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Everything posted by Tibbiemax71

  1. So glad that "Old Face" got to spend her remaining months in a loving home. RIP "Old Face" ;)
  2. I know I am going to be useless at it, my friend who is does very well at obedience, has beautiful working dogs, she had the first Obedience Champion under the new rules, she had a go at Rally and came last, what hope is there for me
  3. Thats great, are you going to have it at the Albury and Border Kennel Club?
  4. Only just saw this thread, if you come to Albury, I will be there with bells on
  5. No worries at all Trisven, she was a beautiful girl, thank you for letting her live her last of her time out with you.
  6. Oh I have leaking eyes Grandma you were a gorgeous old girl, it was an honour to know you.
  7. Congratulations What is it? Thankyou, its "XINLU" its Tibetan Oh and I got a 96% pass rate in the exam, which was ok I thought.
  8. They are great, I use them to block off "no go areas" for the Tibbies
  9. He was such a gorgeous old dude
  10. RIP Rhino, you were such a gorgeous old boy, was a pleasure meeting you
  11. Tardel - GSD's Also the prefix "Barrajy" for Tibetan Spaniels is down as Barrajay on your site
  12. The PPS I went to was run by nurses who have no idea about behaviours, they thought it was OK for a Boxer Puppy to be bouncing all over a Shih x Malt puppy, the little pup was frightened and so started using defensive behaviour to fend off the Boxer, snapping and screaming, the nurses where saying "that is good, he is putting the Boxer in his place" :p Also they have "free for alls". Needles to say my Tibbie baby spend most of the time on my lap as I wasn't putting her down to get rumbled with the rest of them, I stopped going after the first lesson.
  13. Like others have said, start off with small distances, then extend them as the dog is getting more confident, baby steps :rolleyes: I have seen dogs held with a lead around the chest occasionally, its only done though with dogs who know the exercise and have started braking later in training.
  14. So sorry for your loss
  15. I think Pantene has silicone in it and Animal House products don't, but not sure about the spray in, leave in type products, if you ring AH they should be able to tell you where your nearest supplier is
  16. thanks Shepmax - so do you buy it online? Do you consider it good value? Ive read the testimonials but you never know if theyre fair dinkum Its quite strong, I was told to put some in a tomato sauce bottle and add water so you can make it go further, so yes I would say its good value as it goes quite far, I haven't been using it for long, have bathed the Tibbies in it probably 4 times. I have "Pure Alternative Shampoo" "Purely Silk conditioner" and "antistatic Coat Polish spray" I bought it from our local Grooming Parlor in Albury, I haven't actually read the testimonials, will go and find them now.
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