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Everything posted by Tibbiemax71
RIP Dianne. You will be sadly missed by so many
Rip Tonka - Always My Favourite Greyhound Baby
Tibbiemax71 replied to Trisven13's topic in Rainbow Bridge
Oh no!!! Not Tonka :D I am sitting here crying He was only a baby!! For some strange reason I was thinking of him today to. So sorry Trish, I know he was your fav little Grey Baby ;) RIP beautiful boy -
My vet said that it would cost more to do the Titre test that is would the vacc, she didn't say how much though, she also said the same as your vet about the annual checks, I thought the exactly the same, if people are not wanting to over vaccinate their dogs then I am sure they will take them for annual check ups.
Your vet is incorrect on ALL counts :rolleyes: After she said that, I told her Elka was due for her vacc last September and she said if the dog is getting to the middle of its life, "they" say you can leave it longer before giving the next Vacc, so I could leave Elka a bit longer if I wanted She would know then that the Vacc's last longer but is saying that they dont then?? Is there such a thing as a longer lasting 3 year Vacc from the US, or did she make this up? How dissapoining if she did. I don't know if she's lying or just doesn't know I could be wrong but I think the only 'different' vaccinations are those like Nobivac, who claim to work on *puppies* at 10 weeks, even if the puppies have maternal antibodies present. The puppy shots were traditionally given at 6, 12, 16 weeks because there is no way to tell when the immunity they received from their mum fades enough to let the vaccination 'take' and that if their maternal antibodies are still present, it will interfere with the virus. So the puppy shot protocol was based on the fact that in most pups, 16 weeks was "probably" old enough. Nobivac and the others ARE available here, however vets have to buy them in a 10 pack, so if you are the only person requesting them, and they are not telling any other clients to use them, they probably won't order them in as it's too expensive. But when it comes to adults, they are all the same. They ALL last longer than three years. Whether you believe they last a lifetime isn't that black and white, some seem to believe it, some don't. Either way, it's a lot *safer* for the dog to assume it does, and titer test yearly so that you can have a print out of the result for any obedience clubs etc you need to prove immunity/vaccinations to. I guess it was a legal issue about not suddenly coming out and saying "oh wait, these vaccinations have always lasted more than a year" so they came out as different brands If I were you, I would ring her back up and ask her about Nobivac - which is one of the so called "three year" vaccines here in Australia, used by people on this forum, in Australia :rolleyes: If she still doesn't believe you, I can happily give her the numbers of a few vets who can tell her it is! There is no such thing, as far as I know, about an "official" "longer than 3 years" vacc in the states. They are the same ones as we have here, who only state 3 years. Tess32, thanks for your reply I hope my vet is ignorant and just donsnt know yet, I will ask her about the Nobivac and see what she says, that is probably the one she was referring to as being expensive then.
Your vet is incorrect on ALL counts After she said that, I told her Elka was due for her vacc last September and she said if the dog is getting to the middle of its life, "they" say you can leave it longer before giving the next Vacc, so I could leave Elka a bit longer if I wanted :rolleyes: She would know then that the Vacc's last longer but is saying that they dont then?? Is there such a thing as a longer lasting 3 year Vacc from the US, or did she make this up? How dissapoining if she did.
I asked my vet about Titer testing yesterday, she said the the Vaccinations that they have in the US are designed to last 3 years while ours in Australia are only meant to last 12 months, she said the 3 years one was much more expensive and we don't have it in Australia yet. I thought the one we use now can last 3 years or life time anyway
New Puppy Owner: Show Off You New Bubba ^_^ V
Tibbiemax71 replied to Tiger_bluez's topic in Puppy Chat
Call Name: Nima Age: 3 months Born 27th November Breed: Tibetan Spaniel Colour: Gold Loves: Food A pic taken at show training -
aww hun hope we all havent got you working too hard... i dont mind waiting too if it makes things easier? Grumpette i heard that PE5 is great for beginners too.. wish i had that one i have PS 7 and ...um... er..... yeah lol Yes Freckles, I dont mind waiting there is no rush. I have PS to but have absolutely no idea how to use it, I tried the tutorials and couldn't even work them out, so I give up
Here is "Nima" if you could photoshop the grass out of her mouth that would be great Here is "Tashi" Here is "Elka"
Thankyou, thankyou, there is no rush, I will post the photos now
Anyone, pretty, pretty, pretty please
I wonder if someone could pretty please make me a new signature :rolleyes: Tashi has grown now, Zana is no longer with us and I have a new little girl to add EFS
Yes I love watching Cesar to, I didn't realise there was one on the Geo channel as well, I will have to check it out.
Sorry to here about Rambo, he looked like a beautiful fella, some people just make you sick
Please Tell Me This Is Just A Passing Phase !
Tibbiemax71 replied to Riley'n'Mia's topic in Puppy Chat
I'd love to see that pic I will have to try and find it, its either in one of my photo albums or my mums, it was taken 19 years ago -
Please Tell Me This Is Just A Passing Phase !
