My "bitza" dog - a very lovely labrador cross rottie has developed what we think may be an allergy. She has scratched her face so much that she now has two totally bald spots on her cheeks and, thanks to the use of an elizabethan collar for a very long time, what were bloody and cut cheeks, have now healed to very hard and scarred cheeks.
This is SO upsetting, and everything we have done so far has not worked. This has included 2 x allergy tests (negative!! apparently this dog is allergic to nothing!); topical applications - including tea tree; aloe vera; crtisone creams; moisturing & cooling creams; various strengths of antibiotics (initial relief then back to scratching); cortisone tablets (gave initial relief and then created other problems); some other tablets recommended by the vet that is really for humans and cost us $400+ per months - no result; natural therapies - homoepathic vet who recommended remedies (reduced the problem slightly, but we are back to full-on again); dog-whisperers; change of diet to all natural and veggies.
I just feel as though she is going to be condemned to a life of elizabethan collars to at least stop her face being raw all the time if we can't find out what the root of all this is.
Is there anybody out there who knows of similar problems with their canines and has had a successful conclusion? Any bright ideas ..... anyone?????????