Hound Saluki Whippet) Working Dog 1st - Australian Shepherd - Grd Ch Ellagant Pretty N Blue 2nd - Australian Kelpie - Ch Wingdari Dinky Di Oz 3rd - Puli - Ch Rustufarion Tell All 4th - Border Collie - Sup Ch Pukawidgee Light Oth Moon (Bearded Collie German Shepherd Dog Old English Sheepdog Shetland Sheepdog Welsh Corgi (Pembroke)) Utility 1st - Bullmastiff - Ch Costog Mompessons Home Bruce (AI) 2nd - Dogue De Bordeaux - Ch Charmeurouge Chief 3rd - Akita - Sup Ch Daykeyne Save Your Breath 4th - Boxer - Ch Casqueen Eurostyle (Neopolitan Mastiff Portuguese Water Dog Samoyed Siberian Husky St Bernard) Non Sporting 1st - Poodle (Toy) - UK/Ch Montflair's Toy Soldier (Imp UK) 2nd - Lhasa Apso - Sup Ch Chethang Nathaniel (Imp UK) 3rd - Shih Tzu - Am/Can/Sup Ch Ashbury Inferno At Beswick (Imp Can) 4th - Great Dane - Stordansk Davincis Aria (AI) (Boston Terrier Dalmatian British Bulldog Poodle (Standard)) Puppy in Group Toy - Italian Greyhound - Ch Delco Water Lily (Australian Silky Terrier Chinese Crested Papillon Pekinese Pomeranian Pug) Terrier - Staffordshire Bull Terrier - Staffbach Vigilante (American Staffordshire Terrier Bull Terrier Fox Terrier (Smooth) Jack Russell Terrier Scottish Terrier Skye Terrier West Highland White Terrier) Gundog - English Springer Spaniel - Deferlee Fateful Attraction (Bracco Italiano Cocker Spaniel German Shorthaired Pointer Hungarian Vizsla Irish Setter Labrador Retriever Weimaraner) Hound - Dachshund (Long Haired) - Keaton Julz (Afghan Hound Azawakh Basset Hound Dachshund (Miniature Long Haired) Petite Basset Griffon Vendeen Portuguese Podengo Whippet) Working Dog - Border Collie - Syryne Burning Embers (Australian Cattle Dog Australian Shepherd Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael) Belgian Shepherd (Tervuren) Puli Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Welsh Corgi (Cardigan)) Utility - Neopolitan Mastiff - Magnufi Graziosa (Akita Boxer Newfoundland Rottweiler Samoyed Schnauzer (Miniature) Siberian Husky) Non Sporting - Shar Pei - Miniatura Iam The One Breeders Team Toy - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - Lookingglass Terrier - Fox Terrier (Smooth) - Clayco Gundog - Weimaraner - Lukedom Hound - Saluki - Pazada Working Dog - Australian Kelpie - Wingdari Utility - Portuguese Water Dog - Rulett Non Sporting - Dalmatian - Starswept
Sydney Royal goes live! Monday 21 April, General Specials day will be live through Facebook! All Group Specials leading up to the award of the coveted Best In Show will be streamed through Facebook. if you are unable to be here you will still be able to watch the judging from home.
I have added an album to my Facebook that I can upload details from the catalogue to, search for Dogs Shows in the Northern Territory for the link to it, can't get the link from my phone. Edited to add: Poodles have been added, I'll do German Shepherds now
I've been watching the forecast and the closer the dates been getting the hotter it gets. I'll be there and even scored a dog to show on the day
I believe the Bullmastiff from Sydney won, dogs name is Kiff and Brooke Turner shows him. That's the extent of my FB trawling lol
You mean chicken lady's Travis right?
Should have stuck around for the double headers, I did all that twice, 2 nights in a row and only missed one run around :) Love it!
I know! Right!? I want more dogs to show :)
Third Edition Is Now Live - Www.k9online.com.au
-Megz- replied to SwaY's topic in General Dog Discussion
Viewed mine on my phone when it was released - so easy and quick to access! Love the bits on the Darwin Royal! -
2013 Darwin Royal - Unofficial Results 2013 Darwin Royal - Unofficial Results.pdf
Would I Look Like A Weirdo Turning Up To A Show
-Megz- replied to kelpiecuddles's topic in General Dog Discussion
They use those for carting prizes ring to ring, don't see why it would be a big deal for show gear. -
Royal Group Number Breakdown Group 1 - 1 to 28 Group 2 - 29 to 51 Group 3 - 52 to 82 Group 4 - 83 to 108 Group 5 - 109 to 147 Group 6 - 148 to 164 Group 7 - 165 to 198
Results for 20th July 2013 as posted on facebook Show 1. Judge: M/s Kerry King (S) BIS: Dobermann. CH Vansitar Argyle Diamond ET. Owner: D Crogan RUBIS: GSP. CH/CAN CH Legacky Par Avion To Kobisan (Imp Can). Owner: J Cattell BPIS: Dobermann. Vansitar South Pacific. Owner: V Brennan MPIS: SBT. Vanstaff Champahnes On Ice. Owner: A & R Fidler PIS: Whippet. Blankenburg Beautiful Dreamer. Owner: G Noonan JIS: ACD. Tagetarl Baby Got Blue Genes. Owner: J & C Beckett IIS: as per RUIS NTBIS: AST. CH Tagetarl Silky Travis Fimmel. Owner: J & C Beckett ABIS: ESS: Sup CH Sunspur Zuess CD ET. Owner: N & P Jones OIS: as per BIS ONIS: Golden Retriever. CH & Neut CH Montego Northern Willow. Owner. J Blight. BIG 1: AST. CH Tagetarl Silky Travis Fimmel. Owner: J & C Beckett RUBIG 1: Chinese Crested Dog. CH Mohawk Diabolical Folical. Owner. A & M Watt & S Irlam BIG 2: Skye Terrier. CH Salphara Cassanova Kid. Owner E & S Sanim RUBIG 2: JRT. Myjacks Princess Artista. Owner. D Anderson BIG 3: GSP. CH/CAN CH Legacky Par Avion To Kobisan (Imp Can). Owner: J Cattell RUBIG 3: ESS: Sup CH Sunspur Zuess CD ET. Owner: N & P Jones BIG 4: Dachshund (Min Smth Haired). Sup CH Leading Lady Of Markwell (Imp NZ). Owner: M Purich RUBIG 4: Whippet. Blankenburg Wind Chaser. Owner: G Noonan BIG 5: ACD. Sup CH Tagetarl Fire In The Sky. Owner: J & C Beckett RUBIG 5: Welsh Corgi (Penbroke). Pencassmic Dainty Moonbeams. Owner: M Broughton BIG 6: Dobermann. CH Vansitar Argyle Diamond ET. Owner: D Crogan RUBIG 6: Boxer. Valeska All Wrapped Up (Imp NZ). Owner: D Ball & L Harrison BIG 7: French Bulldog. Briallen Always Anime. Owner: Y. Van Der Horst RUBIG 7: British Bulldog. CH Kellanz Stitch In Time. Owner: J Capell Show 2. Judge: Mr Peter Martin (S) BIS: GSP. CH/CAN CH Legacky Par Avion To Kobisan (Imp Can). Owner: J Cattell RUBIS: Dobermann. CH Vansitar Argyle Diamond ET. Owner: D Crogan BPIS: Dachshund Min Wirehaired. Ohsolow Pablo Picasso. Owner: I & A Wade MPIS: GSD. Sannjesa Kiss N Tell. Owner. S & S Mase PIS: Whippet. Blankenburg Beautiful Dreamer. Owner: G Noonan JIS: French Bulldog. Briallen Always Anime. Owner: Y. Van Der Horst IIS: as per BIS NTBIS: AST. CH Tagetarl Silky Travis Fimmel. Owner: J & C Beckett ABIS: ESS: Sup CH Sunspur Zuess CD ET. Owner: N & P Jones OIS: as per RUIS ONIS: Keeshond.Sup CH Beauwood Oscar. Owner: L Carroll BIG 1: Pug. CH Sweetness Dudleys Magic. Owner: C Khoury RUBIG 1: AST. CH Tagetarl Silky Travis Fimmel. Owner: J & C Beckett BIG 2: SBT. CH Ravenswood U Cant Touch Tjis. Owner K Althoff RUBIG 2: Skye Terrier. CH Salphara Cassanova Kid. Owner E & S Sanim BIG 3: GSP. CH/CAN CH Legacky Par Avion To Kobisan (Imp Can). Owner: J Cattell RUBIG 3:Sup CH Riccichez Auryn Talyessin CCD. Owner: N & P Jones BIG 4: Dachshund (Min Smth Haired). Sup CH Leading Lady Of Markwell (Imp NZ). Owner: M Purich RUBIG 4: Whippet. Blankenburg Wind Chaser. Owner: G Noonan BIG 5: ACD. Sup CH Tagetarl Fire In The Sky. Owner: J & C Beckett RUBIG 5: Welsh Corgi (Penbroke). Pencassmic Sea Swift (Imp NZ). Owner: M Broughton BIG 6: Dobermann. CH Vansitar Argyle Diamond ET. Owner: D Crogan RUBIG 6: Rottweiler. Gelderland Kiss My Backside. Owner: G Holly BIG 7: French Bulldog. Briallen Always Anime. Owner: Y. Van Der Horst RUBIG 7: British Bulldog. CH Kellanz Stitch In Time. Owner: J Capell
The 6 shows held over the weekend were in Alice Springs. I am also hanging out for results. This weekend is Tennant Creek and then 3 weekends straight is Darwin.
So no one is coming then? LOL
Holy moly that's old lol
That'll be the baby Golden's first show too!
Bumping - entries close for the first lot of Shows in Alice Springs and for the Royal Darwin Show tomorrow!! Who's coming?
So when's he planning a visit to Darwin with Auntie Megz? :laugh:
Pics or it didn't happen :laugh: Congratulations to the Monkey and connections