Tibbiemax71 replied to Riley'n'Mia's topic in Puppy Chat
Tashi might be naughty sometimes but boy is he cute Maybe I should send Riley to you to learn horse manners :D all the horses at my work are too valuable to risk practicing with and my horse is more possessive than a GSD of me and would trample Riley if he went near me in the presence of my horse :p wish I'd spent as much time teaching my horse manners as I do trying to teach Riley. Yes he is cute all right :D My horse was practically born with dogs around him, I have a pic of him as a few hours old sniffing noses with my first GSD, when I broke him in my Shepherd used to come with me on his first rides, he was always happier if my dog was there, I used to take the dogs with me years ago when I went riding in the bush and they would run behind playing and slam into his back legs, even that didn't worry him, I think sometimes my horse thinks he is a dog :p -
Please Tell Me This Is Just A Passing Phase !
Tibbiemax71 replied to Riley'n'Mia's topic in Puppy Chat
I had Elka and Zana desexed at 6 months and had no growth problems, I am no expert though, just going by what I have experienced with my own dogs. Our little Tibbie, Tashi is a bit of a humper at times, he was quite enjoying the company of a foster dog we had here for a few weeks (she left yesterday) if she was laying down he would mount her and start humping, I just yelled "AH" at him and clapped my hands and after a while I just had to yell the "AH" and he moved away from her quick smart, Tashi is all ready desexed, he was done at 9 weeks!! With the barking at nothing, Tashi (he is a naughty little boy sometimes ) went through this stage a bit to, I was told a technique by another person on DOL who owns Tibbies which has worked well for Tashi so you could try it with Riley to, when he is outside barking, Get a couple of pans that make a hell of a noise when banged together. Watch from inside the house (where the dog can't see you), as soon as there's a bark, give one hell of a bang with the pans. Only one. Silence, no bang. As soon as a bark starts again, another hell of a bang. Do this consistently for a while. The trick is to get the dog to associate the noise of its barking with setting off a scarey loud nasty noise. So it's less inclined to bark. With the horse chasing, I had a Male Shepherd who I got when he was 9 months old, he used to like chasing the cows where he lived before I got him, I took him to see my horse and of course he wanted to chase. First I established a good recall at home, in the park, wherever, I took him again to see the horse on a lung rein with a check chain, if he tried to chase the horse I checked him and called him back, praised when he came back, I then started to let him off lead and if he tried to chase I threw a check chain near him and yelled "AH" my horse is not worried about dogs at all though and isn't at all worried about dogs running into his back legs or chasing him, so wouldn't suggest doing this with a horse that is easily startled! ETA - I typed this up this morning, then my visitors came for my sons birthday party, I just posted it now, so if I have repeated anything someone else suggested, Sorry! -
So sorry for your loss :rolleyes: What an awful thing bloat is
So sorry for your loss, he was a beautiful looking boy :D
So sorry for your loss RIP Rex
Elka was due for her vacc booster in October, she turned 3 years old in October and has had the C5 up on time each year, so she would be OK to not have her booster until another 3 years then??
I would assume that the Proheart tablets are OK, as the dose is small, designed to last one month, while the proheart injection is a huge dose that lasts 12 months.
I got this info out of my "Give Your Dog A Bone - Ian Billinghurst" book I doesn't say though what size a kelp tablet is, also keep in mind this is for dogs fed BARF. My dogs are fed BARF, I give them kelp a couple of times a week, they get kelp powder.
I recently fostered a Greyhound puppy that was an awful screamer like your staffy, he was in a crate at the far end of the house and we could still hear him, he was used to sleeping in a crate but with other puppy's, the next night I put him in the laundry with Elka my Shepherd and they were fine together and he was quiet thank goodness. I feel for you, they can make one hell of an awful noise cant they!!!
This has made for very interesting reading, my Shepherd Elka was due for her Vacc in October and I haven't had it done yet, she was 3 years old in September and had all her puppy vaccs and her booster at 2 years of age, so does that mean I should get her booster done in another 2 years time then? My vet wanted to give my Tibbie pup his C5 vacc, Proheart vacc and microchip all in the one day, I decided to not get the Proheart done as I couldn't afford it at the time so the vet gave me some monthly heartworm to tide him over until he was 6 months old and said get the Proheart done then, I am glad now that I didn't get it done, he is 7 months now and I have bought him the monthly chewables and will stick with those. Also with his C5 vacc, the breeder said to give him the C3 and not to use a certain brand of Vacc, my vet only stocked this brand and rang the company who said it had only had a reaction with Pugs and she assured me that it was safe to use and she said she would keep Tashi in for the day after giving him the Vacc and gave him a Antihistamine first as a precaution, Tashi was fine and had no reaction. My vet does the C3 by it self and the "intranasal" Kennel cough, is this safer than the all in one Vacc? Or maybe is it better to just do the C3 and only have the Intranasal if they have to go into a kennels? Another interesting thing is that a Corgi breeder that I know was saying that there was a lot of Kennel Cough around just recently and that her vet (different one to who I use) was seeing a hell of a lot of cases, I asked my vet if she had seen any (she is in the same town as the other vet) and she hadn't seen any, she said she believes the "intranasal" works better than the all in once C5